Chapter 1: The Filly Tales

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"Look! I draw a monster." A girl named Ananya said. "Wow! It's cool! What's their name!?" A boy named Mahi said. They were in the school. They were in grade 3. Their art teacher gave a task to draw anything they wish. So that girl draw a goat monster. The boy was sitting beside her.
"Her name is Toriel." "Toriel?" "Yes. Toriel can use fire magic." She said "That's cool! I wanna meet her!" He said.
On another place...
"Look! What Lio has drawn! A skeleton!" Someone said. Everyone started to laugh at young Lionelle. Young Lionelle felt said. Everyone of her class started to mock. "Gosh, where did this weird girl came from? Can't see go back where she came from! She is such a weirdo." Lionelle about to cry. Her teacher said, "Silent Please! You have said enough!" She walked to little Lionelle. She rubbed her head softly. "It's ok. Don't cry my child. They won't bother you anymore." To the students, the teacher said, "I hope anyone won't bother Lionelle. If anyone do, 2 hours of detention! Clear?" The students replied, "Yes teacher. We won't."

Lionelle was going outside of the school. The children teased her outside of the school. She went to her house.
"Oh! Did my Lionelle come home?" Her mother said. "Mom..." She started to cry. Her mother got worried. "What happened Lio? Did anyone bother you again?" Lionelle nodded. "Don't cry Lio. You are my brave lion! And lions are very strong. They don't give up. You are our Brave Lionelle, are you not?" Lionelle smiled at her mother and nodded. Her mother kissed her forehead. "Now. Go upstairs and be a good kid. I'm cooking your favorite dish." Lionelle went to upstairs.
At night time, Lionelle's mother came to her room.
"Look Lio! What I have brought for you!" She showed a book. Written"Fall Of Magic".
"Want to hear the fantasy story of monsters and ponies?" She said. Lionelle jumped on. "Yes! Tell me! Tell me!" "Okay, okay.bBe still. And close your eyes and imagine." Lionelle put her head on the pillow. Her mother started to read the story...

"Once upon a time, the world was empty, There was no light, no night. Only dark sky with sparkling stars was remaining with lands and rivers. Humans, Monsters and Ponykind were living on different lands. One day, Three heroes came in the world and leaded the three powerful races to rule together in one land. The three heroes also suggested everyone to be United as one. According to the heroes's advises, everyone started to live in Harmony...
Many years later, the empty world improved in magics. Loves were everywhere, even in people's heart. Everyone was living under the light of the Sun and the Moon The then ruler of Crystallize, Queen Dreemurr, kept the bond of Harmony safed and speeds the importance of Friendship and Love. Everyone was living happily under the shadow of Crystallize Queen."

"What happened then dad?" Little Puja said. Her father said,

"One day, an unknown mysterious unicorn pony appeared in the FALL. She started to make every races to hate each other. She was almost successful on her plan. Humans and monsters had a war and humans sent monsters to underground. Ponies started to hate each kind, Unicorn, Earth and Pegasus started to fight each other. As the result, the spell of AMORA got broken. Two demons intered the world and distorted everything. One was Solar and another was Lunar demon.
[Flashback: *thunders sound* Evil laughing Evil two demons. Eclipse. Solar is burning city and Lunar is freezing countries.]
Queen Dreemurr stood against those demons. Both had a big war in the Dawnami battleground. The friends of Harmony gathered every races again and tougher with their power, Harmony defeated Loria and Sonara and banish those two sisters to Dark World. All lived in peace..."

"Then where are ponies and monsters, father?" a small girl Puja with blue eyes said. Her black hair was combed. She was sitting on the bed.Her father rubbed her head and said,"I don't know dear. This story is written on the Legand book. Maybe they are true. They might be exist somewhere else, far from humans.""I wish I could meet monsters and ponies....(yarms)... And could be friends with them..." she lied on the bed with sleepy look. "Goodnight, daddy...(yarns again)" she closed her eyes while saying. Her father covered her with sheet and bid goodnight. He softly kissed her forehead and turned the light off. Kept the book on the bookshelf. The girl rolled over and started to thinking about monstets and magic.

Little Lionelle looked at the sky from the window when her mother left her. "Please God. I wish I could meet monsters and ponies and make them my friends like Undertale."

MAGICFALL: Season 1 (The Beginning With HARMONY)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang