Chapter 2

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*Skip to after school.*

As I was walking up to my locker I saw Jack leaning against my locker.

'Come over after school.' Jack said moving over.

'Like right after?' I asked opening my locker and putting my books in there.

'Yeah.' He said. 'I have to go but ill see you after school?' He smiled and I nodded.

'Brooke!' Sammy yelled when I was about to go walk out.

'Yeah?' I asked.

'Bring me home pleasee I need a ride.' He asked grabbing my hands.

I pulled my hands away and laughed, 'Okay just direct me to your house.'

He nodded and I dropped him off and then went to Jacks. I guess he heard the doorbell from backyard because he yelled to come out back.

I sat on the chair and we started messing around. I ended up pushing him in the pool and he got up and threw me over his shoulder.

'Jack Gilinsky I swear to god.' I said hitting his back. 'Im gonna-'

'Your gonna what?' He laughed and then jumped in the pool with me.

'I hate you so fucking much.' I laughed.

'Nah you love me.' Jack corrected.

'Nope, never.' I got out and started walking towards the gate.

'What where are you going?' Jack asked coming out after me.

'To my house to change into my bathing suit.' I said and hurried up out the gate. Then Jack grabbed my waist and pulled me back, 'Dont go.'

I laughed, 'Just come with me.'

'Damn your house is nice.' Jack said looking around and we went up to my room. 'You know what else is nice.'

I turned around and he smirked, 'What?'

'Shut up.' I laughed.

'Wheres your parents?' Jack asked sitting on my floor since he was wet.

'Work they dont get home for 4 more hours.' I said grabbing my bathing suit it was bright orange with my black bottoms.

'Ah I see now go change.' Jack said and I went to the bathroom.

After I came out I sat down next to Jack because he was on his phone so I waited.

'You ready?' Jack smiled and I nodded and we went back to his house.

'Dont you want to change you were in khakis.' I laughed.

'Uh yeah. Come in with me.' Jack said and grabbed my hand.

'You actually keep your house clean I am surprised.' I laughed looking around while Jack was still leading me up to his room.

'Youd be surprised it actually bothers me if its not clean.' Jack laughed and went to sit on his bed and I did as well.

He got up, 'Okay now turn around.' I turned around so he could change and there were pictures that caught my eye. 'Okay your good now.'

I turned around, 'Who are these girls?' I asked pointing to a picture of him and 2 girls.

'Those are my sisters.' Jack smiled.

'They are so pretty.' I smiled. One was blonde and one was a brunette.

Jack just smiled and grabbed my hand again to go in the pool but when we got in his phone rang and he put it on speaker.

Jack: Hello

Sammy: Ayee is Alyssa there?

Jack: No but Brooke is

Sammy: Ahh perfect.

Jack: Why were swimming?

Sammy: You know how I took that photography class?

Jack: Yeah

Sammy: Well I need to take like 20 pictures and I have no idea what to take them of so I was thinking one of the girls

Jack: Ahh I see

Sammy: Yeah Ill be over in 10

'Wait whats happening?' I asked Jack when he was climbing back into the pool.

'Sam wants to take a photoshoot of you.' Jack said.

'Wait why me?' I laughed and swam towards Jack.

'I dont know.' Jack laughed.


*Next morning.*

'Sammyyy!' I yelled when I saw him walking towards my locker.

'Oh there you are.' He laughed. 'Walk with me to the gym. I need to talk to the coach.'

'Okay will do.' I laughed. 'Wheres Alyssa?'

'I think she is sick.' Sammy said and I nodded.

After he talked to the coach we walked back to my locker and I turned around and saw Jack.

'Uh isnt that Jack?' I asked and Sammy turned.

'Yeah.' He looked confused.

'Then who is that girl?' I asked.

'I dont know lets go find out.' Sammy said grabbing my hand.

'Hey Jack.' Sammy said as we approached him.

'Hey Sammy, Hey Brooke.' Jack smiled.

'Who is this?' Sammy asked.

'Oh this. This is my girlfriend Olivia.' Jack said looking at her.

Why did he not tell me he had a girlfriend... I thought he was actually interested in me... He kissed me and I dont know I thought it meant something...


cliffhanger please vote.

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