Chapter 9

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"I'm scared, Michael", I tell him, my voice shaking. He looks at me with sad eyes, "I know. Everything will be okay no matter what. If we have to deliver him early, the doctors know what to do. If he can stay full term, the doctors will be monitoring him all the time. I promise everything will be alright". He kisses my hand and lays down beside me. These moments are moments I cherish the most. Marley is sleeping on the couch by the window considering its 3AM. The doctor has been in about five times since we've been here. They've been amazing so far. I'm really nervous, though. Nobody knows we're here. We didn't want to wake anyone up. A sudden, fast series of beeps comes from a machine beside me and doctors and nurses come rushing in. "It's the baby. He's stressed and its not good for the situation that he's already in", they say. I begin to panic, "We have to deliver him now, don't we?" They nod, "It's for the best, Makenna". I nod, "Let's go, then. I want my baby alive and healthy'. They put me on a gurney and wheel me to an OR where they will perform the C-Section. Michael stayed with Marley, so she wasn't alone. I never expected this. I had always thought everything would be perfect. Thinking about it now, it sounds kind of selfish of me. You can't always expect everything to go your way. I don't care about anything right now except the health of my children. They've prepared me for surgery and in no time have made an incision in my medium-sized belly. I can feel the pressure, just not the incision. It takes about 45 minutes for the whole thing to happen. I had a slight feeling of relief when I heard his cries fill the room. I just laid there and cried to myself. They briefly showed me my baby boy. They soon took him away in an incubator as the doctor finished with the surgery. I was wheeled back to an empty room. I'm assuming Michael and Marley went to see him. I fell asleep shortly after being in my room alone for ten minutes. 


I woke up to Michael kissing my forehead, followed by a kiss from Marley. I smiled as my eyes batted open. "Hi" I said softly. Michael grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. "He's perfect, babe. He looks just like you", Michael assured me. I let a few tears escape my tired eyes. "I just want him to be okay", I said trying not to cry. Michael nodded, "I know. We all do. I called your parents and mine and they'll be her in a little bit". The doctor came in with a wheel chair, allowing me to go see him. I got in the chair and Michael wheeled me down the hall. I got really nervous. I know he's small, but I don't know if I'm emotionally ready for this. We finally get to the NICU and see my baby through the window. There are four other babies with their mothers beside them in the room as well. I see them all just admiring their sweet angels. There's a special gown and chair ready for me. I put on the yellow gown and sit down as a nurse hands me my son. I only have a specified amount of time that I'm allowed to hold him. So far, the doctors have told me he doesn't have any major problems with his health. He's just under developed and needs to be here, in the incubator for a few more months. I agree to anything as long as he's healthy. "Babe, why don't you take Marley home for a nap, lunch, bath and everything? You could probably use some rest, too. You can come back tonight or tomorrow", I suggest. Michael nods, "Okay, I love you". I smile and yawn, "I love you, too. Let me see Mar". She sits in my lap, "I love you, mommy", she says in her tired voice. I smile, hugging and kissing her, "I love you, too". They leave after we all say our good-byes and I'm left with my baby and the other mothers and their babies. 


*Next morning*

I've been up all night in the NICU, watching my baby's chest rise and fall steadily. I've talked with the woman beside me, Nicole. She said her daughter, Harper Grace, was born three months early and has been in here for four months. She has told me how amazing the staff is and how well they've treated her. We have agreed to get together once both our babies are ready to go home. I can't stop looking at him. He's just so perfect. I've talked to Michael a few times since last night. He said Marley slept in bed with him, which I think is absolutely adorable. My mom walks in wearing a yellow gown and mask. "Hi, mom", I smile slightly. She looks at her five month early grandson in adoration. "He's beautiful, Kenna", she says. I lightly cry, "Thank you, Momma. He's perfect", I say. She nods in agreement with a tear falling down her face. She hugged me, "You're strong, Makenna. You can do this. Whatever happens, I'll be here". I cried even more, "Thanks again, mom". Michael walked in as I wiped my tears away. He had a sleeping Marley on his shoulder. I smile at the sight, "Hi", I whispered. He smiles, laying Marley on the couch and kissing my cheek. He stands by the incubator and stares at the sleeping baby. "I want him home soon", Michael says, his voice cracking. I nod knowingly, "Me too, babe". I can't help, but have this feeling to want to hold him every second of everyday.  I lean the reclining chair back and fall asleep. Michael sits in a chair, opposite the incubator and watches the baby carefully. I think about our future as I drift in to a sleep. I just want our family home. I want to live my life happily and not worrying if my child will be okay or not. 

Matthew Beckham Clifford was born at 4:49AM on August 11, 2015. Weighing 3lbs, 2oz. Measuring 16 inches long.


Okay, hi. I'm not entirely happy with this chapter, but I'm okay with it. 

I cried a little. 

But, hey, this is the moment you've all been waiting for. 

It will get emotional beyond this point. 

Sorry, ily all

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