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He woke up, and immediately the frustration of life hit him like the slap he got the night before when he told that bimbo she was nothing more than a playtoy to him after she stopped him from entering that club. He groaned, pushing the lazy arm that hung over his chest from another broad to lean up in the bed, his hands to his head as if that could help the pounding of his hangover at all. The door opened and he sucked in a breathe, opening his eyes and watching the sudden haze and his eyes focus, it was Spike, his blonde hair down to his shoulders, his bangs pinned away to not obstruct the look of pure disappointment on his face, watching his friend stumble naked out of the bed onto the floor to grab his clothes because his legs seemed to not be working right.

"Fuck Max, seriously?!" Max groaned, rolling his eyes, getting shakily onto his feet, pulling his clothes on "You're lucky you're Dad isn't here, he'd tell you you're a fucking disgrace and would throw you out"

"You're just jealous you haven't gotten your dick wet since Ginny" Max responded, his voice hoarse, reaching for the half-empty bottle of stale beer on the nightstand and downing what was left in a single hit. He pushed his friend out of the way of the door, heading down the hall and down the stairs. Lancy, appeared from the kitchen, blocking his path to the elevator

"Master Lucas, Breakfast is ready"

"You eat it yourself Lancy-" Spike claimed, coming up behind Max and placing a hand on his shoulder "I'm pretty sure if Max ate anything right now he'd have it puked up all over the floor"

"For once in my life, I think Spike might be right" Max muttered, feeling so nauseous he held a stern hand on the wall so he wouldn't fall over. The elevator door opened and she came off, and it was almost slow motion, how she walked with such grace, pushing her long black, silky hair behind her ear, the short black miniskirt that had his eyes glancing down for a moment, heavy black high-heeled boots and striped stockings. And the top, he always loved that top, it revealed the milky white skin of her stomach, and her breasts, looking so fucking sexy and she knew it.

"Are we going?!" She snapped, making Max look up from staring at her long, delicate legs.

"Too loud Bunny" Max grumbled, grabbing his pounding head.

"Well, maybe you should have thought of that before you got destroyed last night and went to bed with three women!" she approached him, lifting his head by hands on his cheeks, squeezing his face, and then stretching it. He shook his head, trying to get rid of her hands. "You're supposed to be picking you're Dad up from the private airport in 8 hours! Fucking stupid! Stop waking up at three in the afternoon!"

"Look, I really don't need the lecture today" he pushed between the three, heading for the kitchen. He turned on the sink tap, cupping the ice-cold water in his hands and splashing his face with it, grabbing a random towel from the counter to wipe the excess off. "What I need is some fucking coke, that's what I need" he pushed his hair back "Coke cures everything"

"I can see the headlines now-" he could hear her from the entrance to the hall "Hell's Heaven leader next in line, dead at 18 from drug overdose from stupidity" he rolled his eyes

"Last time I checked, we lived in a free country" he countered her with an air of annoyance.

"Sir, you have a meeting with the chapter leaders today" Lancy claimed as Max pushed past him, heading for the elevator

"Fuck, don't remind me" he muttered, grabbing his keys off the carpet floor and hitting the button for the elevator. He got on, pressing the button repeatedly hoping to god it closed before the others got on, but no such luck when Spike's arm blocked the doors just when they were about to close, causing them to slide open again, revealing his unamused face and Bunny tapping her foot with arms crossed and a scorn. "Tell them I want a reign check Lancy!" He called before the doors closed, trapping him with the two angry children.

"Do you guys seriously have nothing better to do than follow me around?" He asked, looking over at them.

"Self-absorbed man-child" Bunny retorted under her breathe. They weren't exactly on good terms as of late, after all, it was just last week that right before she was about to fuck the new guy, Cam, Max had broken her door down and beat him so bad he had to be taken to emergency care.

"God forbid we make sure you're at the most important meeting in your life" Spike retorted.

"Great, just counting down the hours till I'm just some bureaucratic puppet" he was yanked by the arm from Bunny, who looked him right in the face, just inches apart and he felt when he held his breathe at the sight of her beauty so close

"You have no idea how fucking lucky you are, if only you could even comprehend how many people wished they were you right now" she breathed against his lips, waiting only a moment before pushing him back to stumble and hit the far wall "You're a waste of air Maxwell Lucas!" and that was the moment when the elevator slid open. He held her gaze for a few stone moments before pulling himself up, moving from the confined space and right out the front door of the building. He got into his car, ignoring it as Spike yelled at him to come back from the front doors.

He slammed on the gas, pulling right out into traffic, not even bothering with the honks of the other drivers as he did, almost hitting their cars. He was just so angry, so fucking angry constantly, it drove him crazy. He found himself hitting the highway, going faster and faster, the world passing by like more of a blur every second, the other cars were snails. Stepping harder and harder on the gas despite that it couldn't go any further, watching the small pointer go farther and farther to the right, almost to the red. And, he yelled at absolutely nothing, so sick of it all.

He growled, swung the wheel, nearly taking someone else out when he drifted onto a dirt road, his tires screaming, sending rocks and dirt flying into the air. His heart pounded so badly, so horribly it hurt. But, suddenly, he saw it. A deer halfway across the road, coming up so fast he barely had time to react. He didn't care about his life, but he couldn't help it, before he even knew what he was doing he slammed on the breaks, turning his wheel as far as It could go, spinning out of control. He could do nothing but let his mind fly, like a trapped bird finally given freedom. He slid down the embankment, slamming his head into the steering wheel, his arm against the window, so many hits all at once, things flying from their spots, getting everywhere. And suddenly, his freedom just stopped. The car halted in the grass, just inches away from the barbwire fence.

"Fuck" he groaned, his head spinning, placing his forehead against the steering wheel, staring down at his feet, his chest moving vigorously, his heart slamming against his ribs. And it was gone, he couldn't fly anymore. He glanced up, noticing the deer, unharmed, moving across the grass. He heaved a breathe, leaning back in his seat, and for just a moment, glancing up at the roof, or something more than that was above him. Thank god I didn't hit it, it was innocent. He had already ruined so many beautiful things in his life, he couldn't bare to take the life of nature.

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