Chapter 18

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'Uh- Hi Cam.' I fake smiled.

'How have you been you havent text me.' Cameron smiled and his smile is perfect. Stfu Brooke your dating Jack dont fuck it up again.

'Good and sorry Ive been so busy with college.' I said pouring a drink.

'Omg Brooke you have to see this.' Alyssa said dragging me out of the kitchen to pull it off that I had to go.

'Thanks.' I sighed in relief. Cameron is a great guy, hes super sweet I just dont want to mess up my relationship with Jack.


By this time I was drunk I wasnt even thinking straight.

'Ohhh heyy Samm. I need Jack. Have you found Jack?' I slurred my words almost falling over.

'Shit Brooke.' Sam said grabbing my arms to hold me up. 'Come here.' He took me to Jack.

'Shes drunk.' Sam whispered to Jack and I laughed.

'I got her thanks.' Jack laughed holding onto me. He sat down and pulled me on his lap.

'What the hell did you drink?' Jack asked positioning his hands on my waist and moving my hips a little so I was facing him.

I shrugged my shoulders and handed him my cup so he could try it. After he tried it he nodded I guess he knew what it was. Music was playing so I stood up and grabbed Jacks hand and started grinding on him. He placed his hands on my hips and moved them with my hips. After we danced for a few songs we decided to go home. Alyssa and Sam were staying at Johnsons so we didnt have to bring them back.

After about a 10 minute drive we pulled up to our apartment and went inside. I walked to the kitchen to get food and then went back to my room which is where I always was.

'Youre gonna regret this tomorrow.' Jack said laying in bed next to me.

'Probably but thats tomorrow. Lets worry about tonight.' I said laughing at the stupidest things I dont even know.

'I think you should get some sleep.' Jack said and I nodded and sat on top of him. I placed my hands on his bare skin and started tracing circles and then kissed him.

'I love you.' Jack said each word in between kisses.

'I love you too.' I replied and smiled.

I think you all know what happened next.😏

I woke up around noon with a pounding headache and walked downstairs after changing into leggings and a sweatshirt. I walked in the kitchen to see Jack making pancakes so I went to take advil.

'Feeling shitty?' Jack asked flipping a pancake then walking towards me and hopping on the counter.

I nodded and he pulled me in between his legs and I rested my head on his chest.

'I dont know what happened last night.' I slightly laughed but was also serious.

'You got drunk obviously.' He laughed. 'We had sex pretty much it.'

'Ah thats not too bad.' I laughed and went over to flip the pancake that was in the pan and putting it on a plate.

Jack and I sat down and ate breakfast then I went upstairs to take a shower.

'Im gonna go to the gym you wanna go?' I asked Jack since we havent gone in forever we usually always went.

'Yeah.' Jack said running upstairs. I grabbed my headphones and a water bottle, put my hair up in a ponytail and put on my nike free runs. I had black athletic shorts and a sports bra. The good thing about our gym is that its in our apartment complex and its private so you check in and you are the only ones in there unless you dont care if other people are there.

Jack came down with basketball shorts and no shirt.

'Damn babe your ass looks good even in athletic shorts.' Jack said laughing, I rolled my eyes and started walking.


'Lets make a youtube video.' I said pulling out my camera and sitting down.

'Yeah lets do it.' Jack agreed and sat on the couch.

'Boyfriend tag?' I smirked.

Jack nodded and pulled out whip cream and plates, 'Messy version.' He winked and grabbed like mustard and condiments.

'Oh okay.' I laughed and we walked on our balcony.

Once I sat up the camera I hit record. Jack was fixing his hair for like 5 minutes so I just stared into the camera and laughed, 'You done?'

'Oh yeah.' Jack laughed not noticing it was already recording.

'Hey guys! Im back with another video I know I havent updated in a while Ive been really busy with school and friends but this is Jack and we are doing the boyfriend tag.' I smiled and pulled out my phone for questions.

'Number 1.' I stated searching through questions. 'What is my favorite candy?' I looked over at Jack and he immediately replied with, 'Reeses or you like the sour patch watermelon.'

I looked at him with shock. 'Youll get one wrong.'

'I bet you I wont.' He smirked and checked the questions. 'Whats my sisters names?'

'Molly and Laura.' I replied smiling because Jack thought I didnt know.

'Favorite ice cream?' I asked.

'Vanilla.' Jack replied and I shook my head, 'Chocolate.'

'Ahh I was gonna say that.' Jack said and I laughed and picked up the mustard and squeezed it on him. He shook his head and got in on me.

'Jack.' I laughed pushing his head away.


'I just gained 400 subscribers.' I laughed after checking the boyfriend tag Jack and I posted 5 days ago.

'Because I am in your recent video.' Jack smirked.

'Dont be cocky.' I groaned even though I knew he was joking.

'I want to go out lets go somewhere.' I stated thinking of things to do.

'Movies?' Jack requested. I nodded and grabbed my keys.

When we pulled up I got my keys out of the ignition and got out of the car Jack walked by my side and grabbed my hand.


I didnt know any other way to end it hahah.

twitter// mytypegilinsky

instagram// taylorripberger

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