Chapter 16

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Jacks POV (finally right?)

It has been exactly 2 months since the day I left. Needing more time to think I feel bad leaving her clueless, she doesnt know how I feel and this is unfair to her. I am gonna go see her at college because I feel awful. I love her but I had to make sure I can make the right choice and not regret it so I have thought hard about this situation.

To Sam:

Hey, I think I am gonna go visit Brooke next week I need to know the address.

-Next week-

Brookes POV

'You look worried whats wrong?' Jennifer asked while we were sitting on benches outside.

'Jack was supposed to visit today and I am so nervous. I dont know if he is still coming or not he hasnt talked to me since he said he was coming but I am worried its been over 2 months. I dont think hes coming.' I said messing with my phone.

'Uh Brooke.' Rachel started. 'Does he have dark brown hair, tall, tan, muscular?'

'Yeah?' I questioned.

'Is that him?' She pointed behind me.

'Yes.' I said getting up and Jack saw me and immediately had a huge smile on his face. He pulled me into a hug and lifted me off my feet.

'We need to talk.' Jack said grabbing my hand and pulling me to his car so we could talk. I already know this wasnt going to go well.

'So Ive thought a lot. I need you to understand this.' Jack started and I nodded. 'I feel its best we take a break. Brooke I love you so much. Just these past 2 months dont get me wrong it sucked without you. I am so used to being with you but I feel like it has been better for the both of this. This break will only make our relationship stronger.'

'I feel that way too. I just don't know how much longer I can go without you Jack.' I said looking him in the eyes.

'Its gonna be hard but when we both feel its right we can be back together.' Jack said and I nodded. 'I love you. Youll always be my baby.'

'I love you too.' I smiled.

'Dont worry I am keeping the apartment clean.' Jack laughed.

'Good.' I laughed.

'Well I will talk to you soon. I will come visit again eventually.' Jack said.

'Okay I hope this all works out as planned.' I said.

'Me too. This break could be a week or a year I dont know.' Jack said and kissed my cheek. 'Bye.'

'Bye.' I responded. Atleast we ended things on good terms and it wasnt us arguing. I got out of the car and walked back to the bench my friends were sitting at.

'How did things go?' Maria asked when I sat down on the bench.

'Good! We didnt argue but we are taking a break.' I replied.

'Well if you ever get upset you know we are here.' Rachel smiled.

'Thank you guys.' I smiled back.

'And damn he is hot as fuck.' Maria said which made me laugh and all the girls agreed.

8 months later

Sam wanted me to go to a party with him tonight so this weekend I am coming home, well to Sams. Since I havent talked to Jack since the day he came to visit me I dont want to go home yet. I changed into a long sleeve white tight crop and black high waisted shorts. My hair was straight and I had my normal makeup look.

'Lets go.' I said putting on my grey vans and grabbing my keys.

When we got there I was attacked by the smell of weed and alcohol and I haven't smelled this smell in so long. Sam stayed with me most of the time because last time he completely lost me. I am not getting really drunk tonight because I have a feeling Sam will so somebody has to drive.

'Aye lets go downstairs. They are all playing truth or dare.' Sam said grabbing my hand pulling me downstairs.

'Oh okay.' I laughed. There were 15 people down there and I was the only girl of course. I just waited until someone asked me a dare.

'Mhm truth or dare Brooke.' Adam a old friend asked.

'I dare you to let us put a blindfold on you and you choose someone to go in the closet with for 1 minute.' Adam said and I nodded and put on a blindfold. I started feeling around and moving around until I felt someone and they led me to the closet because I couldnt see. After he closed the door he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer. Soon our lips were connected and started moving in sync with eachother. This felt so normal, so familiar. He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip and allowed it.

I took off my blindfold, 'Jack?'



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