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After Noah left last night I packed and went straight to bed. I made sure my alarm was set at the right time.  When my alarm woke, I dressed into sweatpants and a crop top with Heydudes. I did my skincare and all my other things. I put my hair into 2 French braids and grabbed my bag. I had to pick everyone up so I had to leave early. Our airport is an hour's drive away, and it leaves at 6:30 a.m. Very early. 

Noah's Pov 

*𝕃𝕒𝕤𝕥 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥*

I was sitting on my couch watching TV when my phone rang. I looked at who was calling and it was Jackson Kaia's brother. I quickly answered, and he sounded distressed and scared on the other side of the phone. 

"Jackson! What's wrong are you ok?" I asked 

"I don't know" He replied 

"Talk to me," I told him 

"My uncle is gonna die in a few days, and we have to fly down to say goodbye," he told me crying 

"I'm so so sorry bud," I told him 

"Kaia just called my mom and told her she didn't sound too good over the phone," he told me 

"What do you mean?" I asked 

"Our uncle was her best friend, they were so close she's not going to take this well. She needs someone with her" he told me 

"I'll go check on her now," I told him 

I told Jack to call or text me if he needs or wants to talk. I went to the store and bought her favorite flowers. Peonies. I drove to her house and rang her doorbell. When she opened the door my heart broke for her. Her baby-blue eyes were surrounded by red. Her perfectly tan face was pale as a ghost. She looked like she would collapse any second now. 

"Hi, what are you doing here?" her sweet voice asked 

"Jackson called me and said you needed someone at the moment," I told her

"Did he go into details?" She asked letting me in the house 

"No he just told me that it wasn't best for you to be alone right now," I said handing her the flowers

"That's one of the only things he's been right about," she told me followed by a light laugh 

Even in the worst situations she still makes everyone smile 

"Is it OK if I ask what happened? You don't have to tell me," I asked her 

"My uncle is sick, and we are  pretty sure he's going to pass away this weekend," She told me while tears fell from her eyes

"Kaia I am so so sorry," I said hugging her 

"it hurts. My heart is physically hurting" She told me sobbing into my sweatshirt

"That's so horrible. I am so so so so sorry" I said once again 

"Weird timing but could you possibly feed the animals while I'm gone" She asked

It took me by surprise but all I asked was how long she was going to be gone for.  

ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕂𝕒𝕚𝕒'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍 

I had picked up my family and was now in the airport going through TSA. I made sure I left the spare key and told him where I left it. Once we had gotten through everything we had about an hour till the flight left. I grabbed everyone some coffee at Starbucks and we waited till our flight was called. The flight is only about 2 hours to MD. 


The plane had landed and we were waiting to be picked up by my grandmother. By this time it was 8:30 in the morning and I didn't want to be awake. We saw her car pull up and someone get out. Her eyes were red and she looked so weak and pale. We all gave her a hug and put our bags in the car. The hospital was an hour's drive from the airport. 

In the car, my grandmother told us what was gonna happen, and what kind of things they needed us to do. Only 2 people could go into the room at a time. I let my mom and stepfather go first then I would go with Jackson. They were up there for about 15 minutes before they came back out. Jackson and I had to get passes to show that we were allowed up there, but at first, they were not gonna let Jack in due to the situation they had to let him in. 

When I walked into that hospital room I died inside. I thought I'd seen worse. What I saw in front of me was the worst thing ever. Jackson walked in behind me and walked out immediately. His skin was yellow and looked like his body was about to pop. He had bunches of tubes and IVs connected to him. I sat down on a chair next to him. I grabbed his swollen hand and started to cry. 

"This is the end. God's brining his best angle home." I said softly

"I'm gonna miss you so much that words won't be able to say, the one things words can say is I will never ever forget you" I said. I looked up to his swollen eyes and there fell 3 tears onto his cheek. I knew that moment there he heard every word I said. 

So so so sorry that this chapter is so short, and that I haven't updated in a while. I just have been sick and not wanting to do anything. I'm gonna try my best to update as much as I can. 

ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖 ~ Noah BridgesWhere stories live. Discover now