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It was finally the night of the Halloween party. Everyone was arriving at Euphoria in their creative or store bought costumes. Security was hired to work the door, and Noah volunteered to work the bar for extra money. In the back of the club at a table sat Danny, Jackson, Max and Drew. "What's wrong?" Danny asked Drew as they ordered another round of shots. "Nothing" Drew replied. "I sense trouble in paradise" Max said. Drew didn't say anything he just drank his shot. "Yeah, that's it. Look whatever it is I'm sure it will pass. Ya'll will get over it" Jackson said. "Oh yeah, you have it all figured out" Drew said sarcastically. "Actually, my love life is going great. Brooke is amazing. She's the best woman I've ever met. I'm in love with her, and maybe that was quick, but I am" he said with a grin.Just then Faith, Sophia, Shelby, Brooke, and Harper walked in in their costumes. As they approached the table Brooke's phone began to ring so she excused herself. Everyone else except for Drew and Sophia went to dance. Sophia sat down across from Drew. "Soph, I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to hurt you. You mean everything to me" he said. "Let's just have fun tonight" Sophia grabbed his hand and the two of them headed towards the dance floor. Everyone was dancing around and having a good time.

Brooke stood outside on the phone. "I understand, we will meet you tonight" she said before ending the call and going inside. She found Jackson inside on the dance floor. They danced for awhile, before going to sit down. "Brooke, I just want you to know that I have really enjoyed being with you. I care about you so much, and I'm not just saying this because I'm drunk" he laughed. "I love you" he added in a more serious tone. "I love you too" she replied with a smile. "I'm going to get us some drinks" she added. She got up and walked over to the bar. Noah had already left with Faith earlier that night. So, the new bartender poured the drinks she asked for and Brooke carried them back to the table.

Sophia and Drew also decided to leave early from the party. They sat in the guest house in Drew's bed cuddled up together. When Drew decided to turn the television off. "Hey, I was watching that" she said. "I love you too Sophia" he said. She looked at him with wide eyes. "What?" she asked. "I didn't say before because I was scared. I've never been scared of anything like I am with you. I'm scared to love you because I've never been in love before. I've never opened my heart to anyone the way I did with you, but I'm even more scared to lose you, so I'm telling you that I love you, because I do. More than I could ever express in words, and I'm sorry that I made you question that" Drew told her. "I know, you show me all the time. I just wanted to hear you say it" she replied. Sophia leaned in and kissed him and immediately he kissed her back. Sophia leaned up to take her shirt off, before helping him out of his. He kissed down her body until he reached her pants and this time she did not stop him from taking them off. She laid there naked in front of him as he looked at her for a moment. "Are you sure?" he asked her. "I'm sure, this is right" she replied. He removed the rest of his clothing and positioned himself between her legs. "I've never done this, so be gentle" she said. "I will" he replied.

Faith and Noah sat in the living room talking and going through their daughter's stuff to get her bag ready for the hospital. "So, are we ever going to tell them our plans after the baby is born?" Noah asked her. "At some point we will. Leaving is a big thing and I know my father is going to worry" she replied. "Not if you have me. Faith I won't let anything happen to you or the baby" Noah said. "And, when he asks why we are going to be living together if we aren't a couple? I told him all we were is best friends" Faith said. "Well, things change. We are having a baby together. He should have known we would end up together at some point, but we are going. I will do whatever it takes to keep my family safe" Noah said. "I'll talk to him" Faith replied.

Meanwhile at the club Jackson and Brooke sat laughing and drinking. Jackson was so drunk he could barely see straight. He had noticed that Brooke had stopped drinking and was sobering up. "You stopped?" he asked. "Well one of us has to drive" she replied. "Your right" he laughed throwing back the rest of the shots on the table. He continued to drink until he could barely function as Brooke encouraged him. Finally when everything was spinning and he could hardly walk, he decided to stop. "Ready to go now?" Brooke asked him. He nodded and she helped him out of his seat and out of the bar. "I guess he drank a little too much" she said as she laughed when passing security. "Oh, but it was so fun" Jackson laughed. They reached the car and Brooke helped him into the passenger seat. He looked at her with a grin. "I have so much fun with you babe. I can't wait for all the years to come. I love you darling" he said before pulling her into a kiss. After a moment she pulled away and walked to the other side of the car. Her phone began to ring as she got into the driver's seat. "Where are you?" the person on the other end asked. "I'm on my way now" she replied before hanging up the phone.

Jackson was so intoxicated he did not seem to notice that she drove right past his street. She drove until they came to a dark road in the middle of nowhere. A place surrounded by miles of trees and fields. She stopped when she seen another car stopped in the middle of the road. She parked the car on the side of the road and helped Jackson out. "Hey baby, where are we?" he asked very confused. She pushed him and he fell to his knees. Out of the other car came Mickey and Zeke. "Thank you Emily" Mickey said. "Your welcome Dad" she replied. "Emily? Who's Emily? What is going on?" Jackson asked.

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