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I woken up on a cold concrete floor everything around me was black. Where am I? What happen? That's when I remembered somebody snapped my neck. It was somebody I knew. Could it have been prince? Wouldn't surprise me if it was. I notice I was in a small cage. The cage was only big enough for me to stand on my knees. I grabbed the bars trying to break out, but I was too weak to do it. I realized by accidentally touching the bars of the cage it was cloth covering me and the cage. I then heard foot steps and the cloth was snatched off and light enter my eyes. I squinted as my eyes tried to adjust to the light and see who was it standing over me. Suddenly another person arrived next to the one standing over me.

"She's awake." A female voice said. Her voice was so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
As my sight finally got clearer I then saw who was the two people standing over me.

"I should've known it was you." I looked at both of them in disgust.


Daniel was pacing back and forth on the floor loosing his mind.

I was sitting on the couch looking at Kiera as she had five candles around the springfalls town map. She was doing an location spell.

Ray and Trevor had stepped out the house for a moment.

"Could you hurry the spell up." Daniel said.

"Well it'll be faster if someone stops pacing." Kiera shot back at him.

"Look!" Daniel grabbed and lifted her up off her toes. "Witch I will rip your body apart and burned it!"

Daniel eyes were fully black and his veins were showing.
I quickly vamped speed  from the couch and pushing him into the wall. Kiera fell to the floor and looked at him with anger.

"Kiera you okay?" I asked helping her up.

"Yup." She said snatching from my grip and squinting her eyes at Daniel.

Daniel then begin to scream and I saw his hand sizzling.

"What are doing!!!?" Daniel yelled in pain.

"It's a little spell I picked up from grams." She said smirking.

"Kiera you know you can't." I said looking at her.

"I know I can't" she stopped squirting her eyes, and sighed. "Even if wanted too..I'm not powerful enough."

"Look everyone just needs to chill." I said. "Daniel Daria is our best friend we want to find her just as much as you do."

"Fine." He said getting up and dusting himself off. He then lean on the wall and watch as Kiera started the spell over again.

Suddenly I heard a chuckle and saw a slutty version of me.

"Maybe the knock off is kind of like me." I heard prince say.

I turned to him mentally roll my eyes.

"I'm nothing like you." I squinted my eyes at him.

"You should of saw your self with your humanity off." He said laughing. "Boy you was on a streak."

"Have ever try a thing I called knocking." I said ignoring his comment.

"Uh knock knock, Everyone in here is dead." He said.

"Not me." Kiera said.

"You will be." He shot back at her.

"Not on my watch." I said stepping up to prince.

Prince then started laughing and put a hand on his hip.

"Honey, I can take Ray and Chres on with one hand tied behind my back." He said. "I'll barely have to lift a finger with you."

He was right I wasn't a newbie vampire no more. So that mean I didn't have enhanced strength anymore. I'm just a normal vampire now.

"Can you leave." I paused. "Like now."

"I'm afraid she can't do that." Ray said walking in.

"Why can't I?" Prince lifted a brow.

"Because your important to someone and I want to know why." He said.

"Both you and Jacob." Kiera said getting up and picking up the book.

She, Daniel, and Ray walked out on the front on to the door steps.

I ran to catch up with them, but I was knocked on my butt from running into a invisible wall.

What there hell? Why can't I leave out the house?

"What the hell?" I said out loud.

"Sorry jake." Kiera gave me a sad face.

"I can't leave?" I lifted a brow.

Prince then walked to me laughing.

"You can't, but I can." He said walking towards the door, but was stop by something invisible.

"The fuck?" He said trying to walk again, but the same thing happen.

"I'm not sorry about you." Kiera sassed and walked away.

"Ray you can't leave me here, with that." He said pointing at me.

"I will and I am." He said. "You guys should be safe. For now bond with each other."

"What about the spell for Daria?" I asked lifting a brow.

"That she already done." Ray said. "I just needed Kiera and Daniel to keep you in the house till Prince got here.

"Such a witch move." Prince mumbled under his breath.

"Play nice you two." With that Ray then walked away.

Suddenly prince looked at me.

"Oh we ain't bonding." He said sighing and walking off in frustration. "I need a drink."

This was going to be long night like it not.


Well it's been long, but here's and update...I had to push a restart button and stay off Wattpad for a while. And since things are starting to slow down in school (don't know for how long though.) hopefully I'll be able to constantly a new story is in works ;)




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