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"Can you reach it?"

Milo stretched harder and his eyes squeezed shut from the strain.

Metal clanged against metal and I stared at the necklace around his neck as he reached further into the gutter.

I wanted one of them. Everyone got one, but because me and Tyler were too young, we were the only ones without them.

It wasn't fair. Weren't we apart of the family too? Why did all of our brothers get family necklaces and me and Tyler didn't?

Milo and Mavok had gotten theirs a few days before I threw a tantrum and almost cost Mavok his necklace.

I was red with jealously. The necklaces were gold and looked just like ones someone in a war wore to identify themselves. It had our names and date of birth.

I took Mavoks when he wasn't looking and ran away with it. He was beyond mad when I accidentally dropped it down a gutter.

I was ten. I was plenty old enough to know what I did was wrong. But I was stubborn, too.

Milo's fingers caught the necklace and he pulled it up and out of the gutter. Mavok immediately took it and glared daggers at me.

I just huffed and crossed my arms.

"Tessa," Milo sighed, hands on hips, "don't you think you owe Mavok an apology?"

I groaned and looked down at the ground. "Sorry."

"What was that?" Mavok hissed. He didn't need to be so mean. But, then again, he'd only had the necklace for three days and already almost lost it because of me.

"I said sorry!" I ran off to my room and didn't leave it until dinner.

Mavok obviously forgave me and we hugged it out.

Two years later, I got my own necklace. It was well worth the wait. I loved finally having a piece of my family with me at all times.

And it's been the only piece I've had for the last four years.

The only thing reminding me of my real family. The one that loves and cherishes me.

Four years. For four years I've been fed lies and abuse and hate.

But not anymore. I won't wait for someone to come save me anymore. I'm already sixteen. Sleeping in the cold and going days without food isn't new to me.

Even if I have to be homeless and alone, so be it.

"Train three will be departing in five minutes. Please board train three."

I don't waste a second hesitating before hopping on the train and finding a seat.

I place my bag on the seat next to me so no-one will bother me and sigh.

It hasn't even been two hours since I managed to find my way outta the hell I've called home for the last four years, but I know Viper is already looking for me.

I wouldn't be surprised if he came onto this train, grabbed me and took me right back to where I ran away from. He's not an idiot. He's surprisingly quick witted and has the memory of a genius.

It's how he's kept me hidden all these years. I mean, my family's butt deep in money and as smart as they come for goodness sake, and even they couldn't find me.

I'm prepared, though. We're in public. If I scream and fight hard enough, hopefully someone will realize something's up and help out.

Thankfully, the doors to the train shut before someone like Viper can get on, and I relax a little.

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