The ghost of jasmine?

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To explain in a short way I was staked and killed. Then suddenly I find my self in my death spot every time I blink out. blink out you say?

I'm a ghost and everyday I blink out and enter darkness then boom! I'm in the middle of a road surrounded around trees my death place.

I realize I was a ghost when I tried to talk to Jacob and Daria and the others accept Kiera I haven't talked to her yet or at least tried.

I was in ray room just searching around his room and then ray came up.

"Ray!" I called with all my might knowing he probably can't hear me

But he stop when I yelled

"Jasmine?" He said a little frighten and disbelief.

"Ray" I said again tears begin to fill my eyes and I ran to hugged him.

He gasp as he felt my pressure of me hugging him.

"Where are you?" He asked

"I'm right here" I said between tears.

"I can't see you" he said "but we all miss you".

The suddenly I felt his arms go around me also a little Electric around us I suddenly looked up at him and notice he was looking directly into me.

"I see you" he smiled.

I smiled and parted from him and explain to him what happen ever since I died.

"Wow" he sigh

"Yea.. how's my brother?" I asked

"He's um ok...i told him you went to a trip". He smiled slightly

"What!....Ray you dumb ass you have to tell him!" I said realizing me and ray never was cool

Suddenly a book flew pass his face.

"What the hell?" He said

Did I do that I don't have any powers maybe it was that ghost power type of shit

"Sorry...but you should've of told the truth". I said

"I couldn't". He said

"Why?" I lifted a brow

"Jasmine sit down" he said

"What going on?" I asked

"Jasmine you know when you told me to give Jacob my blood?" Ray sigh

"Yea" I said

"Well Jacob died with it in his system" he paused "but he's a vampire now"

I stood there shocked.

"How could you!" I ran to him throwing pillow punches I was now crying into his chest.

"I'm sorry" ray said "it was an accident"

I finally pull my self together

"Well atleast he alive ..kinda" I sniff.

I looked up and Ray he furrowed his eyes brows at me.

"Jasmine what's going on why are you fuzzie and static like?" Ray asked

"Oh no!" I screamed

"Jasmine" Ray reached but I went through his body

He couldn't touch me no more

"I'm sorry ray" a tear ran down my cheek

"Jasmine no" he said

But I knew after I enter dark I blink out again and this time I don't know when I would blink back in again.

(2 months later)


2 months has pass and I'm getting use to this vampire stuff

"Left!" Ray yelled

I kicked his left hand

"Right!" He yelled

I kicked his left than right and the sweep keep kicked him on the floor.

"Good job" he groan getting up

"Thanks" I smiled

Ray been keeping my mind off chresanto so I kinda feel better


I went to the fridge to get something to drink when I heard a voice.

"Looks like he's over powering the great Ray" the feminine voice teased.

I close the fridge to see jasmine.

"No it's just that he also getting training from zendaya and Trevor" I said drinking out the orange carton

Jasmine as been connected to me thanks to Kiera. Kiera dis a spell that's bounds and spirt to a human or anything with a soul. the only thing bad about it that jasmine can feed of my supernatural energy to keep her stable and not blink out but sometimes the negative energy she give is too much and she still blinks out but a day or maybe a hours she blinks back next to me.

So she kinda my guardian angel. Also she doesn't like taking my energy because it causes me to have to drink more blood than I should

Also that spell could of killed Kiera but it didn't and the reason she did it was for jasmine. Kiera can see ghosts because she's a witch so only me and her knows about jasmine.

"Yeah yeah dummy" she said rolling her eyes

"Careful" I lifted a finger "we don't want jasmine to blink out"

"Oh bite me". She flipped me off walking away.

Then she stopped...

"Ray something bad about happen". She said



I was just kicking the punching back and stuff when something came shooting through the window and hit a wall.

I looked to see it was a stake.

"What the hell?" I question the stick

"Jacob!" I heard ray scream.

Then endless stakes started shooting through the window into a the house.

I vamp speed to the Conor of a wall watch as it came through the house.

I saw ray on the other side

"Come on Jake you got to vamp speed" ray said.

I begin to vamp speed but then I was stop by a stake stabbing my arms.

"Ahh!" I screamed.

A stake was about hit me again until I was grab and was vamp sped to ray and then the kitchen.

As I sat up to look at who saved.....i sat up and look at him with shock

"Chresanto!?" Me and Ray said.

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