Chapter 15: The Elements Of Harmony

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Suddenly, from the fountain, light fell upon her. Violina couldn't resist it. So she fell down too. A giant beast came out from the Fauntain. On the beast's head, there was a tiny fairy.

Mahi: Aw... the fairy and the beast are very cute.

And the beast screamed and became scary.

Mahi: *hinds himself behind of Ananya* I take that word! I take that word!!!

The beast attached Violina. Main 6 gathered themselves. Since Violina had dark powers, she attacked with fire magic.

Everyone was scared.

Emily: What should we do now!? The beast will kill us all!

Puja: But we can't let Violina to achieve the Harmony Gem! If she gets it, she will destroy everything!

Ananya: Puja is right. Violina has dark powers. It won't be impossible to get that.

Lionelle: We should do something!

Sunil: But, how are we going to stop Violina to find the Harmony Gem? The gem is hidden somewhere else.!

Ananya: We have to solve the maze.
While saying the maze and thinking about the answers, Violina almost defeated the beast. The tiny fairy came in front of Violina.

Violina: Tell me! Where is the Harmony Gem!?

Fairy: You won't get that easily!

Fairy: You won't get that easily!

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This is how the fairy looks like.

Violina: Oh, you are going to stop me you tiny fairy!?

Fairy: I might be tiny, but not weak.

The tiny fairy attached Violina. Candy girl came and trapped the fairy by a glass jar.

Candy: Ha ha ha! What are you going to do now? I know, you can't use magic in the glass jar!

Violina: Excellent, Candy! You made my work very easy. Now, let's search for the gem.

Ananya: *screams st her* You won't get it that easily, Violina!

Violina: Oh wow. New rival for me? I am very happy! So you will stop me?

Ananya: Maybe not alone. But Together, we can!

Everyone stood by Ananya's side.

Violina: Interesting! I am super happy! *Laughed evily* Let's start it!

The battle started. Violina attacked them with her fire. Lionelle took a photo of Violina secretly. Puja and Mahi fought Candy. However, they succesed to trap Candy and took the jar.
Suddenly, Emily and Puja fell on the ground. Violina was about to hurt them. Ananya and others were worried. "Puja! Emily!" They screamed.

Ananya looked at the ground and saw rocks. She took the rocks. She pointed at Violina.
"Ha! You little rats, How could you think that you can stop this-" Before Violina finished her word, she hit her with a rock.
"Oh you!!!" Violina used her fire magic by her wings. Ananya fell down in the water. She looked at her reflection. She could see a different crystal on the relaxation. She could remember the maze....

"The thing you see at the fountain is not real. The thing you can't see is the reflection in your eyes."

She looked up. She could see it. The Harmony Gem. She thought a plan.
Ananya acted.

"Guys! There is the Harmony Gem!" She said and ran there. Violina threw spears in front of her. Violina flew there and jumped on the water.
Ananya used the chance.

"I can get this!"

She climbed up the top. She went closer to the gem.

"Joy Maa Mahishasurmardini." She said.
She feared a little. But when she touch the gem, she felt powerful. She hide the gem and herself.
Violina was in the pond. She couldn't found the gem in the water. Soon Violina realized that it was a trick. She came to Main 6 and gathered them on a corner.

"You'll pay for it!" She became very mad and she started to became scary.
She was about to attack to them. Ananya saw that everyone was in danger.

Ananya: Please Harmon, save my friends!

She started to glow and a pair of white wings appeared behind of her back. She flew there and create a shield in front of them. Violina attacked them. The battle turned epic. Violina failed.

Ananya: You can't never hurt my friends! No matter what you are!

Violina and Ananya started an epic battle and attack each other. Violina became weak. And Ananya was attacking her over again. At the end, Violina cast a dark Spell and attacked her. Ananya also cast a spell. Both were trying to resist each other.

Puja: You can do this, Ananya!

Emily: We trust you!

Mahi: Yeah! You can do this!

Sunil: You are the hopes!

Everyone was cheering Ananya. Ananya got more strength.

Lionelle: I believe in you, Ananya.

Ananya started to feel more powerful. Her attack became very strong and finally defeated Violina and trapped her by rocks.

Violina: You cannot trap me here forever!

"No!!! The Harmony Gem!!! They got it!!!"
Crystalee screamed in anger. She broke the floor with the hooves. She started to walk here and there with frustration.

Gottfried the small monster walked to her. "What happened Queen Crystalee? Why are you mad?" He asked.

Crystalee: Gone! The Harmony Gem has gone to another's hand! Such a shame! My minions couldn't get it!

Gottfried: How is that possible? How could the 6 normal human children defeated your minions?

Crystalee: That's the thing I am thinking! How!? How could those foolish humans could achieve this!?

Crystalee walked to the well. She used her horn magic. And she could see the epic battle of Violina and Ananya. Seeing Ananya having wings, she gasped.

Crystalee: Impossible! That cannot happen!

Gottfried: What happen, Queen Crystalee?

Crystalee: *looking at Ananya* No! She is not a normal human. She is-
Crystalee gasped.
Crystalee: Queen Dreemurr!? That wings... That glow... That Shield... No one can have such a power except Queen Dreemurr! Is that mean... She, the rebirth of Queen Dreemurr!? No! I won't accept it!

Gottfried: Take a deep breath, your highness.

Crystalee took a deep breath.

Crystalee: This is the worst thing I ever thought! If she gets the crown, I will be no longer as the ruler of Crystalize town. And soon, she will free every pony. Even HER too. No! I have to find my Crystal Necklace. And steal the Crystal Heart and Final Star. Then the Harmony? Ha! That won't be impossible to steal it. Though, the tiny fairy is with them to tell the fairy tails. I need to plan. To break the bond of that 6 friends. If I can break the bond, that will reduce her power. And soon, she will be very weak for defense.

Then I, Crystalee Crystalize will go against her and then Harmony Gem, Crystal Heart and Final Star... With those 3 powerful gems, I will awake the Crystalize town again. After taking the crown, I will bring the Solar and Lunar demons again to rule whole of the world!

Crystalee laughed evily. Her eyes glowed evil and her wings were open.

Crystalee: Rebirth of Dreemurr, huh? I will turn her into ashes! No one can stop Crystalee Crystalize! The one and only Crystal Nightmare Alicorn Mare!

Crystalee's laughter was all around the castle.

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