Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: Things in this chapter go by very quickly and you definitely don't expect it. I will accept constructive criticism, but don't be mean. 

P.S., don't forget your tissues. I love you all. 

Chapter status: edited


"ITS A...BOY!!" Michael and I yelled at the same time. I literally started crying at the thought of having a little prince. This is what I've always wanted ever since I was a little girl. I told my mum that I wanted a daughter then a son. Michael hugged me immediately after we saw the blue cake. He was so gentle with me almost like I was a piece of glass and I could break if barely dropped. "I love you so much", he whispers, hugging me while everyone cheers. I look around at all the guests cheering and smiling. A few people have come up to me giving me hugs and congratulating me. I return the hugs and thank each and every one of them. We got a lot of gender neutral things today that will definitely look so cute on our baby boy. I'm beyond ecstatic to have a son. Michael is super excited, as well. I saw him cry a bit when we found out, but he keeps denying it. Marley is starting to be excited, even though she wanted a sister. I think a little brother will be perfect for Mar. "I'm exhausted, babe", I say to Michael. He pulls me close to him and rubs my back. "Just sit down, babe. I've got it", he said motioning me to a chair while he helped my sister clean the place up from the decorations and food. I smiled thinking to myself, he's going to be a really good dad. I already know he is, but picturing him with the new baby and getting up when I'm just too tired melts my heart. He's perfect and I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else.


"I can feel him kicking, babe", I say to Michael quietly since everyone's in bed and Marley just fell asleep. I grab Michael's hand and put it on my belly with my hand still cupped to his. Michael smiles at me, "That's amazing, baby", he kisses me. The kiss lingers a bit longer than usual and I love when this happens. It makes me feel loved and wanted. Michael is always careful when he kisses me in bed. He doesn't want to get too "excited" and hurt the baby. That gives me the warmest feeling in the world. Knowing that he's so gentle and careful with our baby boy, who hasn't even arrived yet. It's the best feeling a mother could have. A lot of men aren't like that unless they're married and over the age of thirty-five. Michael, on the other hand, talks to the baby and sings to the baby. He rubs my belly and it gets the baby kicking and moving so much. "I love you, Makenna Grace", Michael says pulling away from the kiss. "I love you too, Michael Gordon", I say, intertwining our hands and kissing his knuckles. I slowly start to fall asleep, laying on my side. I feel Michael drawing circles with his fingers on my hips. I smile, and drift off to sleep.


*Next morning* 

"Michael!", I scream in pain. I start crying and screaming. There's a sharp pain on the side of my stomach. Something is definitely not right. "Michael, please", I sob, trying to wake him up. After a few more seconds, he wakes up, "What, baby? What's wrong?". "I..." deep breath, "need", "to get" deep breath, "to the hospital", I finally spit out in between sobs and catching my breath. Michael nods and picks me up, carrying me to the car. He opens the door and sits me in, shutting the door to go get Marley. A minute or two later, they come out, and Michael puts her in her seat and buckles her up. The short ride to the hospital seems like five hours. He parks in front of the hospital where a bunch of nurses where waiting, since Michael had called. They had a wheel chair and got me out, putting me in the chair and wheeling me in as Michael went to park the car. I was taken to a room where Michael and Marley met me shortly after. Michael stayed by my side the whole time. They hooked a lot of things up to me, including a monitor to keep an eye on the baby. We waited three hours for results after some tests that were taken. Marley is sleeping on the couch by the window and Michael is in the bed with me. The doctor walks through the door with a blank expression on her face. I start to get worried, "Everything should be okay. Nothing to worry about, yet", she said. That gave me a little bit of comfort. "But, we may have to deliver him early", she said. "B-but, I'm only four months along. It's too early", I sob even more. She looks at me sincerely, "I know, but if its safe for your baby boy, you should consider it". I nod my head, "Okay. If it comes down to it, yes. Thank you so much", I say with tears in my eyes. Michael hugs me softly and rubs my fingers steadily, "It will be okay, baby girl. I promise". 


Oh my god. 

I cried so much writing this

I can't even

My Michael and Makenna feels are all over the place

How was it?

QOTD: What is Michael and Makenna's ship name?

QOTD2: What should happen next?

QOTD3: What will they name the baby? 

My Little Secret // Michael Clifford Where stories live. Discover now