Ch 2

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Her eyes opened, panic feeling her entire being. She was tied tightly to a wooden chair, situated in the middle of a cement room. She struggled against the restraints, looking around frantically to see if anyone was there, lurking in the shadows. The light turned on, making her cry out, startled by the sight of a single man. He was large, the muscles bulging around the blood-red shirt he wore, dark jeans, and heavy boots. She shook violently against the rope, feeling danger from a mile away. He walked across the room, towards her, and she struggled harder.

"Relax Sweetheart," he said softly, his hold suddenly against her cheek, making her snap back on instinct. "I'm not going to hurt you, at least, if you cooperate" he breathed, a wicked smile forming his dark features

"what do you want?!" she asked, continuing to struggle "I have no money! I'm broke!"

"I didn't nap you to rob you Honey" she panted, all her energy exhorted from trying to get out of the ropes, but she wasn't even close. "I napped you because you intrigue me" her eyebrows raised, fear enveloping her being. "A member of Hell's Heaven, on my territory? never did I think that could happen" she swallowed, realizing this man, whoever he was, must have been another gang leader of some sort.

"I'm not a member of Hell's Heaven" she defended weakly.

"The tattoo on your neck says otherwise" she watched as he pulled out a dirty wet cloth, making her mouth dry at the sight.

"No!" Please!" he got up behind her, grabbing a fist of her hair, pushing her head forward. Tears started falling down her cheeks, forced to look at her lap, feeling the cold cloth rub against the skin of her nape, removing the makeup she so carefully placed there, the makeup that hid the symbol of Hell's Heaven. He dropped the cloth on the floor, her red skin from the rubbing, revealing what he had known all along. But, he paused a moment, staring at the symbol against her skin.

"Well, this is something else" he breathed, suddenly sounding amused to her fear "You have the black heart" he let go of her head, letting it kick up, looking at him "I'd heard of the black heart before, but I've never seen it in person. Hell's Heaven Elite keep a tight grip on their women" he walked around her as she watched, looking up to meet his dark green eyes under the low light. "Your not just a member of Hell's Heaven, you're Lucas' wife" her eyes widened.

Wife?! I'm his wife!

"Your wrong! Max and I never got married!" she claimed in a panic, struggling harder against her restraints.

"maybe not in the eyes of the public your not, but he's branded you, Sweetheart, in the Hell's Heaven gang world, you're his property for the rest of your life"

"No!" she cried, wishing she was strong enough to do something, anything.

"Now, that begs the question. Why would Maxwell allow his woman to walk so blatantly off his territory? to wander around Bloody Love territory instead"

"I'm not his woman!" she said "I live here! I'm not affiliated with him! I didn't know another gang-controlled this territory!" she pleaded.

"In fact, I think I heard something about you," he said, leaning down slightly to the height of her eyes "He's been looking for you, he has his people squandering the city looking for you" her heart caught in her throat "But, no wonder they didn't find you, their members aren't allowed past the boundary lines"

"I'm sorry! I promise I'll leave! I'll get off your territory as fast as you let me!"

"Leave? and leave your precious boy behind?" her heart fell in her chest "I assume the child is Maxwells" he breathed, holding up a small photo. It was her, walking down the street, near the convenience store, without a clue she was being watched. And in her arms, Maxxy, sucking on his pacifier. "Again, begs to question why he would let his son run off into the night...unless-" she swallowed, seeing the scary smile dawn his lips "Unless... Maxwell is unaware that this child lives"

"Don't hurt him! please! you can do anything you want to me! but, don't hurt him! I beg you!"

"I see why Maxwell likes you, you're quite the beautiful little thing aren't you" he grabbed her chin, pulling her chin up for her eyes to meet his own "Luckily, I'm not a member of Hell's Heaven. Which means, it doesn't matter if he's branded you, I can still fuck you as I please" her face paled. Her mind screamed in fear, imagining what it was like to be raped as a child, the first time around. "But, that will come later" he let go of her chin, she let out a breath of relief at his words.

"For now, I have a much more important job for you to fulfill," he said, a smirk on his lips. "You see, I currently happen to be in quite a land dispute with Maxwell. But, what better way to get him to cooperate, than to threaten your life" She looked down at her rising and falling chest, what would happen to her? what would happen to Maxxy? Zuni?! The guy turned away, staring to make his way back to the door came through.

"Maxwell won't do anything!" her words had him stopping mid-step, turning to face her "Maxwell doesn't care about me! he'd happily let you kill me! he's a monster!" she claimed "He won't listen to you, just to leave me unharmed! he hates me!" he looked amused at her words.

"We'll see about that," he said darkly, before he opened the door, slamming it behind him. And just like that, she was alone, restrained in the dark, left to cry.


He was doing it again, watching the footage, on repeat like he usually did. There she was, standing in the elevator, her suitcase in her hand. The cameras switched as she fell from the view of one, and into the sight of another, walking through the lobby, picking up the dog. It watched her, black and white footage of her lifting her hood, pulling it over her head. And just like that, she walked out, the suitcase and the dog. The guard did absolutely nothing to stop her.

The vision of events continued to play on repeat on his computer screen as he sat in his office, a bottle of whiskey beside him. He grabbed it, gulping right out of the bottle before he slammed it back on the desk. He was supposed to be working, going through recruit applications for the European chapters, trying to sniff out undercover cops. But, the memories just kept coming back.

Waking up alone, thinking she would come back, walking out into the hall, noticing her sweater was no longer on the stairs. Walking into his office, staring at the papers and photographs scattered all over the floor. She had raided his file cupboard, dumping everything that pertained to her all over the floor. He searched frantically through the first floor, going upstairs and pushing the door to her room open, immediately seeing the lack of clothes in the closet. He grabbed his phone, demanding a lockdown. But, it was too late, sitting in his office, going through the feed from the night before, watching as she left him, just walked out the fucking door. And he remembered putting a bullet in the brain of the guard who just blatantly let her go.

He grabbed the whiskey bottle, throwing it across the room, watching it shatter across the floor, his hands slammed against the desk tightly. And now, it had been just over two years since they had been separated. His people combed through the streets but had reported nothing. he collapsed back into his chair, leaning forward against the desk, pressing his hot head against the cool wood.

"Maxwell Lucas" he shot up, disbelief at the sight of his computer screen. He stared at the sudden face of Collin Blight, leader of the Bloody Love gang, across its pixels. He cursed, wondering why he was surprised. It was well known that Bloody Love consisted of some of the best computer hackers in the world, they could break through any system, even his. "You look so tired Maxwell"

"What the fuck do you want?!" he barked

"Well, I seemed to have come across something that belongs to you" his heart fell at the sight of her, her hands held against her back with restraints, the dark circles under her eyes like she hadn't slept in days. He knew that face, it was the face she held after she had tried. It made his heart throb. But, she was still so beautiful, he craved to do nothing but stare at her. He was addicted to her, and just an obsessed getting a taste, his mind frenzied. "She was found living on our territory, in someone's basement, not a penny to her name" she was terrified, so frightened, even through the tiny screen, he could see how much her body shook.

"I'm willing to return her, but for exchange, I want Inwood and Washington Heights" his hands fisted against the wood "We'll be waiting in 12 hours time by Astoria, up by the waterfront, make sure you're not seen" with that, the computer shut off. He got up, grabbing his cell phone, telling the others to prepare for what was to come.

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