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The next morning the alarm went off. I turned it off and turned over to face Noah. He was sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to wake him up. I went downstairs and let River out. When I let her back in, I quietly walked upstairs and into the bathroom. I turned the light on and did my skincare. I then took my hair out. The French braids gave my hair some nice light waves. I brushed my teeth and then returned to the bedroom to get dressed. 

I put on a pair of sage green flowy pants and a white cropped tank top. I put lotion, deodorant, and perfume on. Noah was still sleeping so I lightly shook him to wake him up. 

"Honey, you gotta wake up," I whispered rubbing his back 

"I didn't want to," he said in his morning voice 

"We don't wanna miss our flight, get up," I said 

"Fine," he said sitting up 

"Get ready, I'm gonna drive over to my mom's house and drop River off," I said grabbing my keys and the bag of River's things. 

I put her leash on and got her into the back seat. We drove down to my mom's house and I brought her inside. 

"Morning mama," I said hugging her 

"Morning baby, ya'll excited?" she asked 

"100%," I told her 

"I know you want to get back, so I'll let you go, have fun and be safe," She said kissing my cheek

I left and went back to my house. When I walked in Noah was bringing the bags downstairs. 

"I'm not looking forward to this long ass flight," I said putting my keys in the bowl 

"Neither am I, but it will be worth it," He said 

"Did you get everything I set out on the bathroom counter?" I asked loading the bags into the car 

"Yeah, I got everything," he said 

"Alright, I'm gonna lock the house up, and then we can leave," I said going back inside 

I ensured the back patio door was locked and locked the front door on my way out. I got into the passenger seat and we made our way to the airport. Once we got there we paid for the parking and got all the bags out. We went through security and all that stuff. I went and sat down by the gate while Noah went and got food and coffee. 

He came back with everything and we ate while waiting for the plane. I've never been a big flyer, but it'll be ok. The flight will last about 20 hours. We have to fly all the from GA to the French Polynesian. I knew the flight would last a while, but I wouldn't have guessed almost a full day. 

Our flight finally got called. Once we found our seats, we put our carry-ons in the bins above us. They serve 3 meals on the flight—breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

It took about 20 minutes for the plane to get off the ground. They had The Lion King playing on the little TVs, so I watched that. 

The movie lasted around 2 hours. Only 18 hours left. I looked next to me and Noah was sound asleep. He had his airpods in and a mask over his eyes. I laid my head on his and soon fell asleep after that. 

18 hours later 

I woke up when I felt a big jolt. I took a second to collect myself before realizing the plane was landing. I woke Noah up. 

"let me sleep," he said 

"The plane is landing, would you like to miss our Honeymoon?" I asked rubbing his back 

"No, I'm up," He said sitting up 

"Good," I said 

We grabbed our carry-ons and left the plane. Bora Bora is 5 hours behind GA. So it's 10 PM, while in Savannah it's 3 AM. We walked over to baggage claim to grab our bags. The good thing right now is that there are not many people here. 

I spotted our bags and Noah grabbed them. We walked out into the pickup area and found the car waiting for us to go to the resort. 

"Bonjour, Êtes-vous Monsiuer et madame Bridges?" The man standing outside the car asked (Are you Mr and Mrs Bridges?) 

"Oui" I responded (Yes) 

He opened the door for us and motioned us to get in. He loaded the bags into the trunk and got in the driver's seat. He turned the car on and drove away from the airport. 

"Since when did you know whatever language that was?" Noah asked 

"1. It's French, and 2 I did some research. It's not the best idea to come to a French island and not know a bit of the language. I did read they know a good amount of English, but of course, are fluent in Tahitian and French." I said, 

"How did I marry such a smart woman?" he asked 

"I did spend thousands of dollars on college, so I can only hope all that money was worth it," I said laying my head on his shoulder 

"You are the smartest girl I've ever met," He said rubbing my back. 

"I'm excited to swim in the clear water," I said looking out his window

"I'm excited to be married," He said 

"That too," I responded 

"Your funny," He said sarcastically

" I know," I said 

"Someone sassy today," He said lightly laughing 

"I'm sassy every day," I said 

"I know I live with you, and I'm married to you," he said 

"You in for a treat," I said looking up at him 

"100%," He said 

The car came to a stop and the driver opened our door. 

"The Four Seasons resort," He said offering his hand to me 

"Merci," I said stepping out 

"Merci," Noah said repeating me 

"je t'en prie," He said grabbing our bags (You're welcome) 

We grabbed our bags and went into the lobby. 

"Bonjour, comment puis-je vous aider" The lady asked (Hello how can I help you 

"Suite pour les ponts," I said (Suite room for the Bridges) 

"Oui, module 6," She said handing me the key cards (yes, pod 6) 

"Merci," I said

We walked back and walked along the path to the villas. We found ours and walked in. 

I turned the lights on and was stunned. The room was decorated in beautiful light blues and white. Some of the floor panels were see-through. During the day we can see all of the fish under us. I walked into the bedroom, we had a huge bed with a door that connects to a patio of some sort. I went out and there was a hot tub, a slide into the water, and a pool. We have everything. I went back inside and checked out the bathroom. At the entrance when you look down there is a see-through panel. We had a nice big tub and a huge shower. This place is amazing. 

I went back into the bedroom and saw Noah lying on the bed going through the TV. 

"This place is amazing," I said flopping on the bed 

"It is," He said 

"I'm honestly ready to sleep," I said 

"You slept for 18 hours," He said looking at me 

"Well I'm sleep-deprived," I said 

"Then go to bed," he said taking his shoes off 

"That's what I'm doing," I said 

I grabbed a pair of shorts from my suitcase and put them on. I plugged my phone and settled under the covers. Noah joined me and we both fell asleep. 

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Feb 24 ⏰

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