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It was strange, the sudden feeling that came over her in sleep, causing her body to physically shiver. It was a touch, a simple touch, but so overpowering. She could feel it in her dreams, a soft brush against her bare upper arm, just below the fabric of the shirt sleeve. She let out a sigh, feeling the feather touch going further and further down her arm, till it reached her fingers, the touch gripping her hand tightly. Her eyes opened softly, looking out into the darkness. The touch was so soft, but the hands, so familiarity rough. She leaned up, turning on the light on the bedside table, shocked to see his blue, beautiful eyes looking back at her. She couldn't believe it, he was there. She couldn't help but wonder if she was still dreaming. But, she reached out a shaky hand, one that he held his eyes on as she placed her fingers against the back of the hand of his hand with was sitting against the black covers of the bed.

"wh-wh-" she tried to speak, looking up to meet his eyes. A sudden amusement fell over his features, seemingly at her inability to get out a full word "It's you" She breathed, reaching her hand up to hold his cheek, feel the sharp stubble under her fingers. He leaned softly into her touch, pulling away slightly to place his lips on her open hand. "How are you here?!" She asked softly.

"The jury only deliberated for four hours before they made their verdict" he responded "Court was put back in session and that was that" he leaned in softly towards her, grabbing her shaking hands.

"Not guilty" he nodded his head, leaning to press his forehead against her own

"Usually you have to wait for the verdict to be sent in, but I had some help from the inside to speed up my release" she met his eyes

"You broke the law again?" She asked, almost sounding in disbelief. He had been gone for six months, and yet he was going to do something to get him thrown right back in jail?!

"No, don't be ridiculous" he pulled his hands from her own, instead lifting them up to grab her cheeks in his palms "We have Hell's Heaven members everywhere, they just helped speed up the process" she let out a sigh of relief.

"So, you weren't kidding-" she felt him pull away slightly, looking down at the large stomach between them "Why on earth didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked exasperated.

"I wanted it to be a surprise for when you came home" she responded softly, a smile gracing her lips. He looked suddenly in a bit of disappointment, placing his hand on her bump above her shirt.

"And I missed it for a second time, fuck" she sighed, placing her hands on his shoulders, making him look up.

"I would tell you it's not your fault like the first one, but missing this one kind of was" he let out a small laugh at her joke "But, you can be there for the rest of it" she whispered, leaning up, standing on her knees against the sheets, wrapping her arms around his neck, and their eyes were so close, their lips inches apart and she paused slightly, realizing how long it had been since she had kissed him. He was the one that closed the gap between them, pressing his lips against hers, slightly to take a hand into the hair falling down her back. And suddenly it was like the first time they had ever kissed all over again, his grip on her tightening, grabbing ahold of her waist and pulling her closer, his chest against her own. She sighed against his lips, pulling back softly to press her forehead against his, feeling his heart beating so fast against her chest through his shirt, letting her eyes stay softly closed, indulging in the feeling of being so close to him again, and he did the same, taking in her love for him as she did his.

"You know-" at his whisper, her eyes fell open "I've never actually seen a pregnant woman up close" she raised an eyebrow at his words.

"Really? Considering your years of sexual conquest I would have thought you would have tapped into the pregnant girl pool at least once" she claimed, and his eyes shined with amusement at her words.

His ViceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora