Chapter 5

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Today has been nice, spending it with Jack I think we are gonna go back to his house to hangout but first I had to tell my brother. I quickly went inside to tell him and then walk out.

'What movie do you want to watch?' Jack asked looking through his dvd holder. 'Lets watch a scary movie.'

'Why scary?' I asked but I knew the answer.

'I think you know why I want scary.' He smirked and laughed.

'No I dont.' I lied.

'I want you to get scared and cuddle up to me.' Jack said.

'I know I was jokin.' I laughed. 'We can watch scary but you pick the movie.' He ended up choosing Insidious 3. Ive never seen it but I have seen the other ones and they are scary, well everything scares me.

'This shit is scary. Ive seen it. Youll be scared.' Jack winked.

'Great.' I said sarcastically.

During the movie, I did end up cuddling close to him and Jack didnt even jump or flinch. I think every 3 minutes I got scared.

'Its getting pretty late I should probably get home.' I said stretching.

'Just spend the night.' Jack said standing up and walking towards me.

'Really?' I asked.

'Yeah just text your brother.' He said and I did.

'Lets go to my room.' Jack said and we walked to his room.

We were talking for awhile and then Jack smashed his lips into mine and we ended up falling asleep cuddling. Nothing more happened.


'Yay for school.'. I whispered to myself as I stepped foot in the school and headed to my locker and large hands covered my eyes, 'Guess who?'

'I dont know.' I laughed and grabbed their hands and moved them and turned around to see Jack.

'You look good today.' Jack smiled. 'Not saying you dont everyday but whats got you dressed up today?'

'I am going to some banquet with Alyssa. I thought you and Sammy were going too?' I asked switching my books.

'We are but not right after school.' Jack said and leaned up against the locker.

'Oh well Alyssa and I are decorating.' I said. 'You guys are helping towards the time it get closer right?' Jack nodded and we walked to our first period.

'So you guys are a thing?' Alyssa smirked as we were walking out side of the place where the banquet was.

'Honestly I dont know what we are I wish I knew.' I said grabbing things out of the trunk of her car. 'I think we are something but not official.'

'So is he giving you signs that he likes you?' She asked and we sat down and continued talking.

'Yeah.' I said smiling. 'Lets get this done.' She nodded and we stood up and started decorating.

Maybe 10-20 minutes later we got where we needed to get to the top and neither of us could reach. Right after we were talking someone came up behind me, Jack, and lifted me up. 'Someones too short.' I jumped and hung up the decorations real fast.

'I hate you.' I laughed. 'You scared the shit out of me.' He connected our lips and we continued decorating.

'Can you guys believe school is out in 3 days.' Sammy said after hanging up this really cool spiral thing.

'No.' We all said and laughed.

'Oh yeah. So Brooke and I went down to my grandparents lake house and we need to go all of us because we had a blast and didnt even stay there a whole night.' Jack said after we all sat down on couches.

'Yes! I miss goin there.' Sammy said.

'When would we go?' Alyssa asked.

'The day school gets out?' I asked and looked over at Jack.

'That works.' Jack said and we all agreed.


'Well that was a fun last day.' I said leaning against the wall.

'It was.' Jack smiled. 'Ill be back I need to run downstairs to get my bag.

'Okay.' I said and scrolled through instagram.

'Babe are you ready to go?' Jack yelled and I ran downstairs and said yes.

'So are you and Sammy a thing?' I asked Alyssa when we were at the car and the boys were down by the lake.

'No.' Alyssa laughed and made a disgusted face. 'Just best friends like we all are.' I smiled and looked for my charger.

'Jack where did you put my charger?' I asked him while him and Sammy were throwing rocks in the lake.

'Its in my bag on our bed.' Jack said.

Jacks POV

'So what are you guys? You know you and Brooke?' Sammy asked me while the girls were up at the lake house.

'Im not sure like shes mine but its not exactly official. I dont know when to make it official. I dont want her thinking that I am moving to fast.' I said and looked up to make sure she wasnt coming down.

'Well she likes you... alot Jack. Trust me I would know because the way she talked about you and stuff when you were with Olivia. She was hurt. Thats why I did what I did and had to make it seem like we were a thing.' Sammy said and I immediately felt bad.

'Ill make it official... soon.' I said and we got up to go to the lake house because it was really late.

'Jack.' Brooke said in a complaining voice. 'I am so tired.'

'Then lets go to the room.' I said and grabbed her hand and we went to the room.

I kissed her on her forehead and she fell asleep.

Brookes POV

We all were awake by like 12 so we made pancakes and sausage and then went down to the pool by the lake.

'Guys when are you ever gonna get in the pool?' Sammy said in a complaining voice.

'Never. We want to tan.' I said and closed my eyes.

'We will see about that.' Jack whispered but I could hear him and Sammy laughed.

I heard someone getting out of the pool so I opened my eyes and it was Jack like 2 feet away from me and Sammy was right by Alyssa.

'Jack, I swear we are not doing this again.' I said lifting my leg to keep him from coming towards me.

'Sammy you better stop dont touch me.' Alyssa laughed.

'Ah Jack pleaseee.' I said after he threw me over his shoulder. Theres no point in trying to get down now.

Then Alyssa and I were both in the pool and we both smacked the boys and shook our heads.

'What about you saying you guys are never getting in the pool?' Sammy laughed and Jack did too.

'Cmon its gonna be no fun if you guys just tan the whole time.' Jack said walking towards me.

'Actually it was until I got thrown in the pool.' I laughed and hopped up on the side of the pool since its in ground and there was concrete around it.

'I want to do something.' Alyssa said.

'Lets go putt-putting.' Sammy said and we all agreed.



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