Chapter 20

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Jacks POV

A few days later

I decided to throw Brooke a surprise party because her birthday is today. Johnson, Sam, Nate, Alyssa, and a few other people were helping to make this work and decorate.

'Where do you want these?' Johnson walked towards me with balloons in his hands.

'Anywhere.' I finished up hanging this little thing from the ceiling. I had a ton of people coming that she was friends with, mainly people she met at school, so were mutual friends.

'Ayeee!' Nash said walking in.

'Hey.' I said walking towards him.

Jc, Kian, Hayes, Cameron, Matt, Taylor, Lia, Lauren, Gabby, Casey, Andrea, Kenny and Jake walked in.

I wasnt too thrilled about Cam being here but its okay.

From babyygirl👑

im on my way.

'Shes on her way.' I said to everyone walking in and when we saw her pull up we all hid.

Brookes POV

I locked my car and walked up to my apartment. I unlocked the door it was locked for some reason and sat down my bag by the door and took off my shoes. I reached over to turn on the light and a ton of people popped up and yelled, 'SURPRISE!'

'Oh my gosh.' I smiled and covered my mouth. I had a ton of people walking over to me and hugging me telling me happy birthday, a lot of them being people I havent caught up with in a while.

Lastly Jack walked up to me, 'Happy birthday baby. I am taking you out to eat later.'

'Thank you. I cant wait.' I smiled and he walked to Sam and I walked over to Alyssa, who was getting cups out.

'Hey.' Alyssa smiled after turning around realizing it was me.

'Hey.' I smiled back.

'Happy birthday.' She pulled me in for a hug.

'Thank you.'

'Brooke come here!' Kenny yelled and I walked towards him.

'Whats up?' I questioned.

He pulled me in for a hug, 'I havent seen you in so long. Happy birthday.'

'Thank you, and I know youve been so busy with your career and I have been busy with school but now its summer.' I slightly laughed and sat down next
to him on the couch.

'Well you will be too because I saw you hit 89,000 subscribers.' My jaw dropped after hearing him say that.

'I havent checked do I really?' I asked concerned. I pulled out my phone and checked 89, 683.

'Holy shit.' I was completely shocked, I need to have an updating schedule.

'Lets collab!' Kenny said. 'I know you have an amazing voice we can do a video together.'

'Yes!' I smiled and locked my phone. 'We will definetly plan something just text me tomorrow.'

The rest of the night I caught up with a lot of my friends that I havent talked to in a while and made plans. Around 6 Jack and I went for a nice dinner and everyone left, Jack and I started cleaning up after getting home.

'No babe seriously, Ill clean up go get rest.' Jack said standing back up after getting a cup off the floor.

'Are you sure?' I walked towards him.

'Im positive. Love you goodnight.' He placed a soft kiss on my lips and I walked up to our room and fell asleep.

Jacks POV

Brooke and I are at the mall, I told her I would bring her shopping for her birthday so she could get whatever she wants.

'Where do you want to go?' I asked her.

'OMG Jack, Brooke!' We heard someone yell behind us. We both turned to see who it was but they didnt look familiar. 'You guys are so cute.' Brooke and I were holding hands.

'I am such a big fan of you guys can we get a picture?' The fan asked and I smiled.

'Of course.' Brooke smiled.

'Yes.' I smiled and she got in the middle of us and her friend took a picture.

'Will you guys kiss my cheek?'

We leaned down to kiss her cheek and then gave her a hug and continued shopping.

'I didnt expect that. She was adorable.' I said walking out of the mall after a few more people noticed us.

'Honestly, I didnt either.' Brooke laughed and then opened her phone.

'You wanna get something to eat?' She looked up at me and I am assuming started to think of places to eat.

'I am craving Olive Garden.' She looked up and smiled because we just had it last night and I guess she thought I would say no.

'Fine.' I put on my blinker to turn into Olive Garden and on the corner of my eye I saw her cheesy little smile and laughed.


Short Chapterr.

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