We'll be waiting

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A month has passed and everyone was really focusing back to their normal lives or trying. Zendaya left the town so she can explore the world. Daria and Daniel went to Hawaii, but they said they'll be back. Kiera was trying to help Kyla and Nick start off with a life free from their father. Trevor was well somewhere with his love. No left was Me,Chres, Jasmine, and Ray.

Jasmine ended up coming back to life, but the price was that she now had the ability to see ghost. She didn't know much of it herself, but another thing was that a girl name Leah was part of her. It was like two people fit into one. Sometimes it's Jasmine and sometimes it's Leah. Kiera didn't know how pull them a part. So Leah and Jasmine learned to live with it. Ray well is still Ray, but he's nice a little. He and Jasmine spend more time together they're like best friends. Ray and I never fully talked about this kiss between us, but he would one day have to face it because we both knew that one of us had grew feelings from that. For we chose to ignore it though. Chres is well trying to redeem himself for what he put us through. He didn't know what came over him. Everyone forgave him, but he is still dealing with the after effects. Prince, well after the event that happen, prince disappear from our radar and to tell you the truth I'm kind of glad. Something told he would be back though. Lastly there is me, well I've been just focusing on graduating school. Even though I'm vampire, I was still going to try to live a normal life. Lately though I've been getting wired signs. For example last night a lot of crows were around me dead and in a blink of an eye they're gone. I told Kiera about and she tried to do a spell to sense anything wrong, but all she said could just be a dream.

Here I am today on a beach. Just looking into the horizon. Everything I been through happen because I met Chres. Then a question popped in my head. If you could change the past, would I change meeting Chres? I thought about it and the answer always seem to be no. I love Chres and I can't change that. I won't change that. Suddenly felt a breeze of win and realized that Chres was beside me.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Hi," I smiled back

We both leaned for a kiss. The kiss was for a minute and then we parted for some air.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah," I sigh. "I'm just thinking."

"About," he raised a brow.

"Life," I answered.

"Well you have endless time to think about that,". Chres joked.

I couldn't resist the urge to laugh.

"I guess you're right," I smiled.

"I guess I'm just still suffering from all that drama," I said.

"I figure you'll say that," he said. "So I brought help to keep your mind off things."

I turned around and saw my friends. They were all there smiling. Kiera had a beach ball and Daria was in a Hawaii hat. Jasmine was helping the guys get the chairs out the truck.

"Daria an Daniel shorten their trip for you," Chres said.

"Hey are we going to have fun or what!?" Daria screamed.

"What are you waiting for!" I screamed.

After that we played at the beach for what felt like hours. We ended the day by every one cuddling with their friend or lover looking in the sky full of stars. Suddenly Jasmine got up and started looking for something.

"What you looking for?" I asked her.

She didn't answer it look like she was in a trance.

"Jasmine?" Ray called.

She continue to walk away from us. We got up and followed her. She then made a stop and almost fainted.
Ray quickly caught her and she started look at what she stumbled upon. We all did and it, sent us into puzzling thoughts

"Then end is just a start," Daniel read.

It's looked like it was burned into the sand.

"What does this mean?" Keira asked.

"I don't know," Jasmine asked. "But it can't be good."

"What are we going to do?" Ray asked.

"I don't think it's anything we can do," Trevor said.

"The only thing we can do is prepare," Daniel said.

"We'll be waiting," Chres said, putting an arms around me.

"We can't never get a break," Ray groaned.

I slowly looked away from the message and looked at the a big rock seeing Prince sitting on it and smiling.

"You didn't think things were better now," He said. "It may not be now, but we still have a little thing to settle."

I looked at him and squinted my eyes.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"We both have a special gift the beyond given us," Prince smirked. "But only one of us is suppose to exists with it."

"Which mean?" I asked

"Jacob who are you talking to?" Jasmine asked.

"Like doppelgängers," Prince begin. "Only one us is suppose exist right now..and I know I wanna exist."

"Are you threatening me?" I said shakily.

"No," he laughed and gave me a sly smile. "I'm threatening you and your friends."

After that a flash of thunder came prince was gone.

"Come on Jacob we gotta go," Chres started pulling me.

Only one us can exist. If that's the battle you want prince than bring it.


Finally! It's done! I know there is a lot of wonders, but I had to end with a Clift. Because you know nothing really ends...okay sometime it's does, but right now I wanna work on another story. I hope you guys understand 😫😫😫.... I like to give a shout out too resjaa. This girl stuck with me through years lol. She been on me like "bitch update" or "I'm still here bitch"  resjaa I just want to tell you I love you for that I really do...also other people who still was keeping up.  I finally feel a weight lifted up a little since I'm done...but anyway stay tune for my next story...

Excuse errors



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