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She stood by a blood-red car, her hands still tied, being held by the wrist of this guy. They stood at the edge of the road, under one of the street lights.

"He's not going to show," she said stiffly

"He'll show" he responded with an edge. And, just like he said, the screech of multiple cars echoed through the darkness. She turned at the sight in the bend when multiple black cars drifted around the corner from either side of the street. She backed up slightly, startled, watching the cars surrounding them, slipping to a screeching halt across the pavement. Their headlights shone so brightly it blinded her, hearing the doors open and the black-dressed members of Hell's Heaven leaned down by the open doors, pointing their weapons right at them. She panicked, wondering if they were going to shoot her. She started to wrestle against her restraints, and the guy's hold on her tightened. An echo of a door opened broke the silence, and out came Spike as she watched, slamming it behind him, not approaching, but standing by the vehicle, keeping his eyes on them.

"Where's Maxwell?" the guy asked, his hold on her tightening so much it started to sting.

"He's on his way" Spike responded, moving a few steps closer. He met her eyes, making her throat tighten. "Are you hurt?" she shook her head. "Max has been a fucking wreck without you" she glanced away slightly, swallowing. She wasn't much different, she missed him terribly she'd admit. But, she knew that no matter how she felt about him, that she was doing the right thing, to keep herself protected from him.

"Tell Maxwell to get out here!"

"Be patient Collin!" Spike snapped back. But, what they didn't know, was that Max was already there, he had been there for the last two hours, preparing his rifle, adjusting the scope. He could see her frightened face through the lens, when that man roughly pulled her around like a ragdoll. It made him want to snap Blight's neck. He was an expert sniper, and he'd use it to his advantage to kill anyone that laid a finger on her. He had already done it to her brother, her fucking rapist, and now, he'd blow the head off this bastard with absolutely no remorse. He'd do anything for her. He lined the uptake shot, the small black plus in the scope, adjusting so it would zoom closer to the two on the road beneath him. He held his position, the rifle lined up for the guy's head, waiting for just the perfect moment.

"Spike, where's Max?" she asked weakly. His features softened slightly, eyes that held something, a message, telling her that it would be ok. Then, the shot rang out, echoing through the night. And, in less than a second she screamed, watching the guy holding her, just inches from her, his head explode. She cried out, stumbling to the concrete, his innards covering her entire face, her hair, her clothes. The headless body slumped to the ground, blood gushing from innards of the neck, forming a puddle across the street. Pieces of his skin, his skull, and the brain littered every surface within 20 feet of them, splattering everywhere. She breathed deeply, in shock, staring at it. Max killed him. The others started getting back into their cars in a hurry, driving off. She realized, all these people had merely been a diversion, a distraction for Maxwell to line up his shot.

"Harmony! we have to go! before the cops get here!" Spike grabbed her arm, hauling her to her weak feet, she stumbled behind him, getting into the passenger's seat of the black mustang, watching him get into the driver's side, slamming the door shut, pressing the gas and the car screamed as he pulled it out onto the road, increasing in speed down the road with loud rumbles. She watched the black cars scatter apart, drifting down other streets, panicking, holding tightly onto the handle of the door.

"Where are we going?" she asked, looking behind them, noticing the sight of a black motorcycle behind them.

"Back to Manhattan" Spike responded

"Wait! we can't go back! you have to turn back!" she said frantically, grabbing onto his arm.

"Are you crazy?! we're on enemy territory!" Spike snapped, trying to pull his arm from her grip. The motorcycle continued to follow suit, and she knew, under that helmet was Maxwell, following them as they drifted through the streets. "Spike!" she begged, making him look at her, the sorrow in her eyes overwhelming "Please Spike! I'm begging you!" he didn't know why she insisted so much, especially after what just happened. But, he knew it was so important to her, she just couldn't leave. He sighed, drifting the wrong way down the street.

"What are you doing?!" Max's voice in his ear seethed. He didn't respond, following her directions down the broken roads.

"Here!" she said, pointing at the house and he slammed the breaks. She unclicked her seatbelt, and as soon as the car stopped, she got out, running towards the house. Max slammed on his breaks too, getting off the bike, pulling the helmet off his head, watching her run towards the house. He moved towards the car, watching as Spike got out from the driver's side

"What do you think you're fucking doing?! you disobeyed a direct order! I told you to get her back to Manhattan!" he barked, grabbing him by the throat, pushing him into the side of the car.

"she needed to come back" was all he said, making him growl.

Harmony pushed through the door, running down the stairs. She hurried, trying to wipe herself clean with a towel. She grabbed a bag, ripping off the clothes from their hangers, stuffing them into her suitcase.

"Maria?" she turned, seeing Laura at the bottom of the stairs, holding her son.

"I'm so sorry Laura, but I have to go. Callum and I are in danger here" she said quickly, going back to her packing. She put Zuni on her leash. She pulled up her bag, staring at the sad eyes of Laura. "Thank you so much, Laura, for everything you've done for us," Harmony said, taking her son softy from Laura's hands. Maxxy started to oogle as Harmony pulled a large sweater over him, putting up the hood to hide the child's head, bundling him into her arms.

"I'll never forget you, Laura," she said, giving her a reassuring smile. She moved past the old woman and was out the door, hurrying down the path, holding the child to her chest in the sweater bundle. He cooed, sucking on his pacifier, pressing himself against her chest. Laura watched out the window as the young girl hurried down the steps to a black car. Spike picked up Zuni, placing her in the backseat and shutting the door, taking the bag from her.

"What is that?" Max asked, pointing at whatever was under the sweater that she held against her chest. Her defeated face, made him look back down at the sweater, wondering what was happening. She sighed, knowing she couldn't hide the truth. Max approached as she pulled down the hood. He stopped his movements at the sight of it, his feet glued to the cement, a distance between them. He watched the child turn, the pacifier in his mouth, hair black as night across his small head. The eyes, they were his eyes. He looked up, meeting her frightened features.

"I can't fucking believe you!" he breathed, making her heart drop. He looked so unbelievably angry, angrier than she had ever seen him.

"Come on Harmony" Spike grabbed her shoulders, leading her to the passenger's side of the car. She slipped inside, the door slamming behind her. She held Maxxy to her chest, and he looked up at her, reaching his hands out to grab her hair as the tears fell down her cheeks. She turned back, watching Max pull the helmet over his head, getting back on the motorcycle and starting the engine. Spike got into the car, starting it with a screech. They sped past the streets, through red lights, drifted around corners as she held Maxxy tightly, no idea what was going to happen to her, or her baby.

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