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She could just feel herself getting more and more excited the closer she was. She had to cross over two more buses before she finally landed on the sidewalk just two blocks away from the address on the ad. Somehow, Manhattan was different from the Bronx, the air smelled strangely different, the people looked different, better dressed, and well mannered.

This part of Manhattan seemed like a sort of downtown district, surrounded by office buildings, and people in suits stalked the streets. Harmony couldn't help but glance down at her own attire, feeling heavily out of place with her worn jeans and jacket falling apart at the seams. But, she was determined, crossing the road and repeating the address in her head, comparing the numbers on the buildings. And, as she got closer, she noticed something a little strange. The people went from wearing multiple colors to wearing just one, black. They were all wearing black, with these dark sunglasses that hid their eyes. It reminded her of watching The Matrix, only without the long capes. But, she wondered if she was just going crazy, inwardly waving away her concern. And suddenly, she stood in front of the building for herself, surprised by how tall it really was. It had to be at least ten stories. And the people going in and out were all wearing black.

But, she took one step after another, seeming to get the attention of the other people coming in and out, mostly glancing down at what she was wearing. The doors opened automatically, revealing a rather beautiful lobby. She moved through the threshold, glancing around. There was a rather big seating area, paired with a few shops to her surprise. This place seemed more like a resort than just an apartment complex. And all the people, wearing black, as soon as they noticed her, walking around, wouldn't look away from her. It was as if they were in some sort of shock at her mere presence. She tried to ignore the feeling of their stares, but not as hard when everywhere she turned, there they were, almost like ghosts following her around.

"Are you lost?" She turned at the noise, surprised to find a very beautiful woman standing there, in black down to her heavy army boots. Her skin was so pale it was almost white, her features popping from the incredibly dark makeup on her lips and above her eyes.

"Yes, actually-" harmony swallowed, digging into her pocket and pulling out the clipping of the ad from her pocket, holding it up for the woman to take.

"Ahh, I see why you're here" she handed the clipping back to Harmony, who took it from her black manicured nails "I'm Bunny" Harmony hesitated a moment, but felt foolish, shaking her hand with kindness. "I'll take you to the boss" her eyes widened, her body starting to feel a little light. She hadn't expected to be thrown right in so quickly. She lead Harmony to an elevator, pressing the buttons and it closed behind them.

"What's your name?" Bunny asked

"Harmony" she responded, keeping her head down slightly.

"I'm surprised you just walked into the building Harmony, you have fucking balls" Harmony lifted her head at Bunny's words, slightly confused at what she meant.

"Why wouldn't I walk in?" She asked. Bunny glanced down at her, giving her a smile.

"You have no idea what this building is, do you?"

"Well, I've never really been to Manhattan before" Harmony claimed truthfully, starting to wonder what exactly she had walked into.

"Well, you'll find out soon enough" The doors suddenly opened, startling her.

"Maxwell!" Bunny yelled into the apartment, startling her. Bunny placed a hand against Harmony's lower back, leading her into the apartment. She couldn't help but notice that the walls were covered in weapons, knives, and guns, making her swallow. "Another candidate!"

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