ch 25

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"Harmony!" she snapped her eyes up, looking in disbelief at Max, who burst through the front door of the store. "Let's go! now!" she felt her legs moving, running towards him. She jumped into his arms, holding onto him tightly, letting her tears. She was so terrified, that she would never see him again. He let her down, grabbing her hand, hurrying out onto the street. Black cars flooded the street, people shocked and screaming at the sight of the black-dressed people getting out with their sunglasses on and guns drawn.

"Harmony!" Bean called, holding Maxxy. She hurried over, grabbing her son in her arms, holding him tightly.

"Get in the car! now!" she did what she was told, hurrying to open the door, but a voice stopped her.

"So Max, this is what you're going to fucking do? keep running like a fucking coward?" He stopped, turning to face the man, dressed in blood red. Everyone in the vicinity paused, and as if all at once, every gun was now pointed right at him, this blood-suited stranger. She stared at him as he appeared from the shadows, walking across the street towards them as if he owned the world, as if there weren't a few dozen guns pointed right at him. Max growled, gripping Harmony's arm. "How far can you run Max? until you can't run anymore"

"I'm protecting what's mine!" Harmony gazed up at Max's angry features, his teeth clenched and his jaw tight. And in a second, a gun was up, gleamed with a red stripe across the barrel, pointed right at her. She stared with wide eyes as the man held his gun firmly in his hand, pointing the end right at her, his eyes tight on hers.

"Watch it Blight!" Max sneered, and Harmony could hear when the safety of every gun was clicked off across the street, every single Hell's Heaven member was ready to shoot when instructed, all pointing at a single man. Such a dangerous man that had over two dozen weapons pointed right at him, and still had the guts to raise his own at his target, her.

"Can't there be some sort of compromise?! an agreement that can be reached?!" She asked. The man smirked, glancing at Maxwell.

"Max, you've really sheltered her, haven't you?" Max growled, pulling her closer to his side. His eyes fell back on her, making her heart race. "You see Sweet Thing when a leader of a gang is killed, it's the successor's duty to get even. It's code, never to be broken-" the man paused "And that's why, after I kill you, I'll kill him too" her heart fell, looking up at Max's tight features.

There was a single moment when it all happened when Harmony couldn't think, she couldn't move. The shot rang out, and it was like in that second, she could see it, the bullet gliding through the air. And, a mere second after, every other weapon fired too. Blight was hit all over his body, his head, his torso, and his back, falling dead onto the sidewalk, just as his father had. And, in that same second, Max yanked her out of the way, pressing her up against the side of the car with Maxxy, and when the bullet broke his skin, she could see, looking into his face, the way it contorted in pain.

"Max!" she screamed, holding the crying child to her chest. The noise of the screaming cars erupted, when they fled the scene just as they were trained. People were screaming, and she watched as Max fell to the ground against his chest. right in front of her. "No!" she yelled, falling to his side, the child crying in her arms.

"I'm Ok," he said stiffly "It grazed me" groaning in pain as he tried to lean up, looking at her. She let out a breath of relief, watching as the black shirt covering his upper shoulder started to soak with his blood, sticking to his skin. Spike hurried over, grabbing Max's weapon from his belt, getting back into the car, hearing the sirens.

She watched when Spike drove off, and in seconds, police cars were everywhere, all over the street, officers getting out with their weapons drawn. And, she couldn't hear a thing when they grabbed her, pulling her back from Max, pulling him up from the ground roughly, slamming him into the side of a police vehicle, and cuffing his wrists against his back. She watched with wide eyes.

"Don't say a fucking thing, Harmony! stay with Spike!" he yelled as the two officers pulled him away in handcuffs, shoving him into the back of a police car. All she could do was stare, watching as he was arrested, the very first Hell's Heaven member to ever get arrested, and he got shot to protect her. The officers pulled at her roughly, trying to get her to speak, but she just couldn't. She had nothing to say to them, watching the police car drive off, with Max looking her right in the eyes as it turned the corner.

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