Chapter 12: Confession

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"You all got the same mysterious letter?" Emily asked.

Ananya: I think these letter were for us. Or else why would only WE get these letter? Simeone wants us to find this Harmony Gem. Then why would Puja had a dream about the Harmony Gem? And saw Fairy Queen?

Sunil: Hm... 🤔 You're right.
Mahi: We should help Puja. And find the ancient gem!

All except Puja: Yeah!

Emily looked at Puja. Puja seemed to be worried about something.

Emily: What are you worrying about Puja?

Puja: I think I forget to say something.

Sunil: What's that?

Puja: How will we make her agree?

Ananya: Whom are you talking about?

Puja: It's... LIONELLE.

Everyone was surprised to hear her name. All said her name loudly together.

Ananya: Wait wait wait! She? She is with us?

Mahi: She!? Oh Allah! I am not gonna say that to her!

Emily: Oh goodness! I heard that she hates to talk with everyone. She is always busy with her books. She is very deep and she quarrels with everyone. This could be tough for us to confess her to join.

Sunil: Then what are we gonna do now?
Mahi: Can we ignore her?

Puja: No! She was explaining a language  at the dream! Which was a maze in different language.

Sunil: *Ananya looks at him* I heard that Lionelle is talented about languages.

Ananya: And the ancient history is written in MANUZA language.

Mahi: 😭 Oh man! *Couldn't agree from heart*

Ananya: Let's confess her tomorrow. After the agreement,  we will go at the place you dreamt. Agree?

All: Right!

Everyone ended the meeting,

Sunil and Ananya were talking with each other. Ananya was eating Sigara (সিংগারা).

Ananya: *eating* Wow! What a taste! Really,  I never have a taste like this!

Sunil: So, what do you think about Lionelle? How will we agree her?

Ananya : Don't know. But have to try somehow.

Sunil: Looks like you are not worried at all.

Ananya: *shrugges*

Sunil: Really?

Ananya: So what? Expecting to worry? Well we can think about it later. Why should we ruin our sanity by tension?

Sunil: Really. You are an another type of girl. Guess like you will be successful at confessing Lionelle.

Ananya: Goddess knows.

Sunil: Oni?

Ananya: *looks at him* Yes?

Sunil: Why weren't you shock to hear Lionelle's name?

Ananya: Cause I don't know her.

Sunil: Oh

Ananya: She seems almost like me. A mad man.

Sunil,: You're a mad man?

Ananya: Yeah. I can get too mad. And I do quarrel with everyone.

Sunil: You do not look like that.

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