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"Alright boys! Conditioning time! Let's see if you can keep up!" I grinned at the two teams. The whole Nekoma team put their hands together and prayed, which seemed to startle the Shiritorizawa boys. "Let's start with 5 laps around the track, let's go!"

I led them to the track and lined them up.

"Anyone who beats me, gets to sit out of the first round of drills. On Karou's mark," I called. Everyone got set and ready.

"Goodluck boys, you'll need it," he grinned before blowing the whistle.

"I understand why the cats were scared now," Shirabu murmured as we were taking a water break. "This conditioning is brutal."

"Wait till she starts the planks," Kenma agreed. I chuckled as I handed the setters their waters.

"You'll be okay. You'll thank me when your stamina improves," I ruffled his hair. "And don't act like you're having any problems yourself Shirabu, Tai talks about you a lot."

"Taichi's an idiot," he replied in the same tone Kenma uses when talking about Tetsu. I smirked before walking away.

"Alright boys! Break time is over. Time for planks!"

"I thought Suke's training couldn't get any worse, but then she joined forces with the demon coach," Kenna whined as he laid across the table.

"Stop complaining and eat your food," Kuroo chuckled. "Though I will admit, I'm sore as hell after that one too."

"You'll be okay," I laughed and ruffled their hair. "Remember, Ken only gets an hour of gameplay tonight then its lights out. You all have your room assignments. Tomorrow morning we'll have a two hour study session to work on homework. This'll give you guys the opportunity to ask for help in any areas you feel uncertain in. I'll see you boys tomorrow morning."

I made my way across the room and stood behind Taichi.

"Hey Tai, anybody around here know how to drive? I'm bored and haven't been out in a while," I asked as I poked the side of his head.

"I heard that a few of the third years and their friends are going to a big meet up tonight, but I can't promise any of them will be worth your time," he said as he smacked my hand away from his head.

"Good enough for me," I shrugged. "Get your shit together and get the address. We're leaving in 20."

"You race Naka-Naka?" Tendo asked, shock in his voice.

"Have you not seen or heard her car? Of course she races," Shirabu answered the third year.

"Can we come?" Semi asked.

"Sure if you want to, but don't think practice will be any less intense because of it," I smirked before turning back to my team. "Race tonight boys. If you're not ready in 20 you stay here. If you get yourselves caught I'll deny any environment and say I was visiting family."

By the time I made it to Aki-chan and I's room, Taichi sent me the location. I quickly sent it to the groupchat, as well as to Asahi in case he wanted to come as well.

"One of these days I really should raid your closet," Aki joked as she walked in the room. "I texted my cousin and invited him, I hope that's okay."

"Oh course it is, and if anyone has a problem with it you just send them to me," I reassured the younger girl. "Now come on, lets find you an outfit too."

"Well don't you girls look great," Tora smiled as we walked to my car.

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