Chapter 3

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'Cmon tell me whats wrong Brooke.' Sammy said we were hanging out after school.

'I am afraid to tell you Sam.' I said looking down scrolling through my phone.

He got closer to me and grabbed my phone and looked me in the eyes, 'You are my best friend you can tell me anything and you know that.'

'I know its just-' I started but Sam interrupted me, 'Its Jack isnt it?'

I nodded and he shook his head, 'That he has a girlfriend. I nodded once again.

'What happened between you two?' He asked me and sat down next to me.

'I thought we had something, the way he talked, always wanting to hangout, he always grabbed my hand and flirted and we k-kissed.' I stuttered the word kiss and Sam shot up.

'You guys kissed!?' Sam asked.

'Yeah but it obviously meant nothing.' I looked up at him for the first time. 'Its just you know it hurts.'

'I know.' Sammy pulled me up and wrapped his arms around me. 'You deserve someone that can give you the world.'

'Guys like that are hard to find.' I said into his chest and he started messing with my hair and then my phone went off and I didnt bother to look but Sammy still had my phone.

'Who is it?' I asked still not breaking the hug and he continued rubbing my back.

'Uh.' Sammy said. 'Its Jack.'

'Ignore it.' I said pulling away and walking to my bed and plopping down on my back.

'I want you to be happy. I love seeing your smile and you laugh.' Sam said walking over and handing me my phone.

'I just wish I knew how he felt.' I said checking the message from Jack.

From Jack:

Come over.

'Jack wants me to come over.' I said looking at my phone. 'What do I say?'

'Brooke! I have a plan its perfect.' Sam said and I stared at him waiting for him to tell me his plan. 'We can act like were dating to see how Jack feels about you. We obviously have to act like a couple, flirt, kiss, hold hands, etc. but it mean nothing.'

'Damn Sammy thats a good idea.' I said looking up. 'How did you think of that?'

'Im pretty damn smart.' Sam said pointing to his head and we both laughed.

To Jack:

Okay Sammys with me so he would be coming too.

From Jack:

You know I dont have a problem with Sam were all friends hahah.

'Lets go girlfriend.' Sammy laughed taking my hand and I rolled my eyes. 'Go along with everything I say.'

As we got closer to Jack's fence we started laughing and we walked back.

'Hey guys.' Jack smiled.

'Hey.' I smiled and Sammy did the same.

'Do you mind if I invite Olivia over?' Jack asked and we both said we didnt care. This actually really bothered me that he would ask me to come over and then invite his girlfriend but I tried not letting it bother me because I have to go along with our plan.

Soon enough she came and the whole time I dont even think Jack noticed Sam and I were flirting because he was too busy making out with Olivia aka literally the biggest slut in the school sorry bout it.

'Hey babe lets go get something to eat.' Sammy said and Jack gave us a glare but didnt say anything he pulled out his phone and I got a text from him. He looked up to see my pull out my phone and put it back in my pocket.

From Jack:

What is going on with you and Sammy?

I ignored it, 'Okay Jack Ill see you tomorrow at school.' I smiled and walked out of his backyard.

'Okay.' He obviously fake smiled.

Jacks POV

So I guess Brooke doesn't like me apparently her and Sammy have something. It pisses me off because I am only dating Olivia because I wanted to see if you she liked me I wanted to see the way she reacted not the smartest idea ever at all, I shouldn't of done this but I don't want to come straight out and say something to her to tell her I like her.

'Hey, I think I am going to go to my aunts to see her.' I said to Olivia and she nodded and got up. My aunt doesn't even live here I just needed time.

Brookes POV

'Good acting!' Sammy said giving me a high five and laughing.

'You too!' I laughed, 'He text me.'

'What did he say?' Sammy asked when we got in the car.

'He asked if me and you had something but I ignored it. It sucked seeing him kiss her..' I said. 'But Ill get over it.'

'You got me.' Sammy smirked and we went to eat at Canes.


'Theres Jack and his slutty girlfriend.' Alyssa said when Alyssa and I were at her locker.

'I know.' I said. 'This plan is goin to work.'

'I cant believe you guys are doing that.' Alyssa laughed and closed her locker. I had told her the plan last night. We walked to my locker and Sammy walked up after us. He looked at me and then nodded his head Jacks way showing that Jack and Olivia were across from us. Alyssa hit me to show he was coming over and Sammy looked behind him to see that they were looking.

'Go with what I do.' Sammy whispered really low so Jack wouldnt hear and I nodded.

'Im going to class babe.' Sammy said and then kissed me. I knew he was going to do something but I didnt think he would kiss me. I didnt feel what I did with Jack but he was a good kisser.

'Okay.' I smiled and walked away with Alyssa. Jack left Olivia and walked up to me.

'Brooke, can I talk to you.. alone.' He said and I walked over.

'Ill see you at lunch Alyssa.' I said and she smiled and walked to her class.

'Whats up?' I smiled turning to Jack.

'Are you and Sammy a thing?' He asked looking down.

'Why?' I asked him.

'You guys were all over eachother yesterday and you just kissed.' He said.

'Well first off as all over eachother you mean talking and flirting, holding hands? We didnt kiss once that would be you and Olivia. I dont see why it matters to you... Youre dating Olivia. Why are you acting like this bothers you?' I asked him not in a rude way though.

'Yeah but I am not acting...' Jack said looking up. 'It does bother me..' Jack said and my head shot up in shock.



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