A Bad Day.

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[Warnings ⚠️:
Tit fuck.
Nipple play.
Thigh riding.
Praise kink.]


“What's wrong with my baby girl, hmm?” I stare down at my pretty girlfriend, a tired expression etched on her face and her eyes boringly staring at the TV.

She wasn't even paying attention to it. Deep in her own thoughts and sulking about something.

She glances up at me, her lips forming a thin line before she mutters a “Nothing” under her breath that I barely caught it.

“I know that nothing means something, love. What's going on in that pretty little head of yours? Come on, tell Daddy.” I bring her on my lap, tucking a brown strand of her hair behind her ear.

She pouts, leaning her head on my shoulder. “I and Stephanie had a fight…”

I chuckled at her. “It's Stephanie and I, baby girl. And you're sulking over a silly fight?”

She frowns at me. “It isn't silly. Stephanie is my only friend and we rarely argue over something but when we do, it bothers me.”

“I know, Stephanie is your friend. One day you both are fighting and the other day you both are going shopping linking arms.” 

She sighs, putting her face in my neck. “I had a bad day” She grumbles under her breath.

I cup her cheeks and kiss her lips. “Tell me about it. Vent as much as you want.”

“First, I woke up late because of you. You didn't wake me up while leaving for work. I missed the bus and was late for class. The professor scolded me for being late. Then I had a fight with Stephanie over something stupid. Then, the idiot barista at the cafe spilled someone's order on my clothes. I had to come home smelling like carrots and celery. Then I wanted some pizza so I ordered my favourite pineapple topping pizza from a local pizza store and they didn't even put the pineapples on my pizza. Could you believe it? They forgot to put the toppings on my pizza.”

She rants on and on and I heard her attentively. After she was done, I put a kiss on her lips and hugged her to my chest. She visibly relaxed in my arms and let out a small sigh. Rubbing her face on my hoodie. 

“It indeed was a bad day for you, love.” I bit back a smile when she cried out a muffled “I know…”

“Do you want Daddy to draw a bath for you?”

She shakes her head. “Wanna stay in daddy's arms”

I kiss the top of her head before pulling away a little to remove my hoodie. I embraced her back in my warm arms. Her cheek pressed over my bare chest, she drew small circles on my skin with her finger.

“You have a nice warm chest, Daddy.” She mumbles, her hot breath fanning over my skin. I snake my hand between us and squeezed her boob, she gasped softly.

“You have a nice warm chest too.” I smirked, she glared at me, her cheeks turning light pink and I continued kneading her boobs.

I slipped my hand under her loose top and cupped her tit. She lets out a struggled sigh as I squeeze it so hard that the nipple leaks out from between my fingers. I tip her chin up to face me with my other free hand. 

“Do you want Daddy to suck all the tension of your day from your tits, baby?” She lets out a small moan by my words. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she sits up straight.

“Yes, Daddy…” She whimpered, “Remove your top, love. Show Daddy those pretty babies.”

She tugs the top up and throws it to the floor.

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