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In the following days, Harmony couldn't even mentally take in her circumstances. This woman, Maxwell's Fiancee had insisted that the bedroom belonged to her, but Spike had told her very clearly where she belonged and had moved her stuff into the room that had used to be Harmony's right next door. She outright refused to leave, and there was really nothing Harmony could do but pretend the woman didn't exist, she had even deluded herself into thinking that every time the woman talked within earshot of her that it was nothing but the wind playing tricks on her, that it was little invisible gnomes eating all the food in the fridge and leaving a mess everywhere the woman had been in the apartment.

It was nearly driving her crazy, and the others knew that. So, to avoid any confrontation, Harmony was placed under constant surveillance, by Cam no less. Cam had moved right into the apartment just as Trinity Pyer had, but instead of keeping the peace, it seems Cam's presence was having nuclear blasts of screaming and yelling happening multiple times a day. Then it was the day she was dreading, she had been told about it months ago. When Maxwell was incarcerated waiting for a hearing to find out whether he'd be charged for murder, Hell's Heaven was in its own upheaval about the whole situation. The press on the case had placed a spotlight on not only the New York Chapter, but every single chapter across the United States, Canada, and Europe, and that was bad news for a group that had tried to stay hidden all this time through their facade in order to continue their illegal activities without the attention of anyone who could shut them down.

They had been under the radar for so long, and that was where they were comfortable. But, being thrown into the light suddenly had caused havoc to their operations. And now, it would be decided not only the fate of Maxwell but the entire family. With Spike and Bunny, she got into the vehicle in the underground garage, the black sunglasses over her eyes blocking her face. They hit the road, and all Harmony could do was sit there, twiddling her thumbs with nervous panic.

"What exactly is this meeting?" She asked, lifting her head from her lap

"It's a meeting of all 25 chapter leaders-" Spike responded "It doesn't happen very often" he muttered, driving the vehicle down the streets of New York, adjusting his own black sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

"But, I don't understand why I have to attend. After all, I'm not technically a leader of any sort""You're the wife of the chapter leader, with his incarceration, it's Hell's Heaven law that you should be consulted for any major decisions" Bunny responded, glancing back over her shoulder from the passengers' seat.

"I don't really know what you guys do, I'm, not heavily involved in any way in your operations, wouldn't it be unwise to let me have a say in something I don't know anything about?" She asked

"That's why we're here" Spike responded "Most wives of the elite are just as involved as their husbands and the laws of Hell's Heaven are meant to apply with that default situation, you're a unique case, and that's why we've also requested to attend and speak on behalf on our chapter"

"Thank god I'm not doing this alone-" she learned up slightly in her seat "I'm just so grateful that you guys will be there too" Bunny glanced back, giving her a soft smile.

"Don't worry Sweetie" Bunny grabbed ahold of her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze "We'll always be here for you"

It was a drive of another two and a half hours before they reached their destination, a rural town with a little over 3000 occupants. Hell's Heaven had rented a room of their community hall under an alias. By the time they had shown up, there were already over a dozen black cars in the parking lot, which made her all the more nervous. They pulled into a free spot of the rocky terrain, parking the car and getting out.

They walked into the building together, being directed to the rented room. Harmony took in a deep breath before allowing Spike to open the door and let them through. The room was full of chatter, when she glanced around, it seemed everyone knew one another, dressed in black. After all, Harmony knew this system was pretty tight-knit. It seemed people that ran chapters on opposite sides of the globe had at least met one another at some point. But, she noticed walking through the room, the others looking up, their eyes falling on her. Having so much attention on her by so many strangers definitely wasn't what she hoped for.

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