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We can't really get a break can we? We got Jacob back but we lost Chres. Maybe I should listen to what my grandmother said and stay out of vampire business. Ok, but until I know all my friends are safe and then I'll stay away. I heard a knock on my door and it was my mother. He knows about me being witch because she is also one, but she doesn't likes it and she not a fan of me using it.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Dinner will be ready soon" she said behind the door.

"Okay." Said looking back at the map laying across my bed.

I looked over to bowl filled with water. It was just water it was pure water. I read in one of my grandmother's grimoire that pure waters Boosts a tracking spell. I dip both my hands in and lifted them above the map letting water drip on it. I then started to chanting a spell.  After a pain shot in my head I see get another glimpse of a vision. This time I couldn't move because arms was holding.

"Give this marked witch up and you'll get..your brother back" a man said.

He stood there with his brownskin  and a royal king gown on. His his hair was long and his bread was also. Not to mention his fuzzy mustache. Who hell was this guy? I then see prince, Jacob, Daniel, and Jasmine. All in each separate circle. There was one more and before I even knew it I was thrown into the circle. I suddenly started see people come up to me holding a stones in their hands chanting. The stones glowed my head started to hurt like hell. The  I felt like I was being pulled out of my body and being sent somewhere else. I exit the visions screaming falling to the floor. I see the map was smoking. I looked at it it said "you've been marked for death"  I felt a sting on my wrist and see that I had a X burned on my skin. My mom came in coming to me.

"What happ-" but we stopped and looked at my wrist. "Oh my god"

"What does this mean mom?" I said looking at her.

"You've been marked for the sacrifice witch" She said having tears form in her eyes.

I stopped at looked at her. I felt like every breath was being sucked from me.


"How's your mom?" Daniel asked me through the phone

"She's fine, she's at work" I said talking to him and finishing up the laundry.

"So that means I can come over"  he said.

I couldn't but smile.

"No, because I still have work to finish for school." I said starting the dryer, walking up stairs.

"Your no fun." I heard him whimper through phone.

"I know, but look you have to watch over prince and them making sure the visions don't come true." I said.

"What about  the one about you?" He asked.

"Look I'm in the house they can't come through" I said walking into my room. "Stop being so over protective."

"I love you." He said.

"I live you too Daniel" I pushed the hang up button.

Suddenly lights started to flicker.

"What the hell?" I said walking downstairs to the living room.

Suddenly the door Burst open with 2 oof those hairy looking humans or beast attacking me. I kicked one off and u threw the other one to the wall. I vamp speed in the kitchen grabbing a butcher knife out the rack. I slowly walked into the living room and see they both were gone. Suddenly I was attack to a wall and both of my hands were held. You my special vamp power to figure out his weak spot and it I see it was his head. I headbutt him and snapped his arm breaking it. I kicked his legs making them both give out. As I was about cut the vain on his neck the other one attacked me and quickly swung the knife as hard as I can cutting it's was off. It while body started to burn. I went back the one who was on its knees.

"Who sent you!?" I yelled.

"Master" it said all beastly.

I raised the knife to its vain and sliced it. It's whole body burned and disappear.

I looked at both of the burned spots trying to figure out how I'm going to explain this to my mom. I suddenly felt hands wrapped around my head lifting me off the ground.

"She did good handling herself" a familiar female voice laugh.

"She's bait though" a boy voiced laugh

Wait second?

After that my head was twisted snapping my neck and I enter a dark world. Before I could figure who it was.


Who was those two people?

All of you guys whos is wondering a lot some of your questions might be answer next chappie





Excuse any errors I'm just trying to keep this update constantly.

Bookies 😘😘

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