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"Mom!" Sophia called for what felt like the millionth time, as she walked up the stairs. Sophia knew her mother was probably drunk again. She spent a lot of time that way since Sophia's older sister Sara had been killed the year before. It wasn't until she opened her mother's bedroom door that she realized something was wrong. "Mom" Sophia said as she shook her. That is when she noticed the two empty pill bottles on the floor next to the empty bottle of tequila. Sophia's heart dropped into her stomach and she began to shake. She felt as though she could faint in that moment. "No,no,no, mom please get up" she cried. She frantically grabbed her cellphone from her back pocket and called 911. They came, but there was nothing they could do. She was already gone. "No mama, please don't go" Sophia sobbed.

Sophia sat up in her bed. Tears ran from her emerald green eyes and sweat soaked her long strawberry blonde hair. She sat there quietly sobbing to herself. All of the feelings she felt that day came back to her once again. Feelings of guilt for the way she had treated her mother over her drinking problem, anger because she had left her, and loneliness now that both her mother and sister were not with her anymore. She got up and went into her bathroom. She wet a washcloth and ran the cool rag across her sun-kissed skin. she tied her hair back and went out to her balcony to get some fresh air. She thought about the dream, more like flashback, that she had just had. Her heart ached when she thought about her mother and sister.

She hadn't chose to grieve the way her mother did when Sara was killed. Sophia grieved in private. She knew her mother was hurting and she didn't want her to hurt more seeing Sophia's pain on top of feeling her own grief. She felt disgust in herself for the way she treated her mother shortly before she took her own life. They had a fight and Sophia told her that all she was is a drunk and that wasn't going to bring Sara back and it certainly wasn't helping their relationship either. She also told her mother that she hated who she had become, and she felt so guilty that she couldn't take it back. She felt as though she would give anything to bring her mother back to tell her how sorry she truly is. After a few moments Sophia calmed herself and wiped her tears.

She was sitting in silence when she noticed Drew letting yet another young woman out of the guest house. She rolled her eyes as she watched the woman get in her car and drive away. He had practically all of the young women in Willowbrook in and out of the guest house in the couple weeks that Sophia had lived there, or so it seemed like it. A few moments later there was a knock at her bedroom door. She went to the door and opened it, finding Drew on the other side. "Can I help you?" she asked him. "I was letting a friend out when I saw you on the balcony crying" he said. "Oh, you mean your tail for the evening" Sophia snapped. "Excuse me" Drew replied. Sophia shook her head. "I'm sorry, I'm a little on edge. I had another bad dream" she said. Drew walked into her room and closed the door behind him. "About your mom?" he asked as he sat next to her on her bed. "Yeah, it was like a flashback, again. It's always the same dream" she said.

Drew and Sophia had become friends over the last couple of weeks that she had been there. They had nothing but time to talk since they had spent so much time together. Dennis had been going out of town and spending a lot of hours at his businesses in the last two weeks so when Drew wasn't doing business or working at the club he was at home making sure that Sophia and Faith were safe. Faith spent a lot of time in her room, so that left Drew and Sophia with nothing to do but get to know each other. Although Drew did not open up the way Sophia had. She only knew what he had told her which wasn't much at all. Sophia on the other hand had opened up a little more to him. Drew made her feel as though it was safe to talk to him and show her emotions. "I'm still a little surprised that you care" she said.

"We're friends" Drew responded. "Yeah" she replied with a smile. She was thankful that she was friends with him. She felt comfortable confiding in him. She had never had a friend like him before. She had heard so many stories about Drew from Faith and others, but something told her he wasn't as tough and cold-hearted as they said. "We can talk about it, your nightmare I mean" Drew said. "What is there to say that I haven't told you before. It hurts and I'm so angry about it. I feel so alone without them" Sophia began to cry. Drew wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer as she sobbed. "Your not alone" he said. He sat with her and let her talk until she fell back to sleep.

The next morning Sophia went down to the kitchen to find Faith sitting at the table with a cup of orange juice in front of her. "Well, look who has come out of her room" Sophia said pouring herself a cup of coffee. "I've been messed up lately. I have a lot on my mind. I just see no reason to get out of bed. I'm surprised your talking to me. We haven't done a lot of that lately" Faith said. "I understand, I've been pretty messed up myself. Also, I'm not ignoring you or anything. I just think that I might know something I'm not supposed to" Sophia said as she sat down at the table. "I overheard you talking to Noah the night I moved in, by accident of course. I was walking to my room and your door was open slightly" She added. "You know about that" Faith gasped. "Look, you can't tell anyone" Faith said. "I won't, but you should soon. It may not go as bad as you think" Sophia said. "I know, I just need a little more time" Faith responded. "Okay" Sophia replied as she got up from the table. She rinsed her cup out before putting it into the dishwasher. "I'm going to tell my father soon" Faith added before the two of them left the kitchen. "How about some shopping to take your mind off things" Sophia said with a smile. "Okay, but there is no one here. The guys are at the club with my dad, all except Max who as you can see is passed out on the couch" Faith replied. "Oh, I'm sure we will be okay. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being in the house. We will be back before them. Just an hour or two I promise" Sophia told her. "Fine" Faith agreed with a smile.

The two of them were having fun going around to different stores in the Willowbrook mall. They stopped at the food court for lunch. They ate and talked when out of the corner of her eye Sophia noticed a man two tables away was watching them intently.

The Wild OnesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora