Chapter 13: Planning for the journey

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Soon, the main 6 came on a meeting.
Ananya, Emily, Lionelle, Mahirul, Puja and Sunil sat on the old school. Well, that was a primary school. No one study there. The school was made with bricks and tin.

Ananya: Well, we're now together. Almost ready for the mission.

Sunil: Yep.

Emily: But where are we going to search for the Harmony Gem?

Mahi: Puja said already! It's inside of the fountain... (Confused) Wait. Which fountain?

Lionelle: Do you remember any clue about the fountain? Like a name, or the environment or the path?

Puja: (Starts to think) Hm...

She could remember a place. A sign board. It was written: Welcome to Rainfall Forest!

Puja: Ah-ha! It's Rainfall forest! I remembered that there was a sign board in front of us!

Ananya: Excellent Puja! I know you got this!

Sunil: That's fine. But the the forest is very big and has many small and big fountain. Which Fauntain has the gem?

Lionelle: I got this! (Shows a book) This is the book that can lead us to the fountain! It says that pink rose was Queen Dreemurr's favorite flower. And the Harmony Gem also gets attracted to the pink rose. We just have to go at the forest and rise the flower on the air! But be careful! It's saying that putting the rose on North, South and West might bring misery because many people tried to find the Harmony Gem but they all died because of pulling the flower at the wrong direction.

Mahi: (Scares) Man, it's risky!

Ananya: Nah. It made us conformed that we have to put the flower on the East! Simple!

Lionelle: You're a genius, Ananya!

Ananya: Thank you.

Puja: So East and flower! Rainfall and Fauntain! Yahoo! We are going to have a journey!

Ananya: Yeah. Since it's a mission on the jungle so it might be little dangerous. We have to grab some aids and adventure ingredients!

Lionelle: I'll get the book of Manujza.

Emily: I'll bring aids.

Sunil said Mahi: We are the adventure ingredients!

All gathered in round.

Ananya: So, our mission: Find the Harmony Gem must be start tomorrow! 'cause we've got this together!

All kept their hands together and rise their hands together.

All: Oh yes!

"Mom, we are going to a picnic with my friends at the Rainfall forest." Puja said to her mom.

"So? Who's stopping you to go at the picnic?" Her mother asked.

There was a small with her doll. She was sitting on the chairs.

"No. I'm mean, I'm telling you about it."

"Fine. I understand. You need some money, right?"

"Yeah." Puja replied.

"Ask your father for the money. He won't mind. And if he disagree, I'll manage him. Okay?"

"Ok then. Thanks mom!" Puja hugged her mother.

"That's great! I wanna go with you!" The small girl said.

"I'm sorry, Mona. I can't. We are going to a forest. It's dangerous for a child to travel a jungle. We are going to explore there and it might take the whole evening to come at home. And I know, you are afraid of dark. So better luck next time."

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