Chapter 8

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Jacks POV

Its been a week since our argument and its killing me. Ive been so tempted to just call her or go over there but I have held myself back, Sammy has been stopping over trying to make me feel better but nothings working. I dont know whats going through her head but its probably not me... most likely Cameron. I wonder if they still talk. I wonder if theyve hooked up. I wonder if shes been hanging out with. I wonder if I have been replaced. Fuck Jack be the man and go over there is all I could think of... so thats what I did.

I ran over to her house and barged through the door. Sammy was sitting on the couch and he pointed to her room. I pushed the door open and her eyes opened in shock. 'Jack!' She said and I pushed her against the door and kissed her.

'So you arent still mad?' She asked after we pulled away.

'How could I. Brooke this has been killing me.' I said and grabbed the side of her face and gently kissed her lips again. 'Im not happy with what you did but I cant stay mad at you.'

'Can we just forget it ever happened? It wont happen again I promise.' I said and he nodded and smiled.

2 weeks later.

'Jack.' I yelled while he was in the shower.

'What?' He asked.

'I need my contacts.' I said and walked towards the bathroom.

'Then come in the doors unlocked.' He responded and I laughed, 'Oh.' and walked in.

'Ah shit.' I said after dropping my contact.

Jack laughed and stopped the water, he obviously didnt care if I saw him naked because he just walked right out. I was shocked by his size but continued putting in my contacts and he grabbed a towel and dried off to get dressed. I brushed my teeth and then laid down in bed. After Jack was done he came over and laid next to me. I shut off the light and lowered the tv.

'Goodnight.' I said and turned over towards Jack and he leaned in and gave me a kiss.

'Goodnight baby.' Jack said and I turned over and fell asleep.

I was in a pretty deep sleep until I heard someone banging on the door and then the door shot open.

'Jack.' I said shaking him and he got up. We heard another bang and cop sirens.

'Shit. Stay here.' Jack said and got out of bed.

'Wait Jack. Please be careful.' I said and he nodded. Before Jack even made it out of the door Sammy and Nate ran through the door.

'What the fuck is going on!?' Jack yelled.

'Jack were fucked. Nate and I and a bunch of people were walking down the street a few streets down and we pulled out weed and I guess the cop smelt it so we ran here and then one of the other guys threw a fucking potato at a cops car so we ran here.' Sammy said and they came over and sat on the bed.

'A fucking potato!?' I yelled and they nodded. 'Shit they are here.' I said hearing the sirens come closer and saw a bunch of spotlights.

'I know the place to hide. When I was younger me and my sister made this so we could hide from our parents just go.' Jack said lifting up a tile from the floor and Nate and Sammy went down. 'And dont make a fucking noise because I have to let them in if they bang on the door.'

I started freaking out and laid back down then the cops banged on the door.

'Let me get it.' I said and got up. 'Trust me I took acting classes. Come down 2 seconds after and play along its our only choice.'

I went down the steps and I opened the door. 'Woah what is going on?' I asked.

'There was a group of teens smoking weed and throwing things. Do you happen to know anything about this?'

'Babe whats going on?' Jack asked running his fingers through his hair.

'No officer we were sound asleep.' I said looking in his eyes. 'But if you dont trust me you can search the house.'

'I trust you, thank you for your honesty.' The officer said and I nodded.

'We will let you know if we hear something about it.' Jack said and we closed the door.

'If you werent here I would be fucked because I suck at lying.' Jack said and we walked upstairs after locking the door.

'You guys are so fucking lucky.' I said to Sammy and Nate after lifting the tile.

'Thank you guys so much.' They both said and got out.

'Now I am going to sleep love you guys goodnight.' I said real fast with no emotion.

Next morning

'Im making pancakes.' I said and went downstairs and started making them.

'Ill be down in a second.' Jack said in his morning raspy voice.

I made the mix and got the pan out and after I put the temperature on I felt a pair of large hands wrap around my waist, obviously being Jack and I poured some mix in the pan and then hopped on the counter.

I pulled Jack over in between my legs and pecked his lips, 'I am not looking forward to school in 2 days.'

'Atleast its senior year.' Jack said. 'And I get to spend it with you.'

I smiled and laughed, 'You are so cheesy.'

After we ate I walked up stairs and took a quick shower and then got ready for the day. Jack and I decided we were just gonna spend the whole day and do random things.

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