ch 27

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It was supposed to be a day of rest and relaxation, and it had started that way. Spike had offered to take Maxxy for a few hours, and Bunny had barged through the door with so many nail polish colors, the two big bags in her hands could barely hold them all. They sat in the living room, doing their nails. Of course, Bunny had chosen black for both her hands and her feet, but Harmony decided to be a bit more creative, happily painting her feet a bright red and her hands a glossy lavender, they sat on the couch, the nail supplies scattered all over the coffee table with the TV tuned to the channel of a crappy made for TV movie that neither of them paid attention to.

Instead, they were talking to one another, mostly about Maxwell, how the cameras hadn't done his darkened eyes justice in the filming of the courtroom, how he had met Bunny's eyes in the room as she sat at the back, holding his son in her arms, pretending to be his wife. The few words they had spoken to one another in person was just more of the act to cement their fake marriage, they were always surrounded by people, too many to talk about her. But, Bunny could tell, looking into his eyes when he spoke those few words, he was asking how Harmony was doing. And Bunny had told him, through the fake story that they were talking about a shared acquaintance rather than his wife. But, the conversation abruptly stopped at the sound of the small ring, signaling the arrival of the elevator.

The two girls glanced at one another with a bit of confusion. Harmony wasn't expecting company. When she heard the soft pull of the doors, Harmony got up from the couch, pulling her head into the hall, her eyes widening slightly at the sight walking through the doors. It was a woman, a beautiful woman with golden blonde hair down to her waist that shimmered under the light. Walking across the wood floor in very high heels, her hand hooked around the handle of a white suitcase that rolled behind her. She stopped in the foyer, pulling off her white-rimmed glasses, slightly pulling on the skin-tight white dress leaving her curves to the eye and her breasts partly exposed. Harmony felt the movement behind her when Bunny leaned over slightly behind her, looking at the same sight Harmony had her eyes glued to. But, the sound of Bunny's growl, almost feral, had Harmony looking away from the woman and turning slightly, peering at Bunny's angry features.

"Trinity" that was the moment when the woman noticed them in the hall, pushing up her light hat and smiling.

"Andrea Bretzil" Harmony turned back to the stranger, glancing between the two, wondering what kind of history they shared.

"What are you doing here Trinity?" Bunny snipped, grabbing Harmony's arm, pulling her closer to Bunny's side, almost protectively.

"Oh Honey, is it so bad that I'm here? After all, this is technically my home" the woman sneered in response, almost sounding amused in her tone at Bunny's angry stance. Harmony's eyes widened at the woman's words, and she looked up at Bunny, who still had her eyes locked on the intruder, her hand tightening around Harmony's arm.

"Bunny?" Her voice had Andrea turning her head slightly, looking down at her. "Bunny, what does she mean this is her home?"

"She's speaking bullshit" Bunny responded, looking back at the woman, who stared at them both with her amused, drake eyes.

"Are you the help?" The woman asked, her eyes now trained on Harmony's features. "If you are to work for Maxwell, you should know his fiancee when you see her" Harmony almost felt like her eyes were about to fall out of her head.

"f-fiancee?" She asked in disbelief.

"Don't listen to her" Bunny snipped, pulling on Harmony's arm. "She's nothing to him"

"I am Maxwell's soulmate!" The woman insisted, almost stomping her foot like a child

"Your Maxwell's obligation! Nothing more than that!" Bunny snapped back. Harmony almost felt like she was about to pass out, Fiancee?! Obligation?! Her heart raced a mile a minute. Maxwell hadn't said anything about any of this, and that made her angry. She was Maxwell's wife! They had a child together! She was living in his home! And all of the sudden a woman in white walks through the door insisting that she's the rightful owner and holder of his heart. And, her heart didn't stop. She found herself stumbling slightly, her eyes falling into a haze. Bunny gasped when Harmony collapsed to the wood floor right in front of her. She leaned down quickly, pulling out her phone to call for Spike, rolling the unconscious Harmony over on her back.

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