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The next morning Sophia and Faith were sitting in the kitchen talking. "I can understand why you want to go, but are you going to tell anyone else, or are you just going to leave?" Sophia asked her. "I'm going to tell my father and brothers later today. Noah said he would be there with me when I tell them" Faith replied. "Where are you going to go? Are you ever going to come back?" Sophia asked. "As far away from here as possible. We want our baby to have a safe and happy life. I'm sure we might visit if it's ever safe" Faith replied. Before Sophia could say anything else Max came rushing into the house. "Where have you been all night?" the girls asked. "Never mind that, Where is Jackson?" he asked. "If he isn't upstairs, then I don't know. Maybe he's at Brooke's" Sophia said. Max went upstairs to check and see if his brother was in his room. He came back downstairs when he didn't see any sign of him. "He didn't come home. His bed is still made" Max said with a worried expression. "Calm down Max, What is going on?" Faith asked him. "I got multiple calls from him last night. I was with Harper last night so I didn't answer the phone. I tried to call him back, but he didn't answer. It went to voicemail, so I tried again. I've been trying all morning. That's not like him. He always answers my call or calls me until I answer" Max said.

"Let me check my phone" Faith said. "Me too" Sophia replied. The girls went to get their phones and while they were gone Danny, Shelby, and Noah came into the house as well as Drew from the guest house. "Anyone else get a couple calls from Jackson?" Drew asked. "I did" they replied in unison. "I answered, but no one was on the other end. I just heard breathing. I thought it was a joke" Noah said. "Well it wasn't. My brother is missing" Max snapped. "We'll find him. I'm sure everything is fine" Faith said hopefully. "It better be" Max said before leaving  the house to go and talk to his father at the club. Sophia followed Drew back to the guest house so he could change and meet the rest of the guys at the club to find out what they would do next. "I want to help" Sophia told him. "You can help by staying safe" Drew replied before kissing her good bye. "I love you" he said before leaving. "I love you too" she replied. 

Sophia however, had no intention of just sitting back and doing nothing. Once she knew all the guys were gone she went back into the house. They locked everything so that no one could get into the house. Noah was there with them just in case anything were to happen. Sophia and Shelby sat with Faith. "He has to be safe. Nothing can happen to him. They have to find him" Faith cried. "They will, and we are going to help" Sophia said. "I know you can't help us, but I'm not just going to sit around and wait. I'm going to need your help though" Sophia said looking over at Shelby. Shelby nodded in reply. "So what's the plan?" Shelby asked. "Well, I think Brooke has something to do with this" Sophia said. "Why would Brooke have anything to do with this?" Faith asked. "She is the only one who didn't show up this morning asking about him, which means he didn't call her, nor did she seem worried about him" Sophia replied. "Maybe they went somewhere together" Shelby said. "My brother would never leave without telling us. Maybe not my father, but he definitely would have told me and Max" Faith said. "So, I say we find the bitch and get some answers" Sophia said. "I'll take care of Noah" Faith said.

Dennis sat in his office talking to Sam, when Max burst through the door with the rest of the guys behind him. "Dad, Jackson is missing!" he exclaimed. "What? How do you know?" Dennis asked. "He didn't come home last night. He's called all of us but when we tried to call him back he wouldn't answer any of the calls. Noah answered when he called but he said all he heard on the other end was someone breathing" Max said. "Okay, I want all of you out on the streets looking for him. He could be out there somewhere. I'll be doing the same. We have to find him" Dennis said getting up from his desk. "Why won't you let me handle this?" Sam asked him. "This is my problem. He has taken more than enough from me and I will end this war" Dennis said before leaving. Everyone was out looking for Jackson, including Sophia and Shelby. Danny and Drew kept texting the girls so they played it off as if they were home with Faith and Noah. Meanwhile, Faith had convinced Noah to go along with the plan and not to tell on the girls. 

Sophia pulled up at the club, hoping her grandfather was already gone. Her and Shelby went inside and walked up to the bar. "Is my grandpa here?" Sophia asked. "No, he's out looking for Jackson with the rest of them" Ted, the usual bartender, replied. "That's also why we are here. Did you see Jackson and Brooke in here last night?" Shelby asked. "Yes actually, they sat over at a booth in the back. They left around 1 a.m. He was so wasted that she had to help him out of here. She must have been in a hurry because she left her purse" Ted said. "Do you still have it?" Sophia asked. Ted reached under the counter and pulled out a red glitter covered purse. Sophia and Shelby took the purse and began to go through it. They took her wallet and opened it. The first thing they found was her ID, which said Emily Davis on it. That is when the girls knew for sure that she had something to do with this. 

Jackson slowly regained consciousness to find himself tied to a chair in some kind of basement. He had absolutely no idea where he was but he knew that he was badly injured. He could feel the pain from the bruises that covered his body and he could barely open his left eye. His head hurt the most. He felt as if he had been bashed over the head with something repeatedly. He was surprised that he had made it through whatever had happened to him, because he could not remember. He heard a door above him open and two people came walking down the stairs. One was Mickey and the other was the woman he thought he loved. "W-Why?" Jackson whimpered. "Why did I pretend to love you just to get you here?" Emily asked for him, and he nodded in reply. "Because, my father needed my help. I never actually loved you, you idiot" she laughed. Just then Jackson's phone began to ring. "Oh look pops is calling" Mickey said as he answered the phone. "Jackson?" Dennis asked. "He's a bit busy at the moment" Mickey laughed. 

"Where do you have my son you piece of shit?" Dennis questioned him. "Somewhere you'll never go. You'll never find him and when I'm done you won't even know it's him" Mickey laughed before hanging up. 

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