Chapter 15

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OKAY HI LOL. So, first things first, I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG. Second, I'm going to try my absolute best to update more often. And third, I'm skipping ahead in time a little bit but I hope you all enjoy!! Please vote and comment <3 


"Michael, can you start setting the tables? The party starts in an hour!" I yell across the room as I'm setting the cake pops out for Matthew's first birthday party. I'm so excited for today! Matthew has come such a long way and I couldn't be prouder. Marley and Madison are with my parents picking out a present for him. I figured it'd be easier to set up without the two around since they're so rowdy.  A few people have showed up already, but not too many to worry about. Today is going to be the best day. Matthew is the happiest little boy ever and our family is so blessed to have him, Marley and Madison. I truly think I'm the luckiest woman ever. Michael is so helpful, most of the time, and I couldn't be more thankful for him. Michael says he wants more kids in the future, but I'm not so sure. "Makenna, where do you want the streamers?" Michael asks, as he's standing on a chair. "Put them directly above the tables, please", I smile at the work he's done. The theme is Mickey Mouse, because Matthew is literally in love with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I swear it's on everyday! I never get tired of seeing my baby happy though.

As more people start to arrive, I call my parent's asking where they are with the girls. "Hey, mom! How's it going?" I chuckle. I hear Marley and Madison arguing on what to get him in the background. "Ummm, well, we can't seem to decide what to get!", she nervously laughs. "Well, he's only one, so it's not like he's going to hate what you get him! He loves everything!". I shake my head at the girls still arguing. "I guess that is true!", my mom agrees. "Just hurry back! Everyone's starting to get here!", I remind her. "We'll be there soon! Bye!" my mom says before hanging up. We're serving pizza for lunch, then doing cake and ice cream, presents, then play time for the little ones for an hour or so. Matthew's day care friends are all here and they're playing in the ball pit until everyone arrives. Michael is helping him maneuver his way through the thousands of colored balls as I go around talking to everyone for a bit. I make my way to the table with the boys and their girlfriends. "Thank you guys so much for coming! It means the world to us...and Matthew! He loves you guys so much!". They all smile and Ashton says, "We wouldn't miss it for the world, Kenna! Now where's that pizza?". I laugh, "Once my parents and the girls get here, we can have the pizza, Ash!".


"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Matthew! Happy birthday to you!", everyone sings as we're gathered around Matthew's high chair where he has his own little cake. I help him blow out his candle and he digs in just like any one year old. I remember Marley's first birthday, her theme was Strawberry Shortcake, because Michael's hair was red at the time and she wanted to be like her daddy. Even though he didn't know her then, she thought the world of him. After she blew her candle out, she just shoved her face in the cake. I'll never forget that day, it was the best and worst day of my life. It was the best day because my first baby was one! But it was the worst because her daddy wasn't here to celebrate with her. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself for not telling Michael about her until she was five. At least I had pictures of her first five birthday parties to share the memories with Michael. 

I get behind the table and start cutting the cake as everyone is lined up to get a plate. We had chocolate and white cake with vanilla ice cream and cake pops! The line goes pretty smoothly, thankfully! As everyone was going through the line, I couldn't help but get emotional. One year ago today, I was in the hospital giving birth to my premature baby. I didn't even know if he would make it and now we're here celebrating his first birthday with all of our family and friends! After everyone gets their cake and ice cream I go to the front of the room with Michael and get everyone's attention. "Hi everyone! I just wanted to quickly say thank you all for coming today! It means the world to all of us! One year ago when I was in the hospital with Matthew, I wasn't sure if he would make it and look at where we are now! So, again, thank you all so so much for coming!". All of my friends were blowing kisses to us and I started tearing up again. Today is the best day, so far. 


"Matthew! Look what Nan and Grandad got you!" Michael exclaims, holding up the little Mickey Mouse plush toy and foldable couch. Matthew claps and squeals grabbing the Mickey from Michael. He's got so many toys and clothes, I don't know where we'll put everything! Every time Matthew opens a present he just squeals and hugs it. He's seriously the cutest little boy ever! As we open the last present which is from Michael and I, I see a small black bag that says "For Kenna" on the little tag. I look at Michael confused, "What is this?" I ask. "Just open it", he has the biggest grin on his face. I pull out a small black, velvet box. "Michael...", I get nervous, thinking it's an engagement ring. Opening the box I find a necklace, it's a heart with a thumb print on the front and on the back it says "Marley, Madison, Matthew". Michael smiles at me, "That's my thumb print". I let a small tear escape the corner of my eye. "Thank you so much Michael, I love it more than words can describe", I say getting up to hug him. 

After all the presents were sorted and the kids got done playing we all said our good-bye's. "Today was very successful and tiring!", I exclaim. Michael nods, agreeing as he yawns. We've got most of the decorations down and put away. The presents are loaded in my mom's van. She's going to drop them off tomorrow, since we're all too tired and all the kids are asleep in the car. "Thank you guys so much for the help, today. I appreciate it a lot!", I say hugging my parents. "You're most welcome, Makenna. We're so proud of you, even dad", my mom says looking over at my dad and Michael talking. That's such an amazing scene. My boyfriend and father to my children, talking and enjoying time with my father. That's really rare! Today couldn't have been any more perfect. I'm glad to end today on a happy note and I can't wait to get home and crawl in bed with my best friend. 


Okay, so this sucked, I know lol. Sorry if you didn't enjoy this, but it will get better! There's probably going to be like 5 or so more chapters till the end! Don't give up on me just yet! Ily all soooo sooo much. Please remember to vote and comment! Thank you! <3

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