Chapter 9

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Back to the days where I have to wake up at 6 in the morning just for school. Yay. I took a shower last night so I didn't need to this morning. I went to my closet to pick out an outfit and I chose a grey crop top and light wash jean shorts. (Outfit in the picture) my hair was curled and I had a smokey eye look with a light pink lip. I grabbed my charger, bag, keys, and put on my black flip flops and then walked out the door. I was taking Jack to school and we stopped at Dunkin Donuts before school. When we got there we picked up our schedules and headed to class.

'First day was a success.' I laughed and started my car.

'And a ton more to go.' Jack laughed and turned up the radio. One Time by Migos started playing.

When we got to my house I went to the kitchen and Jack sat on the couch. It was really nice outside so I opened the curtains and then went to the pantry.

'Jack do you want a sandwich?' I asked and he yelled back yes.

After I made sandwiches I went and sat next to him. 'Lets go outside its really nice out.' I said and he nodded and got up.

We went to sit on a swinging seat/bench in my backyard and finished eating. We started talking about the most random things and then went to his house to swim this is basically all we ever do.

'I don't see why they would start school on a Thursday they might as well wait til the next Monday.' Jack said and I laughed. It didn't make sense.

(btw I'm telling you guys now I will be skipping around ALOT during their senior year because I have other stuff planned and I didn't think of it and til like 2 chapters ago. so one time I might skip 4 weeks and the next might be 4 months. Just bare with me because you'll see why eventually sorry back to the story)

4 weeks later

Jack and I have been doing really good we are both officially 18 now which actually feels really good. I am looking into a apartment with Jack. You might think it's moving to fast but we don't think it is because we are really good with each other we hardly ever argue. We still have like 5 months of senior year and summer until we go to college. Today we were going to look at the same one we looked at last week we were both interested in it so we were going again to make sure we were completely sure we loved it. It was pretty big for a apartment for a decent price.

'So are you guys interested?' The lady that was showing us the apartment asked and smiled.

I looked at Jack and he nodded and smiled, 'Yes.' I replied and she smiled.

'Okay I need you guys to read through this paperwork and sign off.' She said handing us the papers and I began reading.

When I finished I handed her back the papers, 'You guys can move in tomorrow at 11.' She said handing us the key and Jack and I walked out.

'We just bought a apartment together.' Jack said which caused us both to smile.

'It's crazy but I am so happy we did.' I said and got in the car.

'You're not gonna wake up at 11 tomorrow so I am gonna wake you up because I want to be moved in asap.' Jack said and we laughed and I nodded.

'So how are we gonna get furniture?' I asked.

'I think you forgot that I live alone. I am gonna have to sell the house or something and then take all that furniture and move it to our apartment.' Jack said as we pulled up to his house.

'There's no way everything you have can fit into our apartment.' I said. 'You'll have to sell some things.'

'I'm already one step ahead of ya.' Jack said pointing to places where there is no furniture like things he already sold. 'So basically we can bring the love seat, couch, TV, all the pans, you know the basics.' I nodded and we started packing things in boxes that was basically how we spent the rest of our day was packing and listening to music. By the time we were done I was so tired I fell right asleep.

'Brooke its 11.' Jack said after he saw me open my eyes. I groaned and sat up. I didn't bother getting ready I just threw my hair in a messy bun and I slept in spandex and a t-shirt so I just kept it on and brushed my teeth. The drive from my house to our apartment is like 15 minutes so not a long one. We put all the boxes in the car last night and Sammy came over to get some boxes because he was helping us move along with Nate and Nate was driving the U-Haul truck because for some reason he wanted to. When we got there Nate was there and Sammy was right behind us. It took us about 4 hours to move in we didn't unpack everything like the silverware and our clothes but we had everything set up so when we wanted to we could. We also still had to go grocery shopping. After we finally decided to got off our asses and go grocery shopping when we came back we laid down and watched a movie because we were both so exhausted. (Warning this is sexual so if you don't want to read sexual skip it.😂) We were laying down and Jack turned over to face me and moved my hair behind my ear he kissed me, it was a passionate long kiss we pulled away and then kissed again. He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip and I denied entrance to mess with him. He groaned and pulled away, 'fucker.' He laughed and I smirked. I got up to change and pulled my hand and then stood up. He then kissed me again and then grabbed my ass which caused me to open my mouth and he stuck his tongue in my mouth and I laughed slightly. The kiss got more intense and he pushed me against the wall. We pulled away due to lack of breathe and I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and took it off and then he did the same. I grabbed his pants and took them off and then grabbed the rim of his boxers and we went to the bed. I pulled down his boxers and began rubbing his dick he moaned and took off my spandex I laid on the bed and he stuck a finger in me, 'jack.' I moaned and he stuck 3 fingers in and I threw my head back. He started to rub my clit and then ate me out. I rubbed his dick again and started sucking. He grabbed my waist and kissed me and then inserted inside me. He hit my g-spot every time. After he released inside me we both got dressed and laid back down. 'Round 2 tomorrow?' Jack smirked and I nodded.

'Goodnight baby girl.' Jack kissed me and then we both fell asleep.


Lol it had to come sooner or later.

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