Chapter 6: Meeting a Prince

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Next day, Puja went to collage. She was nervous to ask help. She couldn't forget that night. All was just a dream and she was still feeling like she was in a dream. She was walking on the footpath of the collage. She was thinking soo deep that she didn't realize that she was about to get crashed with pillers and fall from the stairs. Luckily, a male student saved her from the crash.

"God! Are you blind??? What were you thinking that you couldn't realize that you're about to face an accident?"

Puja was scared. She said,"I'm s-sorry! I didn't realize that I-" she realized that he was holding her waist. She blushed.. Pushed him and ran away.

"Hey wait!"
He said. Puja was disappeared in a second. He stood there and he was quiet for some minutes. Thinking what just happened right now. However he ignored that. He saw Adam. Goodness! What a mess!! Adam had a bandage on his head. His left hand also had a bandage.
"Oh name of God Shiva happened to you Adam!? Did you steal someone's-"

"I-I can explain everything! But promise that you'll help us! After all, you're the son of the judge, Sunil!"

"Ok ok. Fine. I'll. But first, let me listen! "

Adam told everything (he didn't say that it was their fault. Even didn't tell about the hit.) to Sunil. "That's why Rockey didn't come at the collage." Adam said. "Can you show me who the girl was?" Sunil asked.

They both went to Cafeteria at break time. Adam showed Ananya. She was walking on the ground. "That's the girl!" Adam screamed. Sunil walked to her.

At that moment, she felt weak and about to fell down on a rock. "Watch out!" Sunil hold her. She lost her sense on his laps. "Oh God! She lost her sense! Water! Adam! Bring water right now!"


"No but! Go!"

Adam rah for the water and brought a water bottle. Sunil took the water on his hand and spiflicated some water on her face. She started to open her eyes. "Where am I?" She asked softly. "Are you okay? How are you feeling now?"
"W-water please..." She said, closing her eyes in some sort of pain. Sunil gave some water in her mouth. "Here you go." He said. "Ugh... Who are you?"
"My name is Sunil Acarjaya. I'm Judge Sottonarayon Acarjaya's son."

Ananya suddenly realized that she was lying on his laps. She jumped on. "Whatever you are! Why did you hold me!?" She asked angrily.
"Well I was coming to you. You lost your sense and could have fallen down on the rock to get hurt." Sunil said politely.

"And why were you coming to me?"

Sunil took a deep breath and spoke,"Adam said that you tortured Rocky and Adam yesterday. So he came to me asked me to give you a punishment." He said in a minute.

"Ok what punishment are you going to give me?"
She asked, crossing her arms.

"That defends what my disputant will say."

"And, if I say that those two beat me that evening?"

"What?" Sunil was confused.

"Yes. I must say, son of a judge, you should not company everyone. You know, they were teasing a girl of our class?": Ananya explained everything. Sunil looked at him, with disappointed 😠. "I'm sorry Miss . It was a great misunderstanding... Keep going. I am managing this guy..." He said, looking at Adam with the expression of both anger and smile. Adam started to run. Sunil followed him and screamed, " Wait you trash on the cake! Salt in the tea! I'm gonna kill you for betraying! Come back you hill of the cockroach!!!"
Hearing such a word, Ananya laughed.

"Those two..."

Ananya started to walk to her class. Sunil came back. He was going to the same class.
"Oh I am soo sorry for that. Really, even I know Rocky and Adam, yet I had to help them." Sunil said.

"It's okay. I didn't mind. You are very funny by the way." Ananya said.

"And you are kinda funny too."

"Oh yes I am. By the way, which class are you going?"

"Technology Class."

""Which grade are you in?"

"First class."

"Great. I am also. So let's go together, shall we?" Ananya asked.

"Sure, why not?" Sunil replied.

On the other side, Puja went to the High-5. "Hi Puja!" Emily said with a sweet smile. "Yo Puja! Why were you soo late?" Puja was this, "Should I tell them? About the dream I had? No. She said true friends. Although I feel like they are my true friends.. Let's see what they say. They are after all my best friends!" She was about to say that and suddenly someone screamed.

" Secrets are secrets Priya! You can't say to everyone. Who knows if your new friend a betrayer!".

Possibly a girl screamed. Puja realized what mistake she was about to make.
"They might be nice to you but doesn't mean they all are trustworthy!" Puja said in mind. So Puja decided to keep that secret.

"Oh I uh... Forget to take my phone! That made me late!" Puja smiled somehow. *By the way, I forget the given history lesson. Can you tell me?*
" Oh uh... We are science and Commerce students."
"Oh sh*t! How can I forget to ask that??? I'm really a dumpster!" Puja said in her mind.

"Oh-ho now I remember... Thanks by the way." She smiled somehow.
At the end of the college time, she asked Emily,"Which group student are you?" "Commerce."
"Have close friends?"
"Not really."
"Oh. Can I try to be the one?"
Emily giggled. "Sure, you can try!" Puja hugged her. "Thank you!!!" Emily smiled. "You are soo cute and soft..."

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