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When Cam walked into the living room, Trinity was there with her feet up on the coffee table wearing nothing but a silk robe, eating spoonfuls from a small yogurt between her fingers

"Where's the supposed 'queen' of the house?" Trinity asked, using quotes with her fingers

"She's at a meeting with the other chapter leaders" he responded with an edge, sitting down on the love seat by the window "And don't use those fucking air quotes like it's all a lie, Harmony is legally and by HH law his wife, she wears the black heart brand, you don't and it will stay that way even if it's not going to be a legal wedding for much longer" When the elevator jingled indicating its doors opened they both heard it, getting up and glancing out into the hall to see Bunny, Harmony and Spike all getting off. Trinity rolled her eyes, taking in another spoon of yogurt into her mouth.

"Come on Trinity, you're moving out" Bunny claimed, making Trinity raise an eyebrow. Harmony was watching it all.

"And what makes you think I'm going anywhere?" Trinity asked

"Because Maxwell isn't marrying you anymore" Harmony's eyes widened at Bunny's words, and so did Cams, wondering what was happening.

"What are you talking about?! I'm going to be Maxwell's wife!" She claimed

"In fact no, you're not" Bunny claimed. Harmony could tell that Bunny was getting a sick pleasure from telling her this, and Harmony couldn't help but a small smile grace her lips to finally getting her own little slice of revenge.

"My father is going to hear about this! You'll organization will be thrown to fucking hell!" Trinity stomped like a child, making Harmony just feel like she wanted to laugh even more.

"No we wouldn't, you're father no longer has any power. Besides, there's no need for that, you're still marrying the leader of the HH New York Chapter, it's just not Maxwell" Trinity looked between them in disbelief "Trinity-" she grabbed onto Spike's jacket, pulling him to her side "meet your new soon-to-be-husband" For a moment, the room was just dead silence, Trinity staring at Spike, looking in pure disbelief of everything that was coming out of Bunny's mouth.

"As a result, you'll be moving into Spike's apartment, happy Christmas!" Bunny grabbed Trinity's arm, leading her right towards the elevator. The doors opened and Bunny pulled Trinity into the box, pressing the button and giving the catatonic girl a strong thumbs-up as the doors closed. Harmony sighed in relief, knowing that once again, her house was her own again, at least until the relocation happened, sending them to god knows where. She turned her attention to the person dissenting the stairs, It was Misha, holding Maxxy against her hip. Harmony smiled, taking her son from Misha and giving him happy kisses on the cheek, holding him against her side.

"Look, Misha, I'm sorry I have to leave, but my services are no longer needed with that bitch gone" Harmony glanced at Cam as he spoke to the kind housekeeper, Harmony raised an eyebrow, watching as Cam pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, writing across the page and handing it to her.

"Call me" Misha looked at him, her cheeks reddening considerably. Harmony couldn't help but find the moment humorous, holding her son close and feeling the sudden kick of her second one still in her stomach. She let out a sigh, now, it was to wait for the day when Maxwell's fate would be decided in the court of law.


After refusing to pick up his phone calls for the last three days, Harmony finally let in, dreading the conversation ahead, but pressing the answer button and placing the phone to her ear.

"You've been ignoring my calls" was the first thing he said, making her let out a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry Max, I've been busy packing" she responded, glancing at the half-packed boxes littered across the bedroom floor as she sat on the bed, her head to the pillow.

"You know it's super easy to tell when your lying" her hand fisted under the black duvet "You didn't want to answer my calls because you knew you'd have to face my wrath for taking my fucking position from me without even letting me say anything to stop you"

"I was the one that suggested we get your opinion! It was Spike that said we didn't have enough time before we had to tell the others our decision! You can't blame the whole thing on me!" She insisted, leaning up from the covers.

"You never liked my position! I bet you took the first fucking chance to get rid of it with open arms! Always trying to change me into the man you want me to be instead of the one I am despite saying that you wouldn't! You selfish fucking woman!"

"I never tried to change you!" She yelled into the phone "I accepted you with open arms! All of you! Even your position! It was that board of leaders that wanted you out of your position! Not me!" It seemed that the only times she ever yelled in her life was yelling at him, it frustrated her so much. She let out a sarcastic huff, getting so frustrated, so fed up.

"And to think I thought for one moment you wouldn't blame this whole thing on me, how stupid I was-" she muttered into the phone with distaste.


"No!" She snapped into the receiver "No more of your insults! No more of you badmouthing me! I'm six months pregnant with your child! I can't handle this stress-" she gasped suddenly, realizing that she had spilled the news. She had told Maxwell she was pregnant again. But she was so angry the shock at her own actions was quick to pass, and she continued to talk through the receiver "If you want to continue to bitch about everything I'm not going to stick around and listen to you!" There was a few moments of silence, which she finally snapped to break.

"Go ahead Maxwell, continue to act like a child! Or just accept that this is what is happening and be happy with what you have! You have a family that loves you, but of course at the first moment that something goes wrong you just shit all over us!" She was breathing heavily into the phone, and he didn't respond, not that she expected him to.

"Call me when you're going to be an adult instead of the kid you act like!" And with that, she hung up the phone. She couldn't help but let a tear slip down her cheek, but wiped it away, tossing the phone to the other end of the bed and leaning back against the covers, shutting her eyes and shaking slightly, begging her inner mind to not make her cry.

His ViceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora