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So, I already wrote a tenth chapter at school 

I forgot about this, so how about a "deleted scene"? 

Enjoy, I guess lmao











It's been a week since Matthew has been in the NICU. He's doing so well, they're considering taking him off of the oxygen and letting him breathe on his own. They said since he's only two months early, he should be fine within a month. Marley is in love with her little brother. Michael holds her up to the incubator and she sticks her little hand in and he wraps his even littler hand around hers. I can't wait until they're older, so they can bond even better. Marley always asks when her little brother will be home. The only thing I can tell her is 'soon'. He is the sweetest little boy. He coos all the time and when I make silly faces at him, he smiles really big. The doctor comes in to run a few small tests. "These tests should determine when he can come home with you", he says, smiling. I smile and cry a little bit. "Thank you so much for everything you have done. It means the world. Michael and I are so grateful for everything you do", I say. He nods, "You're welcome, Makenna. I wish the best for your family", he walks out with everything he needs for the tests he did. "It should be about an hour and a half", the nurse says, following him. I sigh in relief when Michael and Marley come in. "Hi, baby", I say to Marley who jumps up on my lap. She gives me a tight hug and kisses my cheek. Michael walks over, kissing my forehead and taking the rowdy toddler, "Take a nap, love. You need it". I recline my chair and mouth a 'thank you' to Michael. I slowly fall asleep to the sound of Matthews monitor beeping.

My Little Secret // Michael Clifford Where stories live. Discover now