Chapter Fifteen

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Rip. Can't believe the hobo recommended you after all.

I scowled as I walked down the hallway with Auntie Nemuri. It was either Papa or Hizashi... I'm not sure who it was, but damn it I'll find out.

Now, remember dear, don't be too angry! They did it with your best interest in mind.... I think.

I think they were just really overprotective and being selfish about it, Yuna. We missed out on a chance to show off our awesomeness!!

I shook my head with a smile as I put down a pile of files. I don't think awesomeness is a word, Kimyo.

Well, I just made it a word. Deal with it, brat.

"Hiroko-Chan?Are you alright?" I snap back to reality as soon as I realize that Auntie Nemuri was giving me a concerned look.

I jumped slightly and smiled apologetically at her, signing "Sorry, Auntie! I was... a little preoccupied with something going on in my head..."

She looked at him, obviously not reassured, and patted my head, making me close my eyes, "I'm here if you have something you want to talk about, Hiroko-Chan. I won't judge you for what may be going on in your head, and I'll keep it confidential." She gave me a good-natured wink at the end of her speech, making me give a silent giggle.

I side-hugged her, letting go before signing my reply, "I might just take you up on that Auntie! Thank you... in advance."

Auntie just smiled at me and went to sorting her files into separate piles. I tried not to be nosy, but I saw my name on one and I guess that's when I realized these were test-taker files. I quickly backed away and waved her goodbye with a smile.

"Bye, Hiroko-Chan! Be careful on your way home, we don't want a repeat of the Akira Mason incident!" She gave me a pointed look, and I quickly hurried away.

Akira Mason? Who the fuck is that?

He's the guy who stabbed me... However, I don't think he did it entirely of his own free will... He mentioned that someone was holding his wife and child hostage... hmmm...

Uh oh... I don't like that humming noise you just made, dear...

I do! Are we gonna investigate or what?

I shook my head, walking home early while shooting Izuku and Katsuki a text about what I was doing so they would know I didn't need someone to wait for me. No, Kimyo, not yet at least. I want to wait until the first week of school is over first...

Ah, I love a responsible bean.


Call me a bad friend, but I didn't even realize Juno wasn't with me after Dagoba Beach until I got home to find him lazing around on my bed and staring at the ceiling.

It's a good thing you didn't mention that...

I nodded to myself as I grabbed Toby off of my desk and cradled him like a baby. The cat got used to it really quickly. I then sat in my desk chair and joined Juno in staring into oblivion. Papa, the asshole, was at UA according to a note on the counter... So confronting him would have to wait and I was now lost in my thoughts.

I miss my dad. Well, dads. Plural. I have like three back in Konoha and I haven't been away from my dad here long enough to miss him. I miss the harsh love of Otou-san, and I miss the awkwardness that comes from my dad. I... I really hope they're all right. I only remember saying bye to them the day of and the day before my mission... fuck the mission.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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