Chapter 7

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A/N: Okay, so I'm skipping ahead a few months. Just a fair warning. Thanks for reading I hope you like this chapter. (ps, i'm making it up as I go so don't judge lol)

Chapter status: edited


*3 months later*

*Makenna's POV*

"Michael! Babe, come look! You can see my bump!" I yell to my boyfriend who is laying in bed scrolling through twitter. I hear him groan and get out of bed. He comes behind me as I'm standing to the side looking at my growing belly. "Wow, babe. You can really tell now! I'm so excited." He smiles and kisses my forehead, whilst rubbing my tiny bump. He gets on his knees and whispers to my belly. "Hi, baby. I can't wait to meet you. You're going to be the cutest bundle of joy ever! Along with your big sissy, Marley of course. I love you." He stands up after kissing my belly and pulling me into an embrace. We're going later today to find out the gender of the baby. I'm really hoping for a boy. It would be PERFECT! I strip down to nothing as I turn on the shower making it just the right temperature. I step in, wetting my hair and reaching for the shampoo. I hear the door open and close again. I look out to see my boyfriend and my daughter sitting on the stool by the sink. Michael is braiding Marley's hair while humming an unfamiliar tune. She giggles as Michael tickles her sides and shoos her off to get dressed. It's almost Marley's sixth birthday and I've got a few months to plan. I think I want it to be princess themed. She loves all the Disney princess movies. I get out of the shower and put my robe on, seeing Michael and Marley at the mirror, now picking out a bow. "Marley you look so cute! You too, babe" I said to Michael, winking and walking out. I pick out a simple pair of leggings and a loose fitting, light pink blouse. I wear a minimal amount of natural makeup and throw my hair in a messy bun. We're all ready by the time I'm done and we walk out the door.

"I'm so excited. What do you want? Boy or girl?" I ask Michael. He puts on a thinking face for about a minute. "You know what? I don't really mind. I will love them either way.", he smiles. "What about you, Mar? Do you want a boy or a girl?" Michael asks. "Girl!" she yells and we both smile. It would be really cute to dress them as princesses together! I place my hand on Michael's thigh rubbing it gently and smile. We pull into the hospital parking lot. I'm getting really nervous as I walk in with my family. Sometimes these appointments don't go as planned. They aren't always perfect. Michael grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. "It's okay, babe. Everything will be fine." he tells me as he senses my nervousness. I give him a slight smile, "I love you". "I love you more, Makenna Grace", he says. I smile and kiss his knuckles as we wait for the elevator to open to the third floor. We walk into the waiting room and I find a seat with Marley as Michael checks me in. We're the only ones in the waiting room so it shouldn't take that long. My leg is shaking so badly right now. Michael joins me and puts his hand on my leg. "Makenna, it's fine. I promise." He smiles and kisses my temple, causing me to smile. Marley has gone off to play with the few toys they have in the waiting area. We've waited for about ten minutes before I hear my name called to come back. "Hi, Makenna. Step into this room and lets get your weight and blood pressure." The nurse instructs me to stand on the scale. She looks and smiles, "Great. You're doing amazing." I smile and applaud myself in my head. She takes my blood pressure and shortly after, jots that down as well as my weight. "Everything looks great! Follow me, please." Michael is carrying a sleeping Marley and we follow behind. "The doctor will be in here in just a few moments", she smiles and closes the door behind her. lay back on the table and wait for the doctor. We wait another five minutes before the doctor comes in. She's the same one I saw when I was pregnant with Marley. "Hi, Doctor Hart", I say with a smile. "Hi, Makenna. How are we today?" she looks at me then to Marley and smiles. Marley hides behind Michael and giggles. "I'm great. Everything feels fine" I smile. "Well, let's get a look at this little one, shall we?" I laugh and nod my head. "Okay, it's going to be a little cold", she smiles squirting the gel on my tiny bump. I wince as the cold gel hits my warm skin. Michael grabs my hand and looks at the picture projected on the wall. "Do you want to know the gender?" she asks. I shake my head, "Not yet. We're having a reveal party so we want you to put it in this envelope so my sister can get the cake done". She smiles, "Alright. Here's the head...and the arms...and the little feet. Everything looks fine. Now, turn away real quick." Michael, myself and Marley cover our eyes. We hear a click and an 'okay' to turn back. "You're all good to go. Congratulations. Good luck" she smiles and wipes my tummy. I get all fixed up and go to schedule my next appointment.

*2 days later*

"Are you ready, babe?" I ask as I lay in my bed with my boyfriend and our daughter. It still feels surreal to say that. He nods, "Of course I am, baby. What time is it?" I look at my phone, "Eleven-fifteen. Party starts at one, I'll go get Marley up tell her to get dressed", he kisses my hand and lets go, letting me get out of bed. "Marley, what do you think it is? Boy or girl?" I ask her this holding up a light blue dress and a light pink dress. "Girl!" she shouts, pointing to the pink dress. "Okay, Mar, why don't you get dressed then, and when you're done I'll do your hair", I smile. I set the dress on the edge of her bed also getting a matching pair of leggings to go with. She wears a light purple, polka dotted bow and black flats to match it. I brush her hair, letting it fall to the top of her back. "Go get daddy!" I whisper yell. She runs out of her room and into mine and Michael's. She jumps up on the bed and yells, "Come on, daddy! Get up! We have to go!". He laughs, "Okay, okay!". Michael jumps in the shower really quickly washing his hair and body leaving the water running for me as I jump in after him doing the same. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a light blue t-shirt that says, "BOY!" on it. Michael wears a dark-ish blue, plain t-shirt as well as some black skinny jeans. I spray a few spritz of perfume and put deodorant and makeup on letting my hair naturally fall.


"Tess! This looks great!" I say excitedly to my older sister. "Well, what can I say? I AM a party planner" she gloats about the decoration. There's pink and blue hand-prints and foot-prints all over the table cloths. There are banners saying 'Boy? or Girl?'. There's a huge two layer cake one is iced with pink icing and the other with blue. We wait thirty minutes for all the guests to arrive. They're all either wearing pink or blue. "Okay, everyone! It's time to find out if Makenna and Michael are having a boy or girl! Gather around!", Tess yells as loud as she could. "You ready?" I ask Michael. He nods, we pick up the knife and cut a slice. "It's a..."

OMG, cliff hanger! Sorry lol. Gotta give you something surprising!

I hope you liked it please vote!

QOTD: What do you think it is? Boy or girl?

Thanks for reading and Ily all!

p.s. it is kinda short and rushed bc i don't have very good wifi but i wanted to give you something okay bye

My Little Secret // Michael Clifford Where stories live. Discover now