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When he re-entered the city, he realized he was in the Bronx. This place, somehow it felt better than Manhattan. It had more character and was less of a fucking trainwreck. He parked his car on the side of the road, getting out, inspecting the car's body. A few dents and scrapes, but nothing he couldn't fix before his father re-appeared. The air was cool, and it actually felt nice, leaning against his vehicle, glancing above at the sun just in the process of setting. The world was full of shadows now, everything had one, including him, against the cement. He stared at it for a few moments, wishing that he wasn't the Max with the responsibility hanging over his head. He didn't want to be that Max, but another Max, a happy one, and wishing that like the shadow he could just disappear without anyone missing him. His phone suddenly rang in his pocket, and he sighed, pulling it loose and seeing the name across it. God forbid he couldn't have one more moment before the inevitable took over. He placed the phone to his ear.

"Hello Father" he muttered, distaste on his tongue

"Maxwell! You were supposed to be at the chapter leaders meeting an hour ago! Where the fuck are you?!"

"Spike telling on me huh? What a shame" he responded to the old man's yelling

"You stupid fucking screw up! I wish I had a different son than you! Instead, I got you piece of trash!"

"Would you just leave me the fuck alone?!" He yelled into the cellphone, he didn't notice, the young girl just down the street, suddenly watching him

"Maxwell! You have a responsibility to this family! You are a Lucas! You do what needs to be done! No matter what you want! That's what honor is you waste of space!"

"I really don't care what you want! I'm going to do what I want with my life!" His anger took over, and he found himself out of control, throwing the phone as hard as he could, watching it shatter on impact with the cement of the street, pieces sliding across the ground. His breath was heavy, falling back against the vehicle, running his hands through his hair, trying to gain his control back, stop the bad throbbing of his mind inside his skull. But, a small movement from the corner of his eye had him looking up, on guard. It was a girl, she looked small, frail, nothing but a backpack between her hands. She sat on the nearby bench, so short her legs couldn't even touch the sidewalk. And a whole new frustration emulated him.

"Hey! You!" The young girl looked up in surprise. She suddenly glanced behind her, as if she wondered if he was talking to someone else. "You eavesdropping?! Like a fucking rat!" He approached the girl and she suddenly looked frightened by him, getting up from the bench, holding the backpack against her chest. He was used to people being frightened by him, after all, he was a beast and he knew it. She backed up, scared, with wide dark blue eyes.

"Is there any such thing as fucking privacy?! that's what's wrong with you kids! you're all fucking stupid!"

"I'm sorry!" She claimed, and hurrying to move behind the bench as he stood on the other side of it. It was almost laughable, as if this girl actually believed that being on the other side of the bench was going to save her from his wrath. "I-I didn't mean to! I swear! I didn't hear anything! I had my headphones in! don't hurt me!" She stuttered out in a rush, holding her backpack tightly in fright. He just stared at her a few moments, dark hair falling to her lower back, wide eyes of wonder looking up at him.

"Shouldn't you be at home kid? in your snuggly warm bed? Mommy giving you a kiss goodnight?" It was the irony because that was what his mother used to do for him when he was a child. Those memories were so old, but so fresh in his mind. He thought about that woman a lot.

"I'm on a walk" the young girl responded only a little louder than a whisper "Shouldn't you be in bed too?" His words had him smiling, letting out a sudden laugh. How old does this kid think I am?!

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