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Art class is way harder than I remember.

We're supposed to draw and paint our favourite fruits today, and add in one of the medians we know about.

I thought I was super smart from the last four years of torturous learning forced on me, but Viper never made me do art.

So, and what a shocker it is, I'm absolutely terrible at art.

Tyler's a freaking artistic genius, though. It's been forty minutes and somehow he's already created a masterpiece that'd sell for thousands.

At least Killian is in the same boat as me. He might be even worse than me, actually.

He groans for the thousandth time and throws his pencil on the ground. He hasn't even gotten to the painting part yet. I, at least, started painting about fifteen minutes ago.

Tyler didn't even need to draw at all. The bloody genius just whipped out a bunch of paints and started smearing colours on his canvas. He's some kind of artistic super human.

"Miss, I can't do this! I give up!" Killian shouts, grabbing Miss Lily's attention.

She walks over with her hands on her hips, ready to scold Killian.

She's really nice. As nice as you'd expect an art teacher to be. And she didn't make me introduce myself or anything like that, so she's got my approval.

"You're not allowed to give up. Just draw your goddamn apple, Killian," she says, grabbing his pencil. "And don't throw pencils on the ground! You'll break their led."

She's gives me a wink before walking off and I smile. She's also really cool, too. I think she'll be a favourite of mine.

Killian mumbles stubbornly and walks up to the paints station. I guess he gave up on drawing.

I glance at Tyler's painting and click my tongue, annoyed. "How do you do that? It's not fair."

I angrily swipe my paintbrush over my canvas. I shouldn't have chosen to do grapes. Of all the fruit, I chose damn grapes.

And, of course, Tyler chose a goddamn pineapple. Unless his tastes have changed over the last four years, I'm pretty sure he's never liked pineapple.

He just chose the hardest fruit to show off. And it looks like a damn photo, too.

"I've practiced a lot, you know. You're the one who didn't want anything to do with art back when we were kids. I've been drawing since I was, like, three. But you know that," he laughs, before leaning ever-so closely to his painting and carefully painting in the smaller details.

I smile. It's a little annoying that he's so much better at something than me, but I'm way more than happy seeing him enjoy something so much.

Like he said, arts just not my thing. But it's seriously about time I figure out what my thing is.

I should know by now, but I haven't really had the opportunity to figure out what I like over the last four years.

I mean, I know I like eating actual food and in normal sized portions, too. And I like being able to shower whenever I want. And I like not being abused and sexually harassed all the time. And I definitely like sleeping in a big, comfy bed. And, most of all, I love my family so much it almost hurts.

But those aren't really things I can turn into a career, right? They're not hobbies.

I need to find something I really enjoy doing in my free time. But I have absolutely no idea what that could be and no clue where to start looking.

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