Chapter 10

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Chapter status: edited


Michael holds her up to the incubator and she sticks her little hand in and he wraps his even littler hand around hers. I can't wait until they're older, so they can bond even better. Marley always asks when her little brother will be home. The only thing I can tell her is 'soon'. He is the sweetest little boy. He coos all the time and when I make silly faces at him, he smiles really big. The doctor comes in to run a few small tests. "These tests should determine when he can come home with you", he says, smiling. I smile and cry a little bit. "Thank you so much for everything you have done. It means the world. Michael and I are so grateful for everything you do", I say. He nods, "You're welcome, Makenna. I wish the best for your family", he walks out with everything he needs for the tests he did. "It should be about an hour and a half", the nurse says, following him. I sigh in relief when Michael and Marley come in. "Hi, baby", I say to Marley who jumps up on my lap. She gives me a tight hug and kisses my cheek. Michael walks over, kissing my forehead and taking the hyper girl in my arms, "Take a nap, love. You need it". I recline my chair and mouth a 'thank you' to Michael. I slowly fall asleep to the sound of Matthews monitor beeping. It's been a week since Matthew has been in the NICU. He's doing so well, but he's still five months early, so there are minor complications that can be fixed.  Marley is in love with him. I slowly woke up and saw Marley jumping up and down cheering quietly after hearing the good news. I stand up and put my hands in the slots on the incubator. He's so gorgeous and he looks just like Michael. I caress his head lightly and hold his little feet between my first finger and thumb. "Babe, come take a picture", I whisper to Michael. He takes the picture and shows me, waiting for my approval. I smile and nod, taking my phone from him.

'@ItsKenna: My little boy :) xx' (picture from above is attached).

Not even a minute after I tweeted the picture, I'm getting loads of support. Michael's fans (the ones that actually like me), are tweeting me saying how cute he is and how lucky he is. They're seriously the cutest people in the world. Well, besides my kids, but you know. Michael pulled a chair up to the other side of Matthew. "He's perfect. So perfect", Michael said, wiping a tear from his cheek. I nod in agreement as a knock is on the door. In walks, Faith, Bri and Lisa all wearing the yellow gown and mask. They each have a little present for him and Marley, since they haven't seen her in forever. "Hi, guys!" I exclaim, almost crying that they're here. They all say their hello's and hand me the bags, then walk over and admire the little boy. "He is so cute, Kenna", Faith said. "Yeah, he's adorable", Lisa agreed. Bri just nodded her head because she was sobbing. I stood up and hugged her. "Its okay, Bri", I assured her. She hugged back and nodded. I giggle at her, "You're cute, Bri". I sit back down as my stomach hurts a little bit from the C-section. I open the gifts that the girls got Matthew and give Marley hers. Faith gave him a little blue blanket with a tiny teddy bear attached. Lisa gave him a little outfit that had black skinny jeans and a flannel for when he's older and a little rattle. Bri gave him a pack of three onesies. One had bears on it, one had cars on it, and one was just plain yellow. I thanked them all for the gifts and they left about ten minutes after. It was so nice to see them.


Michael and Marley left and my mom showed up twenty minutes after. "Thanks for staying with me, mom. It gets lonely", I say. "You're welcome. I could imagine it would get lonely", she says. My mom is the most supportive of anyone in my family. My dad wasn't happy when he found out I was pregnant again. My sister doesn't talk to me, for a reason I don't know. I'm just glad I have my mom, Michael, Marley and my friends in this difficult time. "How's daddy?" I ask my mom. "He's good. He's still upset, but that's just him and you know he still loves you, Makenna", she tells me. I nod, "I know momma, it just hurts". She hugs me and stays for a bit, "I know. He'll get over it soon. Before you know it, he'll be bragging to his golfing buddies about his new grandson". I laugh, "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, mom". She nods, "Well, I'm going to get some sleep. You need it, too. Goodnight Makenna and Matthew, I love you". "I love you, too momma", I say, yawning. I really hope things start to look up in life. I mean, after all the good news today, it should. Today was the best day since I had Matthew. He is improving so much. He actually squeezes our fingers, now. We are so blessed to be this lucky. There are so many people that go through this who aren't so fortunate. It really breaks my heart, to be honest. If I could help every baby that's in the position that Matthew is in, I would in a heartbeat. My heart breaks for the mothers that go through a loss from premature birth. One of the mothers that was in here before Matthew and I lost her baby due to an infection. It broke my heart to see her break down like that. It really scares me because even though the doctors have been so great, it could happen to Matthew. Nobody deserves to go through that. I just hope and pray that we don't have to go through that. I really do.


Hey, guys!

So, this chapter was just a little something

I might make some changes, but I need your help

Should I keep the chapters as 'chapter 1' 'chapter 2' etc.

Or should I name them so that it gives a little "preview" of what the chapter will be?

Comment below!

Ily all and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I'm also now realizing that some of the beginning of this chapter is in the "deleted scene".


My Little Secret // Michael Clifford Where stories live. Discover now