Ch 5

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A few days later she woke up, gasping in surprise at the sudden shot of pain through her arm, eyes wide open, staring in disbelief at the people surrounding the bed.

"It's done," the man in black said, looking back at Max, who was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed. She glanced at the man's hand, realizing he was holding some sort of medical gun, She brought her aching arm to her chest, looking up at Max in disbelief.

"Thanks, Jimmy, you can go," the man said roughly

"No Jimmy!" she grabbed the stranger's arm, pulling him back slightly. "Jimmy, what did you do to me?!" she asked, in a panic. He seemed sympathetic, but her grip loosened and he pulled away. Harmony watched as he pulled a clear tube full of tiny black pieces, placing that and the gun in a black case, clicking it shut. He picked it up with his muscled arm, handing Max a small piece of paper as he left out the door. She felt violated, staring at the small puncture in her arm that was turning a bright red compared to her pale complexion.

"Max" her eyes darkened slightly, staring at the man who continued to say nothing, staring at her as she sat in her black nightclothes, still partially under the covers and holding her arm defensively. "Max, tell me right now" she breathed. She knew him well enough to know why he wasn't opening his mouth, because whatever that guy did, it was surely going to make her mad, and he knew that. He was a coward. "Maxwell," she said in warning, her arm starting to ache. He ran a hand through his hair, letting out a low groan in frustration

"I can't let you run again" was all he said. She glanced at the puncture again, and in her crazy thoughts at what he was capable of, she wondered if he had shot her with something to harden her bones or something., but she raised how silly that was, and the technology to create barriers invisible to the naked eye had yet to exist. She shut her eyes tightly, trying to think for a few moments. And, when a sudden thought came to mind, her eyes shot open, staring at him, almost in disbelief.

"Max...did you just inject me with a..a tracking device?!" she asked, getting up from the bed, not even caring she wasn't wearing pants. "Don't tell me you just injected me with a GPS locater!" she approached him, looking him right in the eyes. And, despite his face still void of any emotion, when he looked away at her stare, refusing to meet her eyes, she knew it was true.

"I can't believe you!" she held her aching arm.

"This is your fault Harmony!-" he snapped suddenly, startling her. She backed up on instinct, a sudden fear causing her a shiver. "If you hadn't left me! none of this would have happened!" he barked

"I was being held hostage!" she responded incredulously "What?! was I just supposed to stay here forever! let you snap my heart in half without any complaint?!" his angry face suddenly fell, a sudden look of confusion

"Snap your heart? what are you talking about?" she wrapped her arms against her chest, suddenly feeling the need for herself to look away from his burrowing eyes digging into the skin of her cheeks. "I love you Harmony" she glanced up slightly, admiring his darkened eyes, the serious tone of his voice. She held her breath, trying to think at the moment. It was the first time anyone had ever said that to her. She didn't even remember her mother saying that to her when she was a child. "Harmony, I need you, I need you're light!"

" light?"

"Yes!-" he suddenly got down on his knees, grabbing her hands, looking up at her. "My entire life has been nothing but dark, Harmony, an angry depression that I thought I'd never get to live apart from. Everyone in my life is a criminal! we're stuck in these dark clothes, dark eyes, and sleepless nights!" she watched as he held her tightly, his eyes almost...pleading.

"But, then you came into my life. You're so loving and happy, you're so generous it hurts! you with your light flowery dresses, your long wavy hair, and innocent baby blue eyes. You're so small, so fragile I feel like every time I try to grab you I'll snap you in half! Harmony, I'm fucking addicted to you" she felt her eyes glossing at his words, looking away slightly as if to hide the tears about to fall, not wanting him to see how much his words actually affected her.

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