Chres finds out

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As always in the beginning of my day I wake up where I had died.  Yup I'm the middle of a highway surrounded by trees.  I always wanted to know what killed me...or who had killed me? But I guess that's just have to wait.  So as I walked back to Chres's house but then a man yelling at the kids stop.

"You kids are not responsible...just go way!" He yelled

But the kids just laugh and continue throwing rocks at a broken down house.  He got even angrier and then suddenly the window started to break on its on.  The kids got scared and ran away.

"That's right run away punks!" the man yelled

The man at grey ghostly skin his eyes lids were dark around and well he was looked like he was where clothes from the 60s

Then man looked at me

"You! Young women!" He called out

"Me?" I pointed to my self

"Who else stay way from my ho-" something cut his words off.

"Oh no you're a ghost like me!" He pointed "run!"

Suddenly I heard a horse nose and I turned around seeing something I never thought I would ever see.

It was a person in a black hoodie but I couldn't  his face his horse was black with red eyes. He also had a big scythe.

"Run!" I heard a different voice.

But I couldn't I was frozen in fear.

"I always wanted your soul it was special" the black hoodie said

His voice sent chills through me

He then lifted his scythe

Then suddenly a guy grab me and started running away from it . As we ran through the woods I look back seeing the black hoodie guy following us but it was moving so fast.  We ran through the cemetery and then just pass all the woods I saw a White House but it looked abandon as we ran toward it.

"Hold on!" He yelled

Then suddenly we went through the door into the house. 

I was astonished from what I saw in the house. The lights were on there was a coach a TV and stuff. Also there were about eight people in the house.

The guy looked the window and made a relief sound.

"We are safe people?"  He said

Then everyone continue to what you were doing

The guy turned to me

"Thanks"'I said

"Your a new soul aren't you?" He asked

"Yep" i smiled

"Jordan" he held out his

"Jasmine" I smiled Shaking his hand

He wasn't buff but you tell he had muscle his eye brows was thick. His eyes was brown his hair was brown oh did I mention he had Leonardo DiCaprio hair style. His skinned was tanned.  He was your hot average boy...but kinda not my type

"What was that?" I lifted a brow acknowledging the hoodie guy

"Oh he's the grim reaper he takes souls to make himself powerful I guess"  Jordan shrug

"So we safe here?" I lifted a brow

"Yeh this house got some kinda protection around it" he smiled

I would love and stay and chat but I have to get to Ray and them

"Um I gotta go" I said

"What you just got here" he said

"I know but I haven't to take care of I promise I'll be back" I said

I started walking out the door

"Be careful" he said

I gave him a smile and walked off


Jacob was training with Chres today so I could relax. Jacob becoming more and more stronger each day not jasmine stronger but stronger. His newbie vampire strength wore off so me and Chres is still stronger than him. But in fighting style he's more smarter than me and Chres he's kinda surpassing us..which I'm worried

I watch as Jacob kicked and punched he sweep kicked Chres on the floor put a stake to his throat. Then Chres twisted Jacob arm and pushed him to the floor he grab Jacob neck

"Jacob your doing good but be careful cause a vamp can also snap your neck in seconds" Chres told Jacob "but so far good job go on break"

Jacob got up and walked away. Chres had followed him knowing something wrong with Jacob.

Suddenly Kiera burst threw the door looking for me

"We need to talk now!" Kiera said

"Damn can you knock?" I said getting up out my seat

"Sit back down" she held her hand and I sat down

"Hey I thought you said your not using your magic no more" I complained

Suddenly jasmine came into the room

"What's going on?" She said coming to my side.

"I had a vision of prince and Jacob" Kiera said.

"What happen?" I asked

"They were getting captured and if my vision correct it happen here" Kiera said

"What do the people look like?" Jasmine asked

"I don't know" Kiera said

"You don't know?..what the fuck" I said

"Look my visions don't come as clearly" Kiera said

"Well thanks for only telling us" I said

Kiera laugh

"What?" I frown

" I'm telling the others too" she said

"You don't have to me and jasmine got it" I said

" you and Jasmine your not gonna be able to do it by your self and jasmine being dead also not helping no offense" Kiera said

"None taken" jasmine smiled

"Offense taken" I said

"Jasmine dead?" Chres asked out of no where

"Shit" jasmine said



Boomed!!! another chapie and another Clifty

How will Chres react to finding out jasmine dead?

Will he tell Chres?

How do you feel about jasmine soul being special to the grim reaper?




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