ch 24

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As soon as she heard the front door shut, knowing he was gone, her eyes snapped open happily, jumping out of bed, grabbing her robe, and hurrying down the stairs. She went into the kitchen, where Bean was, feeding Maxxy his mango. "You look chipper today" Bean claimed

"Yes Bean, I am, very much" Harmony sang, pulling a mug from the cupboard and preparing a pot of coffee "Because Bean, I have huge plans today, plans I've been waiting for so long to have!" she said happily, pouring her cup of coffee.

"And what kind of plans are these?" Bean asked, a raised eyebrow in amusement at Harmony's happiness. "Need I remind you that Maxwell has banned you from leaving the premises"

"That silly man, always worried about nonsense" she waved off Bean's words, rolling her eyes. Bean looked at her kind of incredulously as she sat down across from her at the kitchen table, ruffling the dark hair atop of Maxxy's little head.

"I don't know how silly this is, there actually is people looking for you with the intention of ending your life" Bean responded

"Don't be a gloomy Gus Bean!" Harmony responded, sipping her coffee, humming happily. "Besides, if we're back before Maxwell comes home, it's like we never left, at least if he doesn't look at that stupid tracking monitor" Harmony got up from her chair, dancing happily to the fridge.

"And, what do you suppose we do?" Bean asked, watching her move around the kitchen, making herself a piece of jam-covered toast.

"We're going shopping Bean!" she sang happily.

"Shopping? since when do we have the money to shop? You literally have no money and I'm broke too!" Bean claimed, getting up from her chair.

"Oh Bean, you silly little goose-" Bean raised a concerned eyebrow "I knew that" Harmony waved it off.

"That's why after some careful planning, I finally managed a heist of sorts" Harmony grinned, holding up the shiny card between her fingers. Bean smirked, taking it into her hands.

"This is a platinum card!" Bean claimed, "This card doesn't have a limit!" Harmony smiled wickedly. "How did you get this?"

"Maxwell leaves his wallet in plain sight, it was easy enough to snatch it when he was in the shower last night," Harmony said happily, contempt as she took the card back.

"You literally robbed a gang leader, and he has no idea!" Bean started to laugh. So, with a quick Pack up of a baby bag and bidding goodbye to the dogs, they set out, taking the black mustang assigned to Bean and hitting the most popular shopping spots in the city, every single time the price was rung up, flashing the fancy platinum card with her husband's name engraved into the side.

One of the realities she had learned from that day, was how different people really treated you when you had money, compared to when you were broke. She'd walk into a brand store and the employees would flock to her, offering to take her bags, carry Maxxy, some cucumber water with a dash of lemon. Somehow, it made her the slightest bit uneasy, she really wasn't used to this kind of unnecessary pampering. She also learned, that, unlike Bean, she seemed to have completely drowned out what was in style for the rest of society, what were the best brands, and what was famous for the beautiful people.

"Guh-Chee?" she asked incredulously as they walked into the establishment, glancing around.

"It's pronounced Goo-chee" Bean responded, looking at her amused as she looked away slightly, feeling foolish with the child in her arms. "You seriously were kidnapped, weren't you"

"I was only kidnapped for a few months" Harmony responded

"Then, you were just living under a rock before that?" Bean asked

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