Chapter One

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After that day... I was adopted by the man named Eraser head, otherwise known to me as my papa or to others; Shota Aizawa. Things were never boring when I was growing up for the second time. Kimyo was in my head; shuffling between being extremely dormant and being extremely hyper. There was no in-between, unfortunately.

Hey! I take extreme offense to that comment!

Today happened to be one of the days he was extremely hyper.

I knocked on the wall to get papa's attention. Yes, I'm still mute... But! I've decided to ask my grandma (Recovery Girl) if she can get in contact with someone who could help!

Ah right... I basically grew up around heroes like Midnight and Present Mic... They're the main two, seeing as I call them Auntie Nemuri and Uncle Hizashi... Only in private though!

All Might... Is someone I've met in passing and is also the person I've heard somethings about! He's also known as the number one hero here in Japan!

Ah right... It had also taken me a long time to get used to the hero and villain system here... and to coordinate a good point in time for me to get my 'quirk' with Kimyo...

Not my fault it had to be when you were around four!

Not to mention, whenever papa 'erased' it I had to stop using it. It's a real pain to pay attention honestly... Good thing I have my ghostly big brother Juno around to help me out!

Anyways... Papa turned towards me and I began signing "I'll be heading off now!"

"Alright... be careful, Hiroko..."

I nodded and ran out; time to go to junior high!

I went to Aldera and have been since I switched into the school in my second year. I had gotten expelled from my last school for fighting...

Correction; being badass and defending someone's honor.

AKA I got in trouble for using my quirk and beating up someone who was bullying another.

I pouted as I remembered how pissed my papa had gotten; both at me and the school board...

I perked up though when I saw a familiar head of green hair. I sprinted and caught up with my friend. Izuku jumped when I swung my arm over his shoulder. I giggled silently.

"Hello, Izuku!"

Izuku smiled at me and greeted me as well. I was so happy when he decided to learn sign language-To think! He did it just for me!

We both perked our heads up when we began hearing screams.

"A villain attack-!" Midoriya sprinted off and I groaned. Even though sprinting is my strong suit I really didn't feel like showing up to school sweaty.

I let Midoriya get a head start before I began jogging after him. When I finally caught up he was trying to see over peoples heads and I just about caught the tail end of a conversation before he was moving again

"-He stole someone's bag and went out of control when he was cornered." I cocked my head. Who did? That's when I caught sight of the villain with the mutation quirk; my mouth flopped open. He was huge! Good thing that Death Arm's and Backdraft were already on the scene to help keep control of the situation!

I took this as my chance to weave through the crowd and catch up to my friend. I got up to the front and saw Kamui Woods enter the scene. A blush covered my face a bit. Not gonna lie... I was a pretty big fan of his... Even if no one has seen his face!

"Who's fighting?" Ah. There's Izuku. I joined him and linked together with our elbows. He didn't even notice, "Kamui Woods! The young and talented rising star!" I nodded excitedly to my friend and he finally noticed me.

"Oh! There you are Hiroko!"

I smiled slightly, "yep! Man! I'm so happy I'm able to see Kamui fight today!"

The man standing next to Izuku side-eyed him slightly before speaking. I was ignored. Probably because he didn't understand sign language, "You were the one asking, but you gave a perfect commentary!" the man pointed to Izuku, "You're a fanboy, aren't you?!"

Izuku stumbled over his words with a slight blush and I giggled, "You bet he is sir!"

The man looked confused at me and Izuku translated for him, "She... agreed with you..."

I nodded happily and turned to the scene.


"Man! I can't believe that that new hero Mountain Lady stole Kamui's thunder like that!" I pouted, "That totally should've been his capture!" Izuku nodded and at this point, I didn't know whether it was to appease me or if he was agreeing.

Probably just to appease you. I bet he isn't even listening and is instead of thinking about that Debut.

I scowled.

"Heeey! Hiroko! The bells about to ring so you might wanna hurry it the hell up!" Juno yelled at me and I panicked. I tugged on Izuku's sleeve and pointed at my imaginary watch.

He glanced at the watch he actually had and panicked too, "AH! The bell's gonna ring!"

We started running like our lives depended on it.


"Since you're all third years, it's time for you to think seriously about your future," Our sensei began as he stood at the podium in front of the class, "I'll pass out handouts for your future plans, but..." I rolled my eyes. Of course, our sensei had to be dramatic. He already knows that everyone wants to be-

"You're all... Pretty much planning to go into the hero course, right?" I scoffed as everyone showed off their quirks. Honestly, some of them want to be heroes for the wrong reasons...

I glanced to Midoriya and saw him holding his hand up a bit. I smiled sadly. I believed in him but he always got so much shit for being quirkless... It's so unfair to him!

I agree, but the world has always been like this... Just remember that if Lee could become a ninja having no chakra then that brat can become one without a quirk!

It took all of my will power not to fist pump and I realized I had zoned out and missed half of what was being said. All I heard was Katsuki talking and although he was a friend of mine too (one I tended to beat at Just Dance and Dance, Dance Revolution) he ended up always on my bad side inside of school. I scowled as I caught him calling other people extras and I made sure that eye contact was made between us as I gave him a silent threat in my eyes. He gulped and turned away just as our teacher called out Midoriya about wanting to attend as well.

I raised my hand to interrupt everyone's laughter and Katsuki's shock, "Yes, Tenshi-San?"

I held up my whiteboard, "don't forget that I also plan on going to UA!"

"Ah yes... that's right."
I got a scowl from Katsuki as well as laughter from the rest of the class. I emitted an aura that said back off or you're gonna get it while I had a smile on my face.

Funnily enough, the only thing they know about my quirk is that my left eye looks weird because of it... They don't know anything that I can actually do and they're gonna be in for a real shock later.

Hell yeah, they will! We're two badass motherfuckers! Kneel before us peasants!

I sweatdropped slightly.

...Was that too much? Because if it was... I would like to remind you that I only speak the TRUTH!

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