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Danny walked into Euphoria in a hurry. People greeted him, and multiple people tried to stop him but he made his way around them. He finally made his way down the stairs to the basement. He walked into Dennis's office where he sat talking with Drew. "I know who attacked my mother" he said. "Who?" Dennis asked. "Paul Davis" Danny replied. "I've been reviewing my mom's cameras. He must not have seen it. He looked right into it before going into the house" he added. "What a dumb ass" Drew said. "Find him and when you do the two of you will send them a message as well. We don't back down. Don't kill him, just teach him a lesson" Dennis said. With that said Danny and Drew went back to work. 

A few days later Danny, Drew, and Sophia went to lunch at the bistro. "I have to find him" Danny said as they sat down. "We will find him. We just have to keep asking around" Sophia said. "Dennis wants you to stay out of this. You and Faith need to stay safe" Drew said. "Fine" Sophia replied, rolling her eyes. "Hello, my name is Shelby and I will be your waitress today" said the woman that had approached their table. "Oh hey Shelby" Sophia said. "Oh, hey Soph" she said. Danny however, could not keep his eyes off of the beautiful brown eyed brunette in front of him. That was until they all noticed and Sophia cleared her throat. "Excuse me, I'm sorry" he said. "That's alright" she smiled, before getting his order and walking away.

They ate their food and left the bistro. On their way out Shelby stopped Danny and Sophia and Drew continued. Once they were outside silence fell between the two of them as they got into Drew's car. "So, are we going to talk about what happened the other night?" Sophia asked. "What's there to talk about?" Drew asked. "Are you kidding me" she said in a disappointed tone. Before the conversation could continue Danny came back to the car.  "We'll talk later" Drew said before driving off. 

Danny spent the next few weeks trying to find Paul when finally he got a call from a friend who had spotted Paul in Gravelton at a hotel. He immediatly let Drew know where he was found and the two were set to leave that night. Drew went upstairs to shower and get dressed. When he got out of the shower Sophia was standing in his room. He cleared his throat, "Can I help you? Like what you see?" Drew said with a smirk. "That's what I don't understand. You are such a jerk to everyone else, but not with me. I've seen the real you. The side you must not show many people" Sophia said. "I don't know what your talking about. The me I show everyone is me" Drew replied. "Not true, I don't think anyone has seen the version of you that I've seen. If that was the case I wouldn't hear all these rumors about this rude, brutal, player that everyone says you are" Sophia said. "You've asked around about me?" Drew asked.

"I was curious" She replied. "Are we ever gonna talk about what happened between us, or are you going to keep avoiding it?" Sophia asked. "There's not really anything to talk about" Drew replied. "Yes there is, but go ahead and keep acting like a jerk" she said before she left the room. He knew why she was upset, but he didn't want to talk about it, because he knew how he felt about it and that was something he wasn't ready to talk about. "Fuck!" Drew said to himself and carried on with what he was doing.

Drew and Danny finally reached the Gravelton Inn where Pual had been spotted hiding out. They got his room number with no problem and headed to his room. They pounded on the door with their fists and when no one answered they busted the door down. Paul lay on the bed sleeping, so they dumped cold water on him with an empty ice bucket. Paul jumped up out of his sleep and immediatly the two began to hit him. They beat him until he was nearly unconscious. Drew hit him over and over again until he was barely recognizable. Danny beat and kicked him until he was sure he had internal injuries. Once the two were sure he was barely hanging onto life they stopped. Paul had barely fought back, but against those two he barely stood a chance. Drew and Danny were known for their ability to fight. That was the main reason Dennis had hired them to work for him other than the fact that he had known Danny his whole life.

They drove back, and went to the club where Dennis was and let him know the job was done. "I see Mickey has his kids working for him now too. Let's see what happens when he finds this out. Whatever is headed our way we will not back down" Dennis said. Drew went back upstairs but Danny stayed to talk to Dennis. "You know I'm still angry at you and my mother. I don't care if you explained yourself or not. I will never understand, but that's still my mother, but you. You know when I started working for you I told myself some day I would have everything you do. I looked up to you, but now that's gone. Father or not I no longer have respect for you. I just wanted you to know that before you went thinking everything was fine and back to normal. All I do is work for you, I'm not your son just because I have your DNA. Maybe i'll forgive my mom some day, but I'll never forgive you. You lied and you had a choice, but you chose to stay away. Your a coward and a liar" Danny said before leaving his office and leaving the club. 

Drew went home to find Sophia sitting by the pool. "What are you doing?" Drew asked her, sitting down beside her. "Thinking" she replied. "About what?" he asked. "See, I don't understand you. One minute your avoiding conversations and being a jerk and the next you care about me" she said. "Soph, It was just a" "Just a kiss?" she questioned cutting him off. "Yes" he responded. "Well it was more than just a kiss to me, and I think it was more to you too, but you just can't admit it" she said before walking away. 

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