Chapter 14: The Quest

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Next day, the maim 6 got themselves ready. They took a bus and started their journey. At 49 minutes, they reached at Rainfall  forest. They went to the jungle instead of the gateway of the national park. It would be very impossible to go inside of the jungle because of the forest officers. They were in middle of the jungle.

Puja was holding a pink rose. Lionelle was reading the book.

"In which direction should I hold this flower?" Puja asked.

Lionelle said," Hm... According to the book, it's shall be in.... The East!"

"Where is the east direction?" Puja jumped up and said.

Mahi looked at the sun. He said, pointing the direction, "That's the East!"

Puja took the rose on the directed direction. The rose was glowing. "Yes! This is the correct direction! Let's go!"
Puja started to run. So her friends too.

Christy: Oh you are Candy?

Candy was in front of Christy.

Candy: Yes, your highness. I'm here to serve you. That's why I am here to help you to find the Harmony Gem today.

Christy: Where is the gem?

Candy: *shows her phone* the location will tell us.

Christy: What are you waiting for? Let's go!

Them came in the forest. The main 6 was running and singing a song together.

Christy: There's Puja! No one can save her from me!

Christy was about to go to Puja but Candy stopped her.

Candy: Don't attack her now. She will lead us to the gem without risk.

Christy: Right!

Christy and Candy started to follow them.

They finally reached at the Fauntain.
Puja jumped on the rocks and stood near the cave. "Come on, guys! Come here." Puja said. Everyone jumped on the rocks. Ananya was about to fall on the water. Sunil caught her hand.
"Few. That was close! Thanks Sunil." Ananya said.
"You're welcome." Sunil replied.
They went to the cave. That cave was inside the fountain. Others can not see it easily.

Everyone turned on their own touches. They stopped in front of a closet.

Puja: *points the closet* That's the closet I saw in the dream!

Sunil: Oh. *Looks at everyone* Should we open the closet?

Lionelle: The closet has a lock on it. How should we open it?

Ananya: *Looks at Emily* We can try to open the closet by Emily's chlep.
Emily: My cheap?

Ananya: Yeah. You can open a locker by a simple cheap too.

Mahi: I know the way to use it. Give me that.

Emily gave her hair clip. Mahi used the cheap like a key and tried to open the closet. Luckily, it worked! Everyone danced in joy.

Puja: Let's open the closet.

Puja tried to open the closet. But she couldn't open the closet by herself. Emily helped her. But failed.

Mahi: *laughed* Ha! You two girls can't open this normal closed!

Emily: *smiled somehow to hide her anger* Why don't you try to open the closet if you don't mind?

Mahi: Sure! A slice of a cake!

He went to the closet. He tried but failed. Puja and Emily laughed.

Puja: You were saying that it's a slice of a cake for you. What happened?

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