Chapter 18.4: Goodbye Blue Sky

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The time had turned to night and the village went into lockdown.

All the fighters stayed with their platoons, guarding each cardinal direction and taking turns going on watch. The non-fighters huddled inside the common lodge—a handful of farmers guarding them.

Because of the exchange that transpired between the bandits, Roxanne made Ilias activate My Way, his ability-stealing ability. In her eyes, if she was going to die, she'd want a friend to have her Re-Flex.

Ilias was reluctant but activated My Way out of respect. Since she was the one who pushed for it, Roxanne agreed to the contract first. Tony's philosophy matched Roxanne's and he accepted the contract as well. Out of obligation, Roxy agreed to it as well.

The only ones who didn't were Askeladd and Mondatta.

Mondatta wasn't sure about the ability because her death was its catalyst. But just in case she changed her mind, she kept a paper copy of the contract. If at any time she wanted to agree to My Way, all she had to do was sign her name.

Askeladd didn't have an alchemy ability so agreeing to Ilias' contract was redundant. He patted the pommel of his blade instead. "If something happens to me, the sword is Jaime's."

Ilias, Tony, and the twins were on patrol.

Askeladd, Mondatta, and I made conversation to keep ourselves from succumbing to the type of sleep a heavy dinner brought.

Mondatta propped her feet against the fire, warming them up. "Jaime, if you had the chance to marry anyone, alive or dead, who are you picking?"

"Huh? What kind of question is this?"

"Have you never asked these types of questions before? What do you do if you have sleepovers with other girls?"

"I never had any. Ilias is my only friend."

"Oh, okay... Well, at night, questions like the one I just asked come up. It's nothing serious."

"You go first then."

Mondatta smiled. "I'd easily pick Ottawan the dragon rider. I saw a painting of him and, even though he's been for three hundred years, my stomach tingles every time I imagine his face."

"What about you, Askeladd?"

He giggled. "Guys don't usually have these types of conversations, but I'll bite. I'm going for Lord Vargo's wife, Blossom. I've met her once and she's probably forgotten me, but I haven't. She was gorgeous." He pointed at me. "Your turn."

I thought about my answer for one second. "Decan Lancaster the Thornless Rose. Without a doubt, I'm picking him."

"Decan, huh?" Mondatta said. "That's a name that's not really picked."

"He's a good swordsman, he was loyal to Joy—who I'm distantly related to by the way. But I believe that the history books are painting him to look like the bad guy. All I know is that he's the perfect man. Why else would his wife throw herself off the tower once she found out he was dead?"

Mondatta raised her hands in defence. "That's a good enough reason. You don't have to give us an in-depth explanation, but it sounded like you were ready to defend him to the death."

Silence once more. The three of us sat there, watching the wind shape the fire that cracked in front of us. I grabbed a piece of firewood and threw it in to make it bigger.

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